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Answers to “A Closer Look at
1. Characteristics that you inherit…..
1. physical build
2. skin color
3. hair texture and color
4. eye color and shape
5. size, shape of ears, hands, feet
6. blood type
2. …..receives a total of 46 tiny threadlike
particles called chromosomes
3. 23 chromosomes come from the father or
23 chromosomes come from the mother or
4. Each chromosomes contains thousands of
5. What determines? Genes
6. Each individual receives 2 copies
1 from the mother; 1 from the father
When both are the same…..
7. Dominant or stronger gene…..
Weaker gene is known as recessive
8. The sex of the child is determined at
9. Half of the father’s sperm have the X
chromosome and the other half have the Y
10. The mother’s egg has the “X” chromosome.
X+X=XX or a girl; X+Y=XY or a boy
11. If a family has 3 girls ------what are the
# of sperm
# of eggs
Infertility Options:
12. They stimulate a woman’s ovaries to release eggs.
13. Adoption: legally take the responsibility of raising
a child already born
14. Artificial Insemination-doctor injects sperm into a
woman’s uterus with a special needle.
15. In Vitro Fertilization-woman has damaged
Fallopian tubes that prevent pregnancy---doctor
combines a mature egg from the woman and the
sperm from her husband in a small dish—if
fertilization occurs, doctor places the zygote into
the woman’s uterus.
16. Ovum transfer—uses egg taken from a
female donor and uses in vitro fertilization
17. Surrogate mother----a substitute---has a
baby for the couple…includes legal
arrangements or meet state laws.