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Advanced Advertising
Standards Proposals
TV Anytime Forum
September 20, 2004
Jim Théberge, ATSC S8-3 Chair
Email: [email protected]
Market State & Direction
• DVRs are beginning to enjoy explosive growth
– Cable vs. Satellite
– HD Cost 
– Consumer Acceptance 
• Ad-skipping is a real threat
– CNW research: DVR users skip ads 72.3% of the time
– ANA survey: 75% of advertisers are planning to cut their broadcast ad
budgets - one quarter of these will cut by 41% or more as DVRs become
– Forrester estimates DVRs will lower spending on TV commercials by $7
billion in 2007.
– The Yankee Group: The ad-funded television industry “will feel the
impact in mid-to-late 2005 when PVR penetration grows to 10 million
subscribers. This subversion of the ad-sponsored TV model eventually
will disrupt the entire value chain for television.“
• Something must be done to preserve the prime business model of
A standard must be developed to allow
broadcasters to leverage DVRs for
advertising rather than be
victimized by them.
Such a standard would allow the future
of TV advertising to unfold in a
more dynamic way….
The Future of TV Advertising
Old Static Ad Avail Mappings
Ad POD 1
Program Block 1
Ad POD 2
Program Block 2
Ad POD 3
Program Block 3
Program Block 4
New Dynamic Ad Avail Mappings
Product Placement
Telescoping Ad
Ad to Long
Form Ad
In-Nav igation
Show Bonus
Product Placement
Telescoping Ad w/
Scope of Standards Work
• Such a standard would seek to define a protocol for the
carriage of metadata in an ATSC DTV broadcast stream to
enable linkage to non-real-time-delivered video in support
of the following advanced advertising applications:
– Extended Advertising
• Telescoping long-form ads from traditional 30 sec ads or from
product placement segments within programs
• Sponsored extended viewing material for programs (e.g. blooper reel,
behind the scenes footage, actor interviews, etc…)
– Targeted advertising
• Personalized ad replacement based on viewer preferences or media
consumption habits
– EPG advertising presentation
• Compelling opt-in ad segments, navigational ad interstitials
Next Steps
ATSC AS recommendation to move forward
Develop requirements document
Develop associated project schedule
Recruit stakeholder support for the working
• Get to work!
Thank you
TV Anytime Forum
September 20, 2004
Jim Théberge, ATSC S8-3 Chair
Email: [email protected]