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The Crusades
What is a “Crusade”
“Holy War”- a fight
over an IDEA. (rather
than land or wealth)
Turning point for
Europe- they have
been very isolated,
this will open them up
to a new view of the
Why do we need one?
Muslims (Seljuq Turks) have taken over Holy
land- taxing and harassing Christian pilgrims
Muslim Turks have besieged Constantinoplethe Emperor asked the pope to send
Christian aide
There aren’t any big wars in Europe- which
means that there are a lot of knights with no
one to fight but each other…..
Muslim expansion
Why Go?
Pope Urban II said that anyone who went on
crusade would receive a “guaranteed remission of
sin” (get into heaven free card)
Appealed to culture of chivalry and glory
For Knights a chance to win land and wealth
For peasants a chance for a different life
For pope a chance to regain orthodox church
For king- get rid of troublesome knights
The first crusade
1095 Pope Urban II calls on all Christians to
save Constantinople (and holy land) nearly
100,000 go.
Start by persecuting “unbelievers” (mainly Jews)
at home and on the way
Arrive 1099, Emperor HORRIFIED- sends them
on, they shock everyone by capturing
Jerusalem. (Muslims in a civil war)
Carve Palestine into “Crusader Kingdoms” run by
knights Templar
But it doesn’t last- other crusades
Muslims put aside differences to deal with new
threat. Willing to share, but Christians won’t
Christians no match (limited resources, alien
environment, lower technology)
From 1095-1270 there are 8 “official” crusades,
only the first successful.
At best they hold territory, mostly they lose
(only hold bulk of territory for 100 years)
Gains and Losses
1187- Muslim commander Saladin retakes
3rd crusade (kings crusade) Richard I, Philip
Augustus, Fredrick Barbarossa
4th crusade- 1204 go back to Constantinopleand sack it (beginning of end for Byzantines)
Children’s Crusade- 1212 70,000 children
(mostly sold as slaves)
Results of the Crusades
Enormous- Europeans learn so much
Weapons- Crossbow, catapult (improved), Gunpowder
Ideas- Rediscover ancient learning. Medical
Trade- Luxury products (cotton, silks, spices, fruits,
perfumes) Get better at sailing/traveling
Politics- so many nobles gone, kings run things more
directly. Women gain responsibility
Enduring bitterness between religions