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PGR Forum, Workshop 4, April 21-24, 2004
Genetic monitoring methodologies
Helena Korpelainen and Maria Pohjamo
Department of Applied Biology, University of Helsinki, Finland
The main goals of conservation genetics
To prevent the loss of genetic diversity so that
the ability to evolve in response to
environmental change remains (correlation
between genetic diversity and population size)
To prevent the deleterious effects of inbreeding
on reproduction and survival (inbreeding
depression) (not a problem in regularly selfpollinating plants)
Additional goals of conservation genetics
To prevent fragmentation of populations and
reduction in gene flow
To prevent genetic drift overriding natural
selection as the main evolutionary process
To resolve taxonomic uncertainties
To prevent deleterious effects on fitness
possibly occurring as a result of outcrossing
(outbreeding depression)
What explains the level of genetic diversity?
Historical and current population sizes
Population bottlenecks
Breeding system
Natural selection
Different mutation rates
Immigration and emigration among populations
Threats to genetic diversity
Extinction of species, populations,
Extinction of alleles (due to drift or
directional selection)
Inbreeding reducing heterozygosity (alleles
maintained but allocated to homozygotes
→ possibly inbreeding depression due to
the homozygosity of deleterious recessive
Analysis of genetic diversity
Morphological traits often used for basic characterization
- allows the interpretation of relationships between the
genotype and environmental conditions
Molecular marker techniques
- allow direct investigations of variation at the DNA level,
thereby excluding all environmental influences
- can be employed at very early growth stages
- have marginalized other methods in the analysis of
genetic diversity
Measures of inbreeding
The inbreeding coefficient (F) of an individual refers to
how closely related its parents are
In the case of selfing, F=0.5 in the offspring
Inbreeding accumulates in isolated populations, and
complete inbreeding can eventually be reached with
repeated inbred matings (an F=0.999 reached after 10
generations of self-fertilization)
The average inbreeding coefficient of all individuals in a
population: Average F increases at a rate of 1/(2N) per
generation in a randomly breeding diploid population of
size N
Levels of inbreeding can be determined from pedigrees
or inferred from heterozygosities for genetic markers
Is the taxon suffering from inbreeding
Usually less of an issue in selfing species (about 40% of
flowering plants can self and 20% may do so commonly)
Typically higher in gymnosperms than angiosperms (could
be related to a higher level of polyploidy in angiosperms)
Direct evidence obtained (lowered fertility & viability?)
Inbreeding depression may be inferred from its correlation
with reduction in genetic variation, assessed by genetic
markers (e.g., microsatellites have the power to detect
reductions in heterozygosity and allelic diversity)
Slow inbreeding generally causes less inbreeding
depression than an equivalent amount of rapid inbreeding
Loss of genetic diversity and loss of selfincompatibility alleles
About half of all flowering plant species have selfincompatibility systems that reduce or prevent selfing
Self-incompatibility regulated by one or more loci,
presumed to have evolved to avoid inbreeding
Small population → loss of diversity & selfincompatibility alleles → inbreeding → lowered
A potential problem in threatened self-incompatible
Characterizing genetic diversity
Genotype frequencies, allele frequencies
Expected heterozygosity:
a) single locus h = 1- (p12 + p + ... + pn2), b) mean across loci (H)
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium: statistical testing to assess
agreement between observed and expected numbers of genotypes;
allows detection of inbreeding, population fragmentation, migration
and selection
Linkage disequilibrium: non-random associations of alleles
among loci
Diversity indices, e.g., expected heterozygosity, allelic diversity
(A=the number of alleles averaged across loci), the proportion of
polymorphic loci (P), nucleotide diversity
Characterizing genetic diversity
Genetic distances between populatons: based on allele
or genotype frequencies, or DNA sequence differences
Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA): the
partitioning of genetic variation into within population and among
populations components
- in inbred populations often a greater differentiation among
populations than in outcrossing populations
-in fragmented populations often a greater differentiation among
populations than in more continuous populations
Linkage disequilibrium (D)
Measured as the deviation of haplotype frequencies from
linkage equilibrium
Linkage disequilibrium is common in threatened species
as their population sizes are small
Population bottlenecks may cause linkage disequilibrium
Functionally important gene clusters exhibiting linkage
disequilibrium are important to the persistence of
threatened species
The level of linkage disequilibrium can be used to detect
admixture of differentiated populations
Measuring inbreeding depression
A general measure of inbreedind depression (σ) is the
proportionate decline in the mean due to a given amount of
σ = 1-(fitness of inbred offspring/fitness of outbred offspring)
The formula itself does not specify the level of inbreeding
Since many plants can be selfed, the usual estimate of
inbreeding depression is obtained by comparing selfed and
outcrossed progeny (this provides the impact of inbreeding
due to an inbreeding coefficient of 50%
Recovering from inbreeding depression
Recovery by outcrossing the inbred population
to another unrelated (outbred or inbred)
population (through immigration)
Fitness may recover as a result natural selection
removing deleterious alleles
Solving genetic problems
Increase in population size (especially the effective
population size Ne, averages ~10% of the census size)
Establishment of populations in several locations (to
minimize the risk of catastrophes)
Maximize the reproductive rate by improving
Genetic management of inbred/small populations,
introduction of migrants from
- outbred populations
- inbred but genetically unrelated populations
- from inter-fertile taxa (requires careful consideration, a
risk of outbreeding depression)
Genetic management for introduction
Captive populations may provide a source of
individuals to reintroduce and supplement wild
populations of threatened taxa
The success of reintroduction is jeopardized by
genetic deterioration in captivity due to inbreeding
depression, loss of genetic variation, and genetic
adaptation to captivity (leading to reduced
adaptation to the wild environment)
Individuals for reintroduction should have maximum
genetic diversity and maximum reproduction fitness
in the wild environment
Things to be considered in the genetic
Population sizes (small, decreasing?)
The level of genetic diversity (low, decreasing?)
The level and history of inbreeding, the amount
of inbreeding depression
Population fragmentation (measured by AMOVA,
partitioning of variation within and among
populations) and its impact on genetic diversity
and inbreeding
How large should a population be?
Population should be large enough
- to avoid inbreeding depression
- to retain the ability to evolve in response to changes in
the environment
Estimated effective population sizes (Ne, census size
usually 10x) needed
- to retain reproductive fitness: Ne=501
- to retain evolutionary potential: Ne=500-50002
1 Franklin 1980, Soulé 1980
2 Franklin 1980, Lande & Baroowclough 1987, Lande 1995
Measuring genetic diversity
Continuously varying (quantitative) characters
(genetic and environmental effects, e.g., seed set)
Morphology (qualitative or quantitative)
DNA (nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondrial)
Protein assays (enzyme electrophoresis)
Used to distinguish different forms
of proteins and to measure the
level of genetic variation for a
particulat protein locus
Co-dominant inheritance
About 30% of DNA base changes
result in charge changes →
electrophoresis underestimates
the extent of genetic diversity
Coding genomic areas examined,
not as much variation as in
noncoding areas
DNA assays
Suitable DNA methods based on PCR (polymerase
chain reaction = in vitro amplification of DNA)
PCR-based methods
1) Sequence-arbitrary methods
- Random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs)
- Inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR)
- Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP)
2) Methods requiring a priori sequence information
- Simple sequence repeats (SSRs)/short tandem repeats
- Sequence characterized amplified regions (SCARs)
- Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
Problems with sequence-arbitrary
amplification methods
Less robust than sequence-dependent methods because
- multiple amplicons are present competing for available
enzyme and substrate
- low-stringency thermal-cycling permits mismatch
annealing between primer and template
To overcome potential problems it is important to create
optimal and consistent amplification conditions
Random amplified polymorphic DNAs
DNA fragments amplified from genomic
DNA using only single, sequencearbitrary primers (10mer typical)
When the same primer is used with DNA
template from different individuals of the
same species, fragment patterns are
nearly similar (some amplified fragments
present in one individual and absent in
Typically dominant markers; less
informative than co-dominant markers,
especially when examining mating
A more serious drawback are concerns
with fragment allelism and fragment
pattern reproducibility
RAPD profiles of grape DNA
generated with two arbitrary
primers (Ye et al. 1996)
Inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR)
Exploits the highly
polymorphic nature of simple
sequence repeats (SSRs)
Highly informative fingerprints
using anchored SSR primers,
e.g., [GA]8C
Quite complex fragment
Dominant inheritance
A good choice for a
sequence-arbitrary method
ISSR profiles of moss DNA
generated with one primer
(Pohjamo & Korpelainen)
Amplified fragment length polymorphisms
Genomic DNA first digested with one or
more restriction enzymes
An adapter of known sequence ligated
to the digested genomic DNA
Amplification using primers with
sequence specificity for the adapter
Amplification products observed by
labelling and using acrylamide gels or
specialized detection equipment
Usually fairly complex fragment patterns
Dominant inheritance
Allelism and reproducibility question;
the use of long primers which are
perfect matches to adapter-genomic
DNA templates → reliability
AFLP analysis of Solanum
commersonii(+) S. tuberosum
somatic hybrids (Baronet et al. 2002)
Sequence-dependent, PCR-based methods
Nowadays commonly used despite
considerable development cost
Attractive features: allelism, codominance,
assay robustness, information of the highly
variable areas of the genome
Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) = short
tandem repeats (STRs) = microsatellites
Tandemly repeated DNA motifs
composed of di-, tri-, tetra- and
sometimes greater repeated
nucleotide sequences, e.g., [AT]n
Different alleles vary in the number of
units of the repeat motifs
Co-dominant inheritance
Even in self-pollinated species in
which the polymorphism detected by
other methods may be low,
considerable levels of polymorphism
are detected with SSRs
Detection using genotyping equipment
or high-resolution gel systems, radioor fluorescent labelling
Giancola et al. 2002)
Developed markers species-specific (perhaps
usable within genus)
Procedures very robust
Good primer design essential
Disadvantage: small amount of information
generated from each amplification reaction
Through careful experimentation, sets of primer
pairs can be found which exhibit consistent coamplification
Sequence characterized amplified regions
Sequence-dependent markers derived from
sequence-arbitrary marker loci
Sequence-dependent primers designed after
sequencing RAPD (or other) amplification
Dominant inheritance
Disadvantage: a small amount of information
generated from each amplification reaction
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
Sequencing of segments distributed throughout the genome
→ SNP discovery
Several methods to detect SNPs
a) Sequencing
b) RFLP (involves cutting a fragment of amplified DNA; if the
recognition site for the restriction enzyme is altered, the
enzyme will not cut the DNA)
c) SSCP (single-strand conformation polymorphism; a SNP
may effect the conformation of an amplified DNA strand)
d) DNA chips (large-scale genotyping, high costs, allele-specific
hybridization with amplified DNA from each polymorphic region)
Markers for ecologically important traits
Many studies concerning diversity and plant genetic
resources have been based on neutral molecular
However, studies of genetic diversity could benefit
from targeting variation in such genes that exhibit
ecologically relevant variation
Procedure: to assess which traits matter, identify the
genes that potentially affect such traits, and develop
markers within, or flanking these genes → genetargeted, multilocus profiles for the management of
genetic resources