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Monday, November 28
Unit 7 Test Review
Performance Indicator: H.B.4.C.2
SEP: Analyze data
Content: on the variation of traits among individual organisms within a population to explain
patterns in the data in the context of transmission of genetic information.
Unit 7 Test Review
Activities and Labs
Writing, Literacy,
Numeracy, and Lab
Unit 7 Test Review
Tuesday, November 29
Unit 7 Test/Natural Selection
B-5.1 Summarize the process of natural selection.
B-5.2 Explain how genetic processes result in the continuity of life-forms over time.
B-5.3 Explain how diversity within a species increases the chances of its survival.
B-5.4 Explain how genetic variability and environmental factors lead to biological
Activities and Labs
Unit 7 Test
- Unit 7 Test
Natural Selection
- Online Natural
Selection Lab
Writing, Literacy,
Numeracy, and Lab
- Lab, Literacy,
Wednesday, November 30
Natural Selection
B-5.1 Summarize the process of natural selection.
B-5.2 Explain how genetic processes result in the continuity of life-forms over time.
B-5.3 Explain how diversity within a species increases the chances of its survival.
B-5.4 Explain how genetic variability and environmental factors lead to biological
Natural Selection
Activities and Labs
- Natural Selection Class
Writing, Literacy,
Numeracy, and Lab
-Lab, Numeracy,
Literacy, Writing
Thursday, December 1
Evidence of Evolution
B-5.1 Summarize the process of natural selection.
B-5.2 Explain how genetic processes result in the continuity of life-forms over time.
B-5.3 Explain how diversity within a species increases the chances of its survival.
B-5.4 Explain how genetic variability and environmental factors lead to biological
Evidence of Evolution
Activities and Labs
- Evidence of Evolution
Writing, Literacy,
Numeracy, and Lab
- Literacy, Writing
Friday, December 2
Types of Evolution
B-5.1 Summarize the process of natural selection.
B-5.2 Explain how genetic processes result in the continuity of life-forms over time.
B-5.3 Explain how diversity within a species increases the chances of its survival.
B-5.4 Explain how genetic variability and environmental factors lead to biological
Types of Evolution
Activities and Labs
- Identify types of
evolution activity
- Antibiotic Resistance
- Types of Evolution
Writing, Literacy,
Numeracy, and Lab
- Literacy, Writing
- Lab, Literacy,
- Study for Evolution
Quiz Monday