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Chapter One
The Importance of Soil
The Importance of Soil
The history of Soil
– Dates back all the way to the Egyptians
civilization of 4,000 years ago
– Recently in the US history supplies
another example of soil misuse. This is
with the Dust bowl of the 1930’s.
– The Dust bowl was a drought that
misused the soil in having wind erosion.
The Importance of Soil
Additional acreage is lost due to
urbanization or degradation .
 Soil is a nonrenewable resource
The Importance of Soil
Most of the time we take soil for
 Soil is a very thin and often fragile
layer of life supporting material.
The Importance of Soil
Facts about the earth
– Earth consists of solid part (core, mantle,
and crust) and the atmosphere
surrounding it.
– Most of the earth is covered by sea
– Where continents exist the crust is thicker
– This is usually about 50 miles thick
The Importance of Soil
The atmosphere is about 170 miles
 The soil forms a very thin interface
between the two.
The Importance of Soil
What does living things need?
– Proper temperature
– Oxygen
– Water
– Carbon
– Other nutrients
– These factors are exchanged in the soil
that allow elements to be recycled rather
than lost
The Importance of Soil
– Plant roots need oxygen to grow.
– Gases will pass in and out of the soil to
supply the oxygen for the roots
The Importance of Soil
– Temperature
 Plants
will grow best in certain soil
temperature ranges.
 Most plants will root in temperature around
40-50 degrees F.
 Water:
– Seldom stays in one place
The Importance of Soil
– Plant leaves collect sunlight to use the
energy in the process of photosynthesis.
– Which involves converting atmosphere
carbon to biological carbon
– Atmosphere carbon = carbon dioxide
– Biological carbon = simple sugars
The Importance of Soil
Nutrients :
– Plant nutrients are chemicals a plant
needs to grow.
– There are two types of nutrients cycles
 Nitrogen
 Mineral cycle
The Importance of Soil
– Comes directly from the atmosphere
where it occurs as a gas that plants
cannot use.
4 Needs of Soil
There are four needs of the soil
– Anchorage
– Water
– Oxygen
– Nutrients
4 Needs of Soil
– This is where plants grow freely and are
firmly supported or anchored so they can
grow to reach the sunlight.
– Water:
– Soil will provide the plants with all the
water the plant needs
– Roots are the best water absorbing body .
4 Needs of Soil
– Call creature even plants need oxygen.
Plants release oxygen during
photosynthesis but consume it during
4 Needs of Soil
– There are 16 nutrients usually considered
to be needed for plants.
– Plants obtain 13 of the 16 nutrients from
the soil itself.
– Other nutrients come from Air and water.
 Carbon
 Oxygen
 hydrogen
3 phase system
What is soil Matrix?
– It is the arrangement of solid particles
and pore spaces which consists of three
phases of solid , liquid, and gases.
3 phase system
The ideal Soil Type:
– 50% solid material
– 45 % mineral particles
– 5% organic matter
– 25% water
– 25% gases
3 phase system
Root Growth:
– Water reaches the root by two ways
either water flows toward the root
 Or the root grows into moist soil
Ag Uses of Soil
Humans depend on soil to grow food,
fiber, timber, and ornamental plants.
Most Ag uses require different soil
types and management practices
4 Types of Ag Uses
1. Cropland:
– Cropland is land which soil is worked and
crops are planted, cared for, and
– Crops that are grown
 Annual
crops are corn and soybeans
 Fiber crops are cotton horticultural crops like
4 Types of Ag Uses
Annual Crops:
– Require yearly soil preparation
– Perennial Forages:
– Are alfalfa.
– Which are crops that are in the ground for a few
– These crops keeps the soil completely cover and
keeps the soil in place.
4 Types of Ag Uses
Perennial Hort. crops:
– This includes fruits, nuts, and nursery
4 Types of Ag Uses
2. Grazing Land:
– Much of the land in the US is grazed by
cattle and sheep
4 Types of Ag Uses
3. Forest
– Foresters probably disturb soil the least,
– 4.
Other Uses
– This usually deals with growing plants in tiny pots
and usually with Landscapers
Non Ag Uses of Soil
A few of the Non Ag uses of soil are:
– Recreation
– Foundations
– Waste Disposal
– Building Materials
Non Ag Uses of Soil
– Recreational uses of the soil can be:
 Sitting
in a urban park and seeing kids play
on the playground, softball diamond,
 They can also be golf courses, campgrounds.
 Most demanding recreational use is the use
of playing fields. As most of the time there is
a demand to have good grow on turf that can
with stand about anything.
Non Ag Uses of Soil
– A good builder usually will have the soil
tested to a dept of several feet.
– The structural soundness of a building
depends on the amount of soil that is
under the building.
Land Uses in the US
27% is in rangeland
 26% is in cropland
 27% is in forestland
 2% is in conservation reserve land
 4% is in other land
 6% is in urban land
 8% is in pastureland