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Where did Islam emerge?
Arabian Peninsula – it is the fastest
growing world religion today
Arabs or Muslims?
Today, most Muslims are NOT Arabs.
Arabs are an ethnic group whose
primary language is Arabic.
Although the majority of Muslims are
not Arabs, most Arabs are Muslim
(some Arabs are Christian)
How did most Arabs make their
Nomadic herders and merchants were
the norm
Important towns in Arabia
Yathrib which will eventually become
Center of trade
Why was Mecca
important to early
Mecca benefitted from a
constant flow of pilgrims
who came to worship at
the Kaaba (sacred shrine
that housed the images
of the many Arab gods)
What is the approximate birth date of
570 AD – born in Mecca
Worked as a trader/caravan driver (was
employed by an older widow Khadija)
What event prompted Muhammad to
“proclaim” or preach about one God?
God spoke to him through the angel Gabriel
who told him to proclaim the belief of one
Why did Muhammad initially have such
a difficult time trying to convert Arabs?
People were afraid that if they gave up
their traditional gods, the profitable pilgrim
traffic to Mecca would end
Where did Muhammad go in 622 and why did
he go there?
He was forced to leave Mecca; went to Yathrib
where he was respected as a leader
The city of Yathrib was changed to
Medina. What does Medina mean?
City of the prophet
What is the Hijra?
The migration of Muhammad and his followers
from Mecca to Medina; marked the beginning of
the expansion of Islam. It marks the first year of
the Muslim calendar.
630 AD
What major events occurred in 630?
Muhammad returned to Mecca with his
army captured the city
What does Islam mean?
Muslim (one who submits)
Five Pillars of Islam
Proclaim belief in one God and accept
that God revealed his message to
Five Pillars of Islam
Pray 5 times a day
facing Mecca
Five Pillars of Islam
Almsgiving – charity to the poor and
Five Pillars of Islam
Fasting during the holy month of
Ninth month of the Muslim year.
Believed to be the month the Koran was
revealed to Muhammad
Ramadan -- continued
At the end of the
month, Muslims
celebrate Eid-al-Fitr
(time of rejoicing)
Five Pillars of Islam
Hajj – pilgrimage to Mecca
hajj - -continued
“People of the Book” #12
Jews & Christians are
supposed to be treated
with respect & tolerance.
Jews & Christians believe
in the one universal God
(God of Abraham).
When the early Muslims
start to conquer areas,
they generally allow Jews
& Christians to continue
their religious
Mosques - interior
Mosques - interior
Islam #8
Muhammad is considered to
be a prophet, the last in a
line of prophets sent by God
from the beginning of time
(Abraham, Moses, & Jesus).
All preached the belief one
universal God.
Due to human error, the
message was often diluted
or misinterpreted --- God
sends another prophet.
Koran #9
Sacred book of Islam
It is the final authority on all subjects
including: religion, politics, law,
economic and social life
How did Arabic become the universal
language of Islam? Koran is written in
Arabic and Muslims were forbidden
to translate it from Arabic
People of the Book – accepted Jewish
and Christian scriptures as God’s
Ethics – honor thy parents, be
honest and kind, protect the weak
and helpless, all believers are
Sharia #13
• Islamic law
• Traditional punishments are severe for
some crimes
Examples --- stealing, prostitution,
NOTE: some countries have sharia as a
part of their national laws and some do
not. It depends on the make-up of their
government/judicial system.
Malala Yousafzai
Expansion of Islam
After Muhammad’s death – spread
Reasons for Success
Arab armies were united by their beliefs
Jihad – holy war
Some people converted to avoid a
nonbelievers tax
Some people looked on the Arabs as
Found the message of Islam appealing
Shiite celebration of Ashura
Celebration of the
martyrdom of
Divisions within Islam
Sunni – believed that any devout
Muslim could become a caliph (successor to the prophet)
Shiite – only descendants of Ali (cousin
of Muhammad) could become a caliph
Sunni – Shiite divide
Sunnis are the majority branch (90%) and
found throughout the Muslim world.
Islamic Art & Architecture
Mosques and
minarets are the
premier forms of
Islamic architecture.
Islamic Art & Architecture
Statues and paintings depicting living images
are forbidden in mosques.
Mosque interiors appear empty. No chairs.
Islam stresses the simplicity of worship.
Islamic Art and Architecture
Mosques and other
building in the Islamic
world are often
decorated with
mosaics with
Islamic Art and Architecture
Korans and Arabic
writing are often
decorated with
Dome of the Rock
The Alhambra --- Granada, Spain
Mazquita Mosque – Cordoba, Spain
Taj Mahal --- India
Prophet’s Mosque - Medina
Umayyad Dynasty (661-750)
First Muslim empire (ruled by the caliphs)
based in Damascus, Syria. It’s exclusion of
non-Arab Muslims from leadership led to
rebellions and the overthrow of the dynasty.
Abbassid Dynasty (750-1258)
Based in Baghdad, this dynasty (led by
caliphs) oversaw Islam’s “Golden Age.”
Holy city for Jews,
Christians, and Muslims
Muslims – location of the
Dome of the Rock
Eternal peace with God
Friday is the day for religious gatherings.
Ideas about Death
A few simple prayers are read and the body is
wrapped in a white sheet for burial.
Sunna or Sunnah
“Right Path” -- Muslim customs & beliefs
derived from Muhammad’s life (his way of
The written account of the Sunnah.
For Shiites, there were only 12 Imams
(doctrine of the Imamate).
For Sunnis, a leader of a mosque is known as
a imam. (Religious leader/scholar)
The Shiite belief in the 12 legitimate leaders
of the faith and the return of the Hidden
Imam at the Day of Judgment.
“Sign of God” --- title of Shiite religious
scholars/leaders. They are revered.
Religious scholars who staff and lead mosques.
The term is usually used by Shiites AND nonArab Sunnis.
What should I study?
Rise of Islam Study Guide
Selected Verses of the Koran (questions)
Islamic law article/questions (main ideas)
Women in Islam article/questions (main ideas)
The Mosque (terms on back)
Expansion of Islam notes/Sunni Shiite divide
Islamic art and architecture/Additional Vocab
Golden Age of Islam --- 3 column chart
Vocab review sheet