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World History Unit 2 Study Guide
1. Who controlled their large empire through a strong bureaucracy?
2. What did the need for more land for the growing Bantu population prompt?
3. What type of life did Africa’s earliest people live?
4. Who replaced the last of the “rightly guided” caliphs?
5. What are the major duties required of all Muslims called?
Five Pillars of Islam
6. What was the Justinian Code?
Body of civil law created for the Byzantine Empire
7. What is the main difference between Shi’a and Sunni Muslims?
Shi’a believe that only a relative of Muhammad should be a caliph
8. What is Mecca?
The city toward which the Muslims pray
9. Who was Mansa Musa?
Mali’s first great leader
10. To what did the conflict between Christian Aksumites and Islamic invaders contribute?
The fall of Aksum
11. What are push-pull factors?
Reasons for migration
12. From which region did the Bantu-speaking peoples migrate south?
The region near the southern border of the Sahara
13. Who supported the use of icons during the 8th century?
The Pope
14. What are the five pillars of Islam?
Faith, prayer, fasting, charity, pilgrimage to Mecca
15. What city controlled trade routes and was the economic, political, and religious center of an
Great Zimbabwe
16. What religion was spread by conquest and trade throughout Africa?
17. Where did the Slavs come from?
The forest region north of the Black Sea
18. What did Yaroslav the Wise create?
A legal code for Kiev that emphasized and protected property and commerce
19. Which group of invaders probably founded Novgorod and later settled in Kiev?
20. For what is Ivan III best known?
Led the Russians to freedom from the Mongols
21. What does czar mean?
Russian version of the term Caesar
22. Under which Kievan ruler did all citizens of Kiev convert to Byzantine Christianity?
23. Which Russian city did the Mongols attack and demolish?
24. What is Hagia Sophia?
The crowning achievement of the Justinian reign
25. What is a schism?
A complete break in the church
26. Where were the Abbasids rulers?
Muslim Empire
27. What language did most people in the Byzantine Empire speak?
28. What empire did Justinian rule?
Byzantine Empire
29. Constantinople is the capital of which empire?
30. Who pressured Justinian to increase the rights of women?
31. Which is not a formal pillar of Islam in the Sunni community?
32. How do Sunnis regard Ali?
As the 4th and last of the “rightly guided caliphs”.
33. Who were the caliphates, named after Muhammad’s daughter, established in North Africa?
34. What were the 1st four caliphs to rule after Muhammad’s death called?
Rightly guided
35. What is Ramadan?
A holy month of fasting
36. Who feels that Ali should be the first caliph?
37. Who is the central figure at the origin of the split in the world of Islam?
38. What is the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca called?
39. Who led the Songhai at their height?
Askia Muhammad
40. What is Ka’ba?
The physical and metaphorical center of Islam
41. What country is a powerful salt trading empire?
42. What is the 2nd holiest site in Islam?
Dome of the Rock
43. What is Timbuktu?
The center of Islamic learning