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NOD1/2 Immunomodulatory Agonists Therapeu(c for Autoimmune disease Overview The technology offered by Trinity College relates to novel NOD modulators, par<cularly to NOD1 or NOD1 and NOD2 agonists, processes for their prepara<on, pharmaceu<cal composi<ons comprising these modulators and their uses in the treatment of condi<ons for which agonism of NOD receptors is beneficial including inflammatory autoimmune and/or inflammatory diseases, metabolic, infec<ous and cancer diseases. Advantages Background LPM x10 6
IL-10 (pg/ml)
NOD1 and NOD2 are two members of the growing family of Nod-­‐like receptors characterized by a nucleo<de-­‐oligomeriza<on domain (NOD) and ligand-­‐
recognizing leucine-­‐rich repeats. NOD1 and NOD2 are involved in the recogni<on of pep<doglycan (PGN), major surface component of Gram-­‐posi<ve bacteria. The innate immune receptors recognize specific molecules that are commonly found in microbes and 500 host defense responses 12 to eliminate invading induce **the pathogens. In light ***
of the role NODs p**
lays in 400
pathogenesis of diseases, it 9is desirable to prepare 300
*** modulate NODs ac<vity and hence compounds that 6
have 200u<lity in the treatment of diseases mediated by NODs such as inflammatory, 3metabolic and 100
autoimmune infec<ous and cancer diseases. 0
Con Ex 15 Ex 29
Clinical Scores
Ex 15
Ex 29
PBS Ex 15 Ex 29
Another poten<ally major advantage of the approach is that there is the capacity to generate regulatory T cells specific for an an<gen at the site of disease. The effect will be more localized and therefore less likely to result in global suppression, which causes side effects associated with other an<-­‐inflammatory approaches. ***
Technology and Patent Status **
% Weight Loss
The advantage of NOD agonists is that there is no need to administer a broadly immunosuppressive agent, but a product that s<mulates the body to make its own an<-­‐inflammatory cytokines. Furthermore, since cells of the innate and adap<ve immune system that mediate inflamma<on also make these an<-­‐inflammatory cytokines in vivo, they are more likely to be effec<ve at the site of inflamma<on. This should allow for a more specific effect using a synthe<c drug could be delivered by the oral route and may require less frequent administra<on. Thus improving improved pa<ent compliance and be cheaper than exis<ng therapies. 9
A priority patent applica<on has been filed with the EPO # EP14177268.1. The technology is jointly owned by Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and InvivoGen SAS, where TCD has full unfeYered rights to develop and commercialise the NOD agonists for human therapeu<c use, with collabora<ve support from InvivoGen SAS. The NOD agonists have demonstrated efficacy in murine Mul<ple Sclerosis and Ulcera<ve Coli<s. 80
Days post EAE induction
Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyeli<s (EAE) murine model-­‐ clinical scores and percentage weight loss following treatment with example compounds 15 and 29 The opportunity Trinity College Dublin are seeking to collaborate with and/or licence the technology for further research and development support to progress through to preclinical and clinical trials.
Market Therapeu<cs: Synthesis, Formula<on, Processing and Drug Delivery IP Status PCT/EP2015/066203 Applica<on filed EP14177268.1 Opportunity Research collabora<on Available to License
Researcher(s) Prof Kingston Mills & InvivoGen SAS Contact Dr. Emily Vereker, Case Manager, Life Sciences [email protected] +353 1 896 4152 Reference: KM01-­‐475-­‐01