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Chapter 16:
Advertising and
Public Relations
Foundations of Marketing
Fourth Edition
Prepared by Milton Pressley
University of New Orleans
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1. Describe the nature and types of advertising.
2. Explain the major steps in developing an
advertising campaign.
3. Identify who is responsible for developing
advertising campaigns.
4. Recognize the tools used in public relations.
5. Understand how public relations is used and
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• Paid nonpersonal
communication about
an organization and
its products
transmitted to a target
audience through
mass media
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Types of Advertising
• Institutional advertising – Promotes organizational images, ideas,
and political issues
• Advocacy advertising – Promotes a company’s position on a public
• Product advertising – Promotes products’ uses, features, and
• Pioneer advertising – Tries to stimulate demand for a product
category with information about the product
Competitive advertising – Tries to stimulate demand for a product
with information about the product’s advantages
Comparative advertising – Compares the brand to one or more
other brands
Reminder advertising – Reminds customers about an established
brand’s uses, characteristics, and benefits
Reinforcement advertising – Assures users they chose the right
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Advertising Campaign
• An advertising campaign involves designing
a series of advertisements and placing them
in various media in order to reach a
particular target audience.
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Eight Steps to Developing an
Advertising Campaign
• Designing a series of advertisements and placing them in
various advertising media to reach a particular target
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Identifying and Analyzing the
Target Audience
• Target audience - The
group of people at
whom advertisements are
Target Audience
LG produces a front-loading,
high-efficiency steam washer.
Who is the target audience for
this ad?
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Discussion Question
• By clicking on the @ symbols below, visit
the Eddie Bauer and L.L. Bean Web Sites.
After reviewing the Sites, identify the target
audiences for each.
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Steps in Developing an Advertising
• Advertising Objectives
- What the firm hopes to accomplish with the campaign
Stated clearly
Be precise
In measurable terms
• Advertising Platform
- Basic issues or selling points to be included in the
advertising campaign
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Advertising Platform
Advertising Platform
An advertising platform normally contains multiple issues or selling points.
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Advertising Appropriation
• Is the total amount of money a marketer
allocates for advertising during a specific
period of time.
• Is the advertising budget for a specific
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Advertising Appropriation
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Determining the Advertising
• Objective-and-task approach
- Budgeting for an advertising campaign by determining its objectives
and then calculating the cost of all the tasks needed to attain them
• Percent-of-sales approach
- Budgeting for an advertising campaign by multiplying the firm’s past
or expected sales by a standard percentage
• Competition-matching approach
- Budgeting for an advertising campaign by trying to match
competitors’ ad outlays
• Arbitrary approach
- Budgeting for an advertising campaign as specified by a by highlevel executive in the firm
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Advertising Appropriation
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Discussion Question
• In general, do you think advertising is a
function of sales OR sales are a function of
• Given your answer, which approach to
determining an advertising appropriation
do you think is the best approach?
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Developing the Media Plan
• Specifies media vehicles and schedule for
running the advertisements
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Media Selection
Media Selection
Valpak selected magazines
as one of the media in its
media plan.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of
Major Advertising Media
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Creating the Advertising Message
• Copy
- Storyboard
• Artwork
- Illustrations
- Layout
Components of a Print Ad
This Neutrogena ad contains all
of the major components of a
print advertisement.
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Black-and-White vs. Color
This ad highlights the importance of using color when advertising certain products.
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Executing the Campaign
• Execution of an advertising campaign requires
extensive planning and coordination because
many tasks must be completed on time and
many people and firms are involved.
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Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness
• Pretest
- Evaluation of ads performed before a campaign begins
• Consumer jury
- A panel of a product’s actual or potential buyers who
pretest ads
• Posttest
- Evaluation of advertising effectiveness after the campaign
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Evaluating Advertising
Effectiveness (cont’d)
• Recognition test
- Respondents are shown the actual advertisement and
asked whether they recognize it
• Unaided recall test
- Respondents identify advertisements they have seen
recently but are not shown any clues to help them
• Aided recall test
- Similar to unaided recall tests but respondents are shown a
list of products, brands, company names or trademarks to
jog their memories
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Who Develops the Advertising
• Internal to the firm: Individuals or advertising groups
• External to the firm: Advertising agencies
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Public Relations
• Communication efforts
used to create and
maintain favorable
relations between an
organization and its
Annual Reports
Annual reports, when
appropriately designed, can
generate favorable public
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Tools: News (Press) Release
• A short piece of copy
publicizing an event
or a product
Press Release
Press releases are often used
to spread news about a
company or its products.
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Possible Issues for News Releases
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Other Publicity Tools
• Feature article – A manuscript of up to 3,000
words prepared for a specific publication
• Captioned photograph – A photo with a brief
description of its contents
• Press conference – A meeting used to
announce a major news event
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Public Relations
• Evaluating public relations effectiveness
- Environmental monitoring
- Public relations audit
- Social audit
• Dealing with unfavorable public relations
- Have predetermined plans
- Establish policies and procedures for reducing
the adverse impact of news coverage of a
- Be forthright with the press and public
- respond quickly and honestly
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Discussion Question
• Assume that you are responsible for
handling negative publicity for Toyota
Motor Company, and it is discovered that
one model of your vehicles has a hugely
disproportionate rate of accidents which
seems to be related to the brand of tires
installed on those vehicles. The rate of
accidents, many of which involved deaths,
becomes an international news event. How
would you handle this situation?
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After Reviewing This Chapter
You Should:
Know the nature and types of advertising.
Understand the major steps in developing an
advertising campaign.
Be able to identify who is responsible for
developing advertising campaigns.
Recognize the tools used in public relations.
Understand how public relations is used and
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Key Concepts
Percent-of-sales approach
Institutional Advertising
Competition-matching approach
Advocacy Advertising
Arbitrary approach
Product advertising
Media plan
Pioneer advertising
Cost comparison indicator
Competitive advertising
Regional issues
Comparative advertising
Reminder advertising
Reinforcement advertising
Advertising campaign
Target audience
Advertising platform
Advertising appropriation
Consumer jury
Objective-and-task approach
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Key Concepts (cont’d)
Recognition test
Unaided recall test
Public relations
News release
Feature article
Captioned photograph
Press conference
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