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Chapter 11
The Rise of Islam
A New Faith
Arab Life
• A. The Arabian Peninsula, a wedge of
land between the Red Sea and the
Persian Gulf, is made up of two distinct
regions: the southwestern area, with
well-watered valleys, and the rest of the
peninsula, consisting of arid plains and
• In what area of the Arabian peninsula are
well-watered valleys found?
Arab Life
• B. In ancient times many of the Arab were
Bedouins, or nomads who herded sheep,
camels, and goats.
• What are bedouins?
Arab Life
• C. By the A.D. 500s, many tribes had settled
around oases or in fertile valleys to pursue
either farming or trade; prosperous market
towns grew, the most of important of which
was Makkah.
• What unique features do we find at an oasis?
Arab Life
• D. As business ties replaced tribal ties in the
trading towns, the old tribal rules were not
longer adequate; the Arabs needed a central
Arab Life
• E. Religious ideas were also changing;
introduced to the monotheistic religions of
Judaism and Christianity, many Arabs grew
dissatisfied with their old beliefs.
Muhammad and His Message
• A. The prophet of Islam, Muhammad, was
born in the city of Makkah around A.D. 570.
Muhammad and His Message
• B. Islamic tradition holds that Muhammad
experienced a revelation in A.D. 610—a voice
called him to be the apostle of the one true
deity, Allah.
• According to Moslems (followers of Islam)
who is Allah?
Muhammad and His Message
• C. In A.D. 613 Muhammad preached
to the people of Makkah that there was
only one God and that people
everywhere must worship and obey
him; he told the people of Makkah to
live their lives in preparation for the day
of judgment.
Muhammad and His Message
• D. Muhammad made slow progress in
winning converts, appealing mostly to
Makkah’s poor.
Muhammad and His Message
• E. Muhammad persisted in his
preaching until threats against his life
forced him to seek help outside the city;
he found refuge in the small town of
Yathrib to the north in A.D. 622, the first
year of the Muslim calendar.
• Due to threats to his life, where does
Muhammad flee? What is a Hegira?
The Islamic Community
• A. Most of Yathrib accepted Muhammad as
God’s prophet and their ruler, and the town
became known as Madinah, “the city of the
The Islamic Community
• B. Muhammad was a skilled political as well
as religious leader; in the Madinah Compact,
Muhammad laid the foundations of an Islamic
The Islamic Community
• C. When Muhammad and his followers
entered Makkah in A.D. 630, they faced
little resistance; Makkah became the
spiritual capital of Islam, and Madinah
remained its political capital.
Beliefs and Practices of
• A. For all Muslims, the Quran—compiled
from divine messages revealed to
Muhammad—is the final authority in matters
of faith and lifestyle.
Beliefs and Practices of
• B. The basic moral values of Islam are
similar to those of Judaism and Christianity;
the Quran also lays down specific rules to
guide Muslims.
Beliefs and Practices of
• C. Law cannot be separated from
religion in Islamic society; generations
of legal scholars have organized Islamic
moral principles into body of law known
as the shari’ah.
• What is the shari’ah?
Five Pillars of Islam
• A. The Quran presents the Five Pillars of
Islam: confession of faith, prayer, almsgiving,
fasting, and the pilgrimage to Makkah.
Five Pillars of Islam
• B. The first pillar confirms the oneness of an
all-powerful, just, and merciful God.
Five Pillars of Islam
• C. To Muslims, Allah is the same god as the
God of the Jews and Christians; Muslims
have a great respect for the Bible, Judaism,
and Christianity.
Five Pillars of Islam
• D. Muslims express their devotion in prayer
five times each day; worshipers pray while
facing Makkah.
Five Pillars of Islam
• E. Almsgiving is practiced privately through
contributions to the needy and publicly
through a state tax.
Five Pillars of Islam
• F. Fasting occurs in the month of Ramadan,
during which Muhammad received his first
revelation; during Ramadan, Muslims neither
eat nor drink from sunrise to sunset.
Five Pillars of Islam
• G. Every able-bodied Muslim who can afford
the trip is expected to make the pilgrimage to
Makkah at least once.
• Please list the Five Pillars of Islam
Spread Of Islam
“The Rightly Guided Caliphs”
• A. The first four caliphs, “the Rightly Guided
Caliphs,” sought to protect and spread Islam
beyond the Arabian Peninsula.
“The Rightly Guided Caliphs”
• B. Arab armies swept forth against the
weakened Byzantine and Persian empires,
eventually bringing most of the former and all
of the latter under Muslim control.
“The Rightly Guided Caliphs”
• C. The Arab armies were successful for
several reasons: they were united in the
belief that they had a religious duty to spread
Islam, continual warfare had weakened the
other empires, and members of persecuted
religions in the empires welcomed the more
benevolent Muslim rule.
• Why were Moslem armies successful?
“The Rightly Guided Caliphs”
• D. When Ali, the fourth caliph, was
murdered in A.D. 661, the Syrian
governor Mu’awiyah became the first
caliph of the Umayyad dynasty; Ali’s son
Husayn fought against Umayyad rule
and was killed in battle in A.D 680.
• What is a caliph?
“The Rightly Guided Caliphs”
• E. The murders of Ali and Husayn led to a
significant division in the Islamic world: the
Sunni believed that the caliph was a leader,
not a religious authority, while the Shiite
(followers of Ali and Husayn) believed that the
caliphate was a spiritual position to be
reserved for descendants of Muhammad.
• What are the two main branches of Islam?
What are their differences?
“The Rightly Guided Caliphs”
• F. The split between the Sunni and
Shiite Muslims had a profound impact
on Islam and has lasted into modern
time; today, 90 percent of Muslims are
• Which branch of Islam is the largest?
The Islamic State
• A. During the Umayyad dynasty, which ruled
from A.D. 661 to 750, the capital was moved
from Madinah to Damascus, Syria.
The Islamic State
• B. In the next century, Umayyad warriors
carried Islam east and west.
The Islamic State
• C. As time went by, the Umayyads built a
powerful Islamic state that they ruled over
more like kings than like the earlier caliphs.
The Islamic State
• D. The Umayyads helped to unite the lands
they ruled by establishing a common
language, currency, roads, and postal routes.
• What achievements did the Ummayads have
during their rule?
The Islamic State
• E. Umayyad rule caused dissatisfaction
among non-Arab Muslims, particularly in Iraq
and Persia; in A.D. 747 the anti-Umayyad
Arabs and the non-Arab Muslims in Iraq and
Persia joined forces and overwhelmed the
Umayyads; the resulting Abbasid dynasty
built a new city, Baghdad.
• What reasons are stated for the rise of the
Abbasid dynasty?
The Islamic State
• F. The Abbasids, under Caliph Harun alRashid, developed a sophisticated urban
civilization based on the diversity of the
empire’s peoples.
The Islamic State
• G. During the Abbasid period, many of
the lands that had been won by the
Umayyads broke free from Baghdad.
Daily Life and Culture
Family Life
• A. Early Islam stressed the equality of all
believers before God; however, a woman’s
social position was subservient to male family
Family Life
• B. Islam did, however, improve the social
position of women through property rights
and polygamy laws.
Family Life
• C. Muslim men, in addition to politics and
the army, worked at a variety of business and
in the fields.
City and Country
• A. Although most Arabs lived in rural or
desert places, the state leadership
came from the cities; Muslim cities,
which often began as trading centers or
military towns, were divided into distinct
business and residential districts.
• In what location did most Arabs live?
City and Country
• B. Muslim merchants dominated trade
throughout the Middle East and North Africa
until the A.D. 1400s.
City and Country
• C. Growing food was difficult in many areas
of the Islamic state because of the dry climate
and scarcity of water sources; most
productive land was held by large landowners
who received grants from the government.
City and Country
• D. After Arab irrigation methods were
introduced into Spain, Muslims cultivated new
Islamic Achievements
• A. The use of Arabic not only promoted
trade but also encouraged communication
and the spread of knowledge among the
different peoples in the Islamic state.
• Please write the following phrase in Arabic:
Alexandria is full of beautiful beaches
Islamic Achievements
• B. Muslim mathematicians developed the
place-value system, in which a number’s
value is determined by the position of its
digits, invented algebra, and helped develop
• What mathematic innovations were
developed by Muslim mathematicians?
Islamic Achievements
• C. Astronomers described solar eclipses,
proved that the moon affects the oceans, and
improved on a Greek device that indicated
the positions of the stars; geographers
accurately measured the size and
circumference of the earth and produced the
first accurate maps of the Eastern
• What scientific achievements were advanced
by Islam?