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Heredity and Genetics
Chapter 11
Inhereting Traits
• What are some traits that you can think
• Eye color, nose shape, hair color
are all examples
• All organisms are a collection of traits
passed down from its parents.
Inheriting Traits
• Heredity- The passing down of traits
from parent to offspring.
Learned vs. Innate
• Learned traits are traits that are gained
through observation over time.
• Talking and walking
• Innate traits are traits that one
is born with.
• Crying, breathing, eating
• Genes are found on chromosomes.
• These genes describe an
organisms function.
• The different forms of a trait that a gene
may carry are called alleles.
How does this happen?
• Offspring get one set of genes from the
father and one from the mother.
• The parent gives half the genetic
information through sex cells formed
through meiosis.
• Genetics is the study of how traits are
inherited through the interactions of
Father of Genetics
• The study of genetics was founded by
Gregor Mendel by studying how traits
were passed down from generation to
generation in pea plants.
• Mendel was the first to trace on trait
through several generations.
• He was also the first to mathematically
predict traits in a generations.
Mendel’s Genetics
• When Mendel crossed two pea plants
he noticed the offspring always looked
like one of the parents.
• He called the offspring hybrids
because they received different genetic
information from both parents.
• Mendel noticed some plants always
produced the same type of offspring.
• Tall plants always produced tall
Dominate vs. Recessive
• Mendel used pollen from two different
purebred (tall and short) to breed.
• This is called cross pollination.
• He found they only produced tall plants.
Dominant vs. Recessive
• Mendel called the trait that is shown the
dominant trait. This is because it
dominated the other.
• The trait that is hidden was called
• An organism with two alleles that are
the same is called homozygous.
• This can be homozygous recessive
or dominant.
• An organism with two different alleles is
called heterozygous.
• A genotype is the genetic make up of
an organism.
• The way an organism looks or behaves
is its phenotype.
• Most cells in your body have two alleles
for every trait.
These alleles are located on the
Probability of Heredity
• Probability is used to predict the chance
of something to happen.
• 0% probability that UK wins NCAA!
Punnett Squares
• A Punnett Square is a tool used to
predict the probability of an offsprings
Punnett Squares
• In Punnett Squares, letters represent
dominant and recessive traits.
Punnett Squares
• An upper case letter= dominant trait
• A lower case letter= recessive trait
How to use a Punnett