* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Question: What happens after the rain falls down to earth? You selected this answer: c) Plants absorb the water into their roots. Some rainwater soaks into the ground. Soil is permeable, which means that water can flow through it. There are tiny pores, or empty spaces, between the particles of sand, gravel, and clay that make up soil. Toward the surface of the ground, these pores contain both air and water. This is where plant roots will grow because plants need both water and air to survive. Rainwater that soaks into this upper zone of the soil may find itself sucked into the roots of a plant. Later that water will be released back into the air through the plant’s leaves in a process called evapotranspiration. Water that is not used by plants may continue to soak down through the soil until it reaches the zone of saturation. This is where water completely fills all the pore spaces between the soil particles and fractured rock underground. Water in this zone is called groundwater. Groundwater doesn’t just sit there. It keeps moving through the soil, and eventually discharges into the nearest lake, river, or stream where the water continues its movement through the water cycle. HOWEVER, there is another multiple choice answer that is even better than this one so please TRY AGAIN!