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Denice Gardner, MSN, NNP-BC
 Discuss genetics and its affects on the
• Pictures included in presentation were
obtained from the Mosby’s Nursing
Consult web site
• Graphics used in presentation were
created by the author
 Genetics- study of heredity
 Chromosome- structural element in a cell
that contains the genes and all the genetic
information; human cells have 23 pairs of
 DNA- double-stranded nucleotide that
carries genetic material
 Gene- segments of the DNA that are
responsible for inherited traits; contain the
“blueprint for everything that will make “you”
 Allele- variations in a gene; segregates
during meiosis; receive only one pair
from each parent; only 2 alleles can be
present in one person
 Autosome- one of the 22 chromosomes
that do NOT determine the sex of a
 Sex chromosome- the X & Y
chromosome that determines the sex of a
 Gamete- one of the 2 cells that joins
together during sexual reproduction to
create a new being
 Genotype- genetic make-up of a person
 Phenotype- biochemical, physiologic, &
morphologic characteristics of a person
(hair color, skin type, etc.) & is
determined by his/her genotype and
 Haploid- number of chromosomes in a
gamete; half the number of chromosomes in
a person, 23 chromosomes
 Diploid- contains a set of maternal &
paternal chromosomes to equal 46 total
 Locus- location of the gene in the
 Penetrance- degree to which an inherited
trait will be expressed in a person
Dominant & Recessive Genes
 Dominant- expressed & transmitted even if
only ONE parent has the gene
 Recessive- expressed only when BOTH
parents have the gene
 Homozygous- two identical alleles for a
particular gene (one from each parent)
 Heterozygous- two different alleles for a
particular gene
Possible Combinations
 Both can be dominant (AA)
 Both can be recessive (aa)
 One can be dominant & one can be
recessive (Aa)
Autosomal Dominant
 Appears in every generation without
 Either parent can pass the gene on to their
 Risk for affected individuals to have affected
children is 50% with every pregnancy
 If 2 affected parents mate, 75% of their
children will be affected
 Unaffected individuals do NOT have
affected children
 Trait is found equally in males and females
Autosomal Dominant
Autosomal Recessive
 Expressed only when both parents transmits
it to their offspring
 Alternates generations
 If 2 affected people mate, all children with
be affected
 If 2 carriers mate, the risk of having an
affected offspring is 25%
 If a carrier & an affected person mate, the
risk of having an affected offspring is 50%
 Risk of an unaffected carrier having a child
who is a carrier is 50% with each pregnancy
Autosomal Recessive
X-Linked Dominant
 Female children of affected males are ALL
 Male children of affected males are
 Trait appears in every generation
 All children of affected females MAY be
 X-Linked dominant problems affect twice as
many females as males
X-Linked Dominant
Son (XY)
Mom (XX)
Dad (XY)
Son (XY)
Son (XY)
Mom (XX)
Dad (XY)
Son (XY)
X-Linked Recessive
 Only Male children are affected. (Female
may be affected if mother is a carrier and
father is affected)
 Traits cannot be transmitted from father
to son because the father only
contributes the Y chromosome
 Transmission of the trait occurs from
father to all daughters (who will be
X-Linked Recessive
 Heterozygous females transmit the gene
to half of their sons, who will be affected,
& to half their daughters, who will be
 Transmission is horizontal among males
of the same generation & then skips a
 Carrier females transmit the disorder
X-Linked Recessive
Mom (XX)
Dad (XY)
Son (XY)
Dad (XY)
Son (XY)
Chromosomal Defects: Abnormal Number
 Polyploidy- contains more than 2 sets of
chromosomes, showing multiples of the
haploid number; usually dies as embryos
or fetuses
 Nonmultiples- designated by the suffix
Monosomy- one less than the diploid
number (45 chromosomes)
Trisomy- one more than the haploid
number (47 chromosomes)
Chromosome Defects: Abnormal Number
 CausesNondisjunction- failure of paired
chromosomes to separate during cell
division; most common cause of all
chromosome disorders
Chromosome lag- failure of a chromosome
to travel to the correct daughter cell
Anaphase lag- failure of a chromosome or
chromatin to be incorporated into one of the
daughter nuclei following cell division as a
result of delayed movement during
Chromosomal Defects: Abnormal
Nondisjunction of an anaphase lag
that occurs during cell division after
Cells within the same person that
have different genetic make-up
Chromosomal Defects: Abnormal
 Deletion- loss of part of a chromosome
 Translocations- displacement of part of a
chromosome to an abnormal site, whether
on another chromosome or in the wrong
position on the same chromosome
 Polygenic effects- type of inheritance in
which a trait is dependent on many different
gene pairs with cumulative effects
Chromosome Defects: Abnormal
 Environmental influences- nutrition, drugs, &
living environment (radiation, pollution,
bacteria, virus) that affect the genetic makeup & developing embryo while in utero
 Duplication- duplication of an area of the
DNA that contain contains a gene; results in
mutations that have no deleterious affects
on a person
Chromosomal Defects: Abnormal
 Inversion- area of a chromosome breaks off
and then reattaches itself in the opposite
 Nonreciprocal translocation- one-way
transfer of genes from one chromosome to
Chromosomal Defects: Abnormal
 Basic Generalizations
Loss of an entire chromosome is
usually incompatible with life
One X chromosome is necessary for
life & development
If the Y-chromosome is missing, life &
development may continue but will
follow female pathways
Chromosomal Defects: Abnormal
Extra entire chromosomes,
translocations of extra chromatin
material, & insertion of extra chromatin
material are often compatible with life
& development
Multiple congenital structural defects
are present when gross aberrations
are present
Prenatal Testing
 Alpha-Fetoprotein Test (AFP)
Usually done at 16-18 weeks gestation
Is a screening test, not a diagnostic
If abnormal, ultrasound should be
Prenatal Testing
Elevated AFP may indicate
Greater gestational age than expected
Multiple gestation
Risk of neonatal complications,
including spontaneous abortion, PTL,
Fetal structural defects: neural tube,
abdominal wall, esophageal or
intestinal obstruction, or renal
Prenatal Testing
 Multiple Marker Screen (“Quad Screen”)
Measures AFP, hCG, unconjugated
estriol (uE3), & dimeric inhibin-A (DIA)
Useful in detecting conditions like
Usually done between 15-20 weeks
If, abnormal, ultrasound should be
Prenatal Testing
 Ultrasonography- uses high-frequency
sound waves to display sectional planes of
the uterine contents on a monitor
Recommended by 16-20 weeks of age
for gestational age verification &
Used to detect abnormalities of the
fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid, & uterus
& to monitor changes in anatomy &
growth with serial ultrasounds
Only as good as the person’s trainingnot just on the equipment
Prenatal Testing
 Amniocentesis- removal of amniotic fluid
through a needle placed through the
abdomen, usually in conjunction with
ultrasonography, for the purpose of
chromosome analysis & other biochemical
Usually done between 16-18 weeks
Indications for procedure:
Advanced maternal age (>35yrs at
time of delivery)
Previous fetus with a neural tube
Prenatal Testing
More indications for procedure
Both parents known heterozygous
carriers of autosomal recessive
Both parents known carriers of sexlinked recessive disorder
Patient or partner with balanced
chromosomal translocation of his or
her chromosomes
High or low AFP with accurate
gestational age
Previous fetus with Down’s Syndrome
Prenatal Testing
 Chorionic Villi Sampling- insertion of a
needle through either the cervical os or
through the abdomen, in conjunction with
ultrasound, to obtain a sample of fetal tissue
from the growing placenta for chromosomal
analysis & other biochemical tests
Usually done at 8-10 weeks
Patient prefers to make decision
regarding pregnancy in the 1st trimester
Severe oligohydramnios
Prenatal Testing
Multiple gestation
Uterine bleeding during this pregnancy
Active genital herpes or other cervical
Uterine fibroids
Takes 24-48 hours for initial results
Prenatal Testing
 Percutaneous Umbilical Cord Samplingremoval of blood through a needle inserted
through the abdomen and into the umbilical
vein, in conjunction with ultrasound
Performed from 18 weeks until term
Patient wants fast results to support
decision regarding pregnancy
Abnormality is identified late in
Prenatal Testing
More indications:
Patient has been exposed to infectious
disease that could affect development
of fetus
Blood incompatibility (Rh disease)
Drug or chemical level is fetal blood
needs to be assessed
Fetal blood analysis 3 days
Postnatal Testing
 Chromosome analysis/karyotypephotograph of the chromosomal make-up of
an individual, including the number of
chromosomes & any abnormalities
 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)technique to copy small segments of DNA
for analysis; useful in disorders with
recurring mutations
 High-resolution banding/prometaphase
banding- useful for identification of subtle
Postnatal Testing
 Microarray- assesses the ability of mRNA
molecules to and interact with DNA
molecules; assesses gene expression within
a single sample or in comparison to 2
different cell types or tissue samples; need
only a small sample of blood or tissue; can
be done on healthy or diseased tissue
Postnatal Testing
 Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)cytogenic technique that can be used to
detect and localize the presence or absence
of specific DNA sequences on
chromosomes; uses fluorescent probes that
bind to only those parts of the chromosome
with which they show a high degree of
sequence similarity
Genetic Counseling
 Goal- to assist the family in understanding
Role of heredity
Recurrence risks & options
Possible courses of actions
Methods of ongoing adjustment
Genetic Counseling
 Indications
Previously affected child, parent, or
Congenital malformation
Sensory defect
Metabolic disorder
Mental retardation
Known or suspected chromosome
Neuromuscular disorder
Degenerative CNS disease
Genetic Counseling
 More indications
Previously affected cousins
Muscular dystrophy
Hazards of ionizing radiation
Recurrent miscarriages
Concern for teratogenic effect
Advanced maternal age
High or low AFP
Newborn Care: Terminology
 Birth defect- structural or functional
abnormality of the body that is present from
 Syndrome- group of anomalies that cannot
otherwise be explained & occurs in similar
patterns of expressions (ex. Fetal alcohol
 Sequence- primary anomaly that sets a
pattern for other anomalies (Ex. Pierre
Newborn Care: Terminology
 Association- nonrandom occurrence of
multiple anomalies in 2 or more people (ex.
 Malformation- abnormality of
morphogenesis due to intrinsic problems
within the developing structures (ex. Neural
tube defect)
 Deformation- abnormality of morphogenesis
due to intrinsic problems within the
developing structures (ex. uterine position
Newborn Care: Terminology
 Disruption- abnormality of morphogenesis
due to disruptive forces or pressure acting
on the developing structures (ex. Amniotic
 Genetic heterogeneity- different causes may
produce different characteristics (ex.
Hydrocephalus, cleft lip & palate)
Newborn Care
 History
History of 3 generations
Defects in the family history related to
the problem with the child
History of consanguinity
Reproductive history (frequent
Pattern of inheritance of the problem
Newborn Care
Length of gestation
Fetal activity level
Maternal exposure: infection, illness,
high fever, meds, alcohol, smoking, Xrays, known teratogens, illicit or
prescription drug use
Obstetric factors: uterine
malformations, labor complications,
presenting fetal part
Neonatal factors: birth weight, length,
HC, Apgar score
Newborn Care: Assessment
 Physical Exam
General: asymmetry, inappropriate size &
Face: configuration; centered features
with normal spacing; round, triangular,
birdlike, elfin, or expressionless
Head: size of anterior fontanelle,
prominence of frontal bone, flattened or
prominent occiput, abnormalities in shape
(large or small)
Newborn Care: Assessment
Skin: intact, presence of skin tags, open
sinuses, tracts, etc.
Hair: texture, presence of whorls
Eyes: structure, color of iris, presence of
colobomas, centering & spacing of
epicanthal folds, ptosis, slanting, eyelash
Ears: protruding or prominent shape,
location, low set, unilateral or bilateral
defect, presence &/or degree of rotation
Newborn Care: Assessment
 Nose: beaked, bulbous, pinched, upturned,
misshapen, two nares, flattened bridge,
patency, centered on face
 Oral: intact palate, presence of smooth
philtrum, natal teeth, shape & size of
tongue, mouth & jaw
 Neck: short &/or webbed, redundant folds
 Chest: symmetric, presence of accessory
nipples, spacing of nipples, shape of chest
Newborn Care: Assessment
 Abdomen: number of cord vessels,
presence of bowel sounds; shape, presence
or abd wall defects & abd wall musculature,
prune belly
 GU(male): hypospadius, chordee,
ambiguous genitalia, descended testis
 Anus: patency, presence, position
Newborn Care
 Provide grief counseling
 Encourage genetic counseling
 Facilitate family use of available support
 Provide emotional support
Newborn Care
 Identify normal aspects of neonate that can
coexist with neonate
 Encourage parent participation in infant’s
 Discuss treatment options, including risks &
 Provide educational information
 Identify primary abnormality
 Recognize defects that may have more than
one cause
Newborn Care
 Determine category of malformation,
according to etiology
Genetic heterogeneity
VATER Association
 Vertebral anomalies, Anal atresia,
Tracheoesophageal fistula, Radial & renal
Etiology/precipitating factors: unknown
Clinical presentation
Vertebral anomalies
Anal atresia, with or without fistula
Radial dysplasia, including thumb or
radial hypoplasia, polydactyly, &
Renal anomaly
Single umbilical artery
VATER Association
Failure to thrive
Possibility of normal life after slow
mental development during infancy
Supportive: prognosis & management
depend on extent & severity of
Surgery: surgical correction of
VACTERL Association
 Vertebral abnormalities, Anal atresia,
Cardiac abnormalities, Tracheoesophageal
fistula &/or esophageal atresia, Renal
agenesis or dysplasia, & Limb defects
 Etiology/precipitating factors:
Injury between 4-6 weeks to a specific
mesodermal area may produce
overstimulation of the hindgut, lower
vertebral column, & developing kidney
Average of 7-8 abnormalities per patient
VACTERL Association
 Clinical Presentation
Vertebral anomalies
Anal atresia with or without fistula
Cardiac anomalies; commonly VSDs
TEF with or without esophageal atresia
Radial Dysplasia, including thumb or
radial hypoplasia, polydactyly, &
Renal anomaly
Single umbilical artery
VACTERL Association
 Complications
Failure to thrive
Normal life: minimal CNS anomalies with
only occasional mental retardation
 Care:
Supportive: prognosis & management
depend on extent & severity of anomaly
Surgery: surgical correction of anomalies
Trisomy 13
 Etiology
Maternal age felt to be a factor
47 chromosomes (3 of chromosome 13)
20% of defects are caused by
translocations, some are familial
5% occur as a result of mosaicism
Trisomy 13
 Presentation
Growth deficiency
Head: microcephaly with sloping
forehead, midline scalp defects
Eyes: abnormally close eyes,
microphthalmia, colobomas, glaucoma
Ears: low-set & malformed, atresia of
auditory canals
Nose: prominent nasal bridge
Mouth: bilateral cleft lip &/or palate
Neck: short neck with excessive skin
Trisomy 13
 Presentation
 Musculoskeletal
Overlapping of fingers with single palmar
Narrow, hyperconvex fingernails
Flexion deformities of arms & wrists
Prominent heel resulting in rocker-bottom
Genitals: females (bicornate or septate
uterus); males (cryptorchidism, small
Trisomy 13
 Associated Anomalies
Cardiac: VSDs, dextroposition, PDA
Renal abnormalities: cystic kidneys
Cutaneous hemangiomas
Seizure activity
Severe deficits in cognitive & motor
Trisomy 13
 Complications
Life expectancy: ~130 days, though 14%
survive to 1 year of age
Care is supportive
Education & support for parents is
Trisomy 18
 Etiology
Advanced maternal age
Most affected fetuses are female (4:1)
47 Chromosomes (3 of chromosome
90% occur due to nondisjunction
during meiosis
Trisomy 18
 Presentation
Growth deficiency
Head: microcephaly with prominent
Eyes: microphthalmia with narrow
palpebral fissures, colobomas, corneal
opacities, hypoplasia of orbital ridges,
ptosis of one or both eyes
Ears: low-set, poorly developed, often
cup-shaped with large pinna, atresia of
auditory canal
Trisomy 18
 Mouth: micrognathia, microstomia, higharched palate
 Skin: excessive skin at nape of neck,
widely-spaced nipples, decreased dermal
creases due to decreased fetal
Trisomy 18
 Musculoskeletal: clenched hand with index
finger overlapping middle finger &/or 5th
finger overlapping 4th finger, hypoplastic
nails, rocker-bottom feet, prominent heels,
hammertoes, syndactyly between 2nd & 3rd
toes, short sternum with slender ribs, narrow
pelvis with hip dysplasia
Trisomy 18
 Associated findings
Cardiac abnormalities: various (VSD,
PDA, pulmonary stenosis, coarctation of
the aorta, etc.)
Renal anomalies: horseshoe kidneys,
ectopic kidneys, double ureters, cystic
Genital abnormalities: cryptorchidism in
males, hypoplasia of labia & prominent
clitoris in females
Umbilical hernias
Severe psychomotor retardation
Trisomy 18
 Complications/Outcomes
90% mortality rate within 1st year of life
Anomalies are multiple & severe
Treatment is supportive
Parental Education, support, &
involvement are essential!
Trisomy 18
Trisomy 21
 Etiology
Risk increases with maternal age though
~3/4 are born to mothers <35
47 chromosomes ( 3 of chromosome 21)
95% are complete trisomies; 2% are
mosaics; 3% are translocations
 Presentation
Head: small, round skull with flat occiput;
flat facies due to lack of orbital ridges; flat
nose; micrognathia
Trisomy 21
Eyes: upward slanting of palpebral
fissures, Brushfield spots on iris,
colobomatous cataracts, glaucoma,
prominent epicanthal folds
Ears: low-set, boxy ears
Mouth: narrow, short palate; large
protruding tongue
Skin: excess skin at nape of neck
Trisomy 21
 Presentation
Musculoskeletal: general hypotonia with
poor Moro reflex; hyperflexibility of joints;
square hands with short fingers;
transverse palmar crease; 5th fingers are
short & curve inward due to absent or
hypoplastic middle phalanx; low-set
thumbs with greater than usual
separation from index fingers
Trisomy 21
 Presentation (Musculoskeletal):
 broad, short feet with wide space
between great toe & 2nd toe & deep
creases that curve toward medial edge of
foot; short stature; dysplasia of pelvis with
narrow acetabular angle
Trisomy 21
 Associated findings
Mental retardation
Cardiac abnormalities: endocardial
cushion defects (AV canal), VSD, PDA
GI: duodenal atresia/stenosis, imperforate
Hematologic: increased WBC count,
polycythemia, congenital leukemia
Endocrine: hypothyroidism
Trisomy 21
 Complications/Outcomes
Affected infants are mildly to severely
retarded (IQs range from 25-70)
Parent education & support are essential
for continuing treatment of common
health issues
Frequent URIs & ear infections
Cardiac sequelae, including CHF
Developmental delays
Trisomy 21
Brodsky, D. & Martin, C. (2003). Neonatology
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Kenner, C. & Lott, L.W. (2007).
Comprehensive Neonatal Care: An
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Saunders: St. Louis.
Siegfried, D.R. (2002). Anatomy & Physiology
for Dummies. Wiley Publishing Inc:
New York.
Thompson, G. (Ed). (2009). Anatomy &
Physiology Made Incredibly Visual.
Ambler, PA: Lippincott Williams &
Verklan, M.T. & Walden, M. (2004). Core
Curriculum for Neonatal Intensive Care
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