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Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1
Because they were first found
in the nucleus of a cell
$100 Answer from H1
How did nucleic acids
get their name?
$200 Question from H1
A double helix
$200 Answer from H1
What is the structural shape
of DNA?
$300 Question from H1
It carries a coded message from
the DNA to the ribosomes.
$300 Answer from H1
What is m-RNA?
What is messenger RNA?
$400 Question from H1
The basic unit of the polymer
that we call a nucleic acid.
$400 Answer from H1
What is a nucleotide?
$500 Question from H1
The partner to a phosphate molecule
and a nitrogenous base making up the
basic unit of DNA.
$500 Answer from H1
What is a deoxyribose sugar?
$100 Question from H2
The two alternating components
of DNA siderails
$100 Answer from H2
What are sugar and phosphate?
$200 Question from H2
The significant other for guanine
$200 Answer from H2
What is cytosine?
$300 Question from H2
The AAG, CCT or GTA of DNA
are examples
$300 Answer from H2
What are triplet codons?
$400 Question from H2
The long name for DNA
$400 Answer from H2
What is deoxyribonucleic acid?
$500 Question from H2
The process by which new DNA
is made in the nucleus
$500 Answer from H2
What is replication?
$100 Question from H3
A single helix molecule
nicknamed RNA
$100 Answer from H3
What is ribonucleic acid?
$200 Question from H3
The type that is the anticodon
for m-RNA
$200 Answer from H3
What is transfer RNA?
What is t-RNA?
$300 Question from H3
Pairs with t-RNA coming
to the ribosome to meet m-RNA
$300 Answer from H3
What is the amino acid?
$400 Question from H3
The process by which m-RNA
is produced
$400 Answer from H3
What is transcription?
$500 Question from H3
The process by which the RNA
code is read and turned into a long
protein polymer of amino acids
$500 Answer from H3
What is translation?
$100 Question from H4
An Englishman and an American
who first described the double helix
structure of DNA
$100 Answer from H4
Who are Watson and Crick?
$200 Question from H4
He has taught these same facts
about nucleic acids at Post Falls
High School for 33 years and
still finds them exciting and
$200 Answer from H4
Who is Mr. Cossette?
$300 Question from H4
The one contributor to DNA structure
Who didn’t receive a Nobel Prize
(Because of her death)
$300 Answer from H4
Who is Rosalind Franklin?
$400 Question from H4
She did important work with Watson
and Crick (producing X-ray photos of
helical DNA) but didn’t get the Nobel
prize because she was deceased by
that time
$400 Answer from H4
Who was Rosalind Franklin?
$500 Question from H4
Franklin’s research partner in DNA
X-ray who shared the 1962 Nobel Prize
for biochemistry with Watson and
$500 Answer from H4
Who is Maurice Wilkins?
$100 Question from H5
It’s the NICE THING that t-RNA gives
m-RNA when they meet at the ribosome
$100 Answer from H5
What is a complement?
$200 Question from H5
It is the RNA equivalent to the
DNA base thymine
$200 Answer from H5
What is uracil?
$300 Question from H5
It is the shape of m-RNA
$300 Answer from H5
What is a helix?
$400 Question from H5
It is the kind of organism that
doesn’t have DNA or RNA
(remember the category)
$400 Answer from H5
What is “nothing”?
$500 Question from H5
They are special protein molecules
that are responsible for taking care
of all of the details in replication,
transcription, translation, and
protein synthesis
$500 Answer from H5
What are enzymes?
Final Jeopardy
A world-renowned biochemist,
knight, and Nobel Laureate who
visited EWU in 1986; applauded the
questions of PFHS students; and
gave his autograph to Mr. Cossette
Final Jeopardy Answer
Who is Sir Francis Crick?