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The Byzantine Empire
In this lesson, students will be able to
identify significant characteristics of the
Byzantine Empire.
Students will be able to identify and/or
define the following terms:
Eastern Roman Empire
Orthodox Christianity
Byzantine Influence on Russia
The Byzantine Empire was formerly the
Eastern Roman Empire.
The Eastern Roman Empire
• The Western Roman Empire fell in 476
• However, the eastern portion of the empire
survived. It began the Byzantine Empire.
• The Byzantine Empire survived for one
thousand years after the fall of Rome.
The Byzantine Empire survived for one
thousand years after the fall of Rome.
A Natural Location for Trade
• The Byzantine Empire was located
between Europe and Asia.
• It was a natural location for trade.
• The Byzantine Empire became wealthy
from trade.
The Byzantine Empire became wealthy
from trade.
Orthodox Christianity
• The Byzantines developed their own form
of Christianity, Orthodox Christianity.
• Greek is the official language of the
Orthodox Christian Church.
• Orthodox Christians do not recognize the
Pope in Rome as their leader.
In 1054 A.D., the Orthodox Christian
Church officially split from the Roman
Catholic Church in the Great Schism.
The Hagia Sophia was a Byzantine
Church and an architectural marvel.
Byzantine Influence on Russia
• The Byzantine Empire greatly influenced
• Byzantine missionaries established
Orthodox Christian churches in Russia.
• Byzantine missionaries even created an
alphabet, the Cyrillic alphabet, to write the
Bible in Russian.
Do you see the Byzantine influence
in this Russian Orthodox Church?
• Byzantine Emperors held absolute power.
• The Byzantine Emperor, Justinian,
collected all Roman written laws.
• The Code of Justinian is a collection of
Roman written law.
Justinian was a Byzantine Emperor. He
ordered the collection of Roman law.
Questions for Reflection:
• What became of the Eastern Roman
Empire with the fall of Rome in 476 A.D.?
• Why was the Byzantine Empire able to
prosper from trade?
• How did the Orthodox Christian Church
differ from the Roman Catholic Church?
• Who was Justinian and what did he do?
• What was the Hagia Sophia?
In this lesson, students will be able to
identify characteristics of Islam.
Students will be able to identify and/or
define the following terms:
The Five Pillars of the Faith
Muslim (Moslem)
Koran (Qu’ran)
Saudi Arabia
is a country
in the Middle
East. It is also
the birthplace
of the world
religion, Islam.
• Muhammad was born in Mecca, Arabia.
• He became involved in the Arabian
caravan trade.
• He eventually married a wealthy widow
and spent many hours meditating and
praying in the caves around Mecca.
Muhammad was
a religious man.
He frequently
meditated and
prayed in the
caves around
One day,
that God
spoke to him
an angel.
By the 600s A.D.,
a new religion
was founded.
The religion of Islam
is based on the
revelations of
the Prophet
• Muhammad believed that the one, true
God had spoken to him. Muhammad
became a monotheist.
• Muhammad believed that the God who
spoke to him was the same God of the
Jews and Christians.
• Muhammad believed that he was the Seal
of the Prophets or God’s final prophet.
The Koran or
Qu’ran is the
holy book of
Islam. Muslims
or Moslems
(the followers of
Islam) believe
that the words
of the Koran are
God’s words to
At one point, Muhammad and his followers
had to flee Mecca and go to Medina. This
is called the Hegira or Hijra.
The Five Pillars of the Faith
• The Five Pillars of the Faith are five critical
beliefs or actions for Muslims or followers
of Muhammad.
• The Five Pillars are:
To believe in One God
To Pray Five Times a Day Facing Mecca
To Give Alms or Charity to the Poor
To Fast During the Month of Ramadan from
Sunrise to Sunset
To Make a Pilgrimage to Mecca if Able
are not
to drink
Muslims are not allowed to eat pork.
The religion of Islam allows a man
to marry four wives. It allows polygamy.
Questions for Reflection:
Who was Muhammad?
What is the Koran?
List the Five Pillars of the Faith.
Who is a Muslim and what are Muslims
forbidden to do?
• What was the Hegira?
• What do Jews, Christians, and Muslims
have in common?
The Golden Age of Islamic
In this lesson, students will be able to identify
characteristics of the Islamic golden age.
Students will be able to identify and/or define
the following terms:
Golden Age
Islamic Advances in Science and Mathematics
Geometric Designs
A golden age is a time of peace, prosperity,
and great cultural achievements.
Golden Age
• Many cultures experienced golden ages,
including the Greeks and Guptas.
• A golden age is a time of peace,
prosperity, and great cultural
• An Islamic golden age occurred during the
Abbasid dynasty (8th century to 13th
Islam spread through conquest and trade.
The Abbasid dynasty ruled a vast empire.
The Islamic Golden Age
• The Muslims experienced a golden age.
• During the Islamic golden age, there were
great advances in mathematics, medicine,
architecture, and the arts.
• It is important to remember that under the
Abbasids, Islam became a blending of
many cultures leading to great
Muhammad forbade making images of God
or people. Islamic artists frequently used
geometric designs in their works of
Muslim rulers built beautiful mosques. A
mosque is an Islamic house of worship.
that blood
moves to
and from
Muslims borrowed the concept of zero
from India and developed Arabic numerals.
in algebra
and geometry.
While much of Islamic literature was based
on the Qur’an, stories like Aladdin were
popular too.
The vast Abbasid trading network
encouraged cultural diffusion.
Questions for Reflection:
• What is a golden age?
• List three cultures that experienced golden
• Why did Islamic civilization experience a
golden age?
• What is a mosque?
• List two advances in mathematics and
science that occurred during the Islamic
golden age.
• Why did Islamic artists rely on geometric