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Key Terms: rock cycle (plus many of the
key terms from the other lessons).
The Rock Cycle
 Like the Water Cycle, the Rock Cycle is one of
Earth’s major process cycles.
 The Rock Cycle is a series of processes on Earth’s
surface and inside the planet that slowly change
rocks from one kind to another.
These processes that change rock from one kind to another can
take millions of years.
 Represented by a cycle diagram.
A cycle diagram is a graphic organizer that is used to show a
sequence of events that is continuous or cyclical.
Metamorphic Rock
Igneous Rock
Heat, pressure,
chemical changes
Weathering, erosion,
and deposition
Heat, pressure,
chemical changes
Weathering, erosion,
and deposition
Sedimentary Rock
(Compaction and cementation)
The Rock Cycle and Plate
Plate tectonics (movements) is
the driving force behind the
rock cycle.
Subduction Zones
 Rocks are pushed back towards the mantle.
• Heat and pressure increase.
Rocks can melt and become magma.
Rocks can go through metamorphic processes and change into
metamorphic rocks.
Divergent Boundaries
 At divergent boundaries, magma up wells from Earth’s
• When the molten rock (magma or lava) solidifies it
forms igneous rock.
Colliding Continental Plates
 Mountain ranges are created where Collisions between
continental plates occur.
• The rock is then exposed to the agents of weathering
and erosion.
Folding, Faulting, and Uplifting of
the Crust
 These Earth processes are all the result of plate
tectonics (movements).
 Over millions of years, all of these plate tectonic
processes help move and drive Earth’s rocks through
the rock cycle.
The Rock Cycle Activity
 We will be wrapping up our Chapter on rocks using an
interactive Web Site called Rock Cycle.
 As you surf your way through the interactive site, you
will need to complete a worksheet packet.
 Go through the packet and website in order.
 You can link to the website from the sandbox page of
the Kraynakscience Wiki, or use the link below:
Rock Cycle an interactive Web Site