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Section G7: Computer Simulation of Op-Amp Circuits
Your text comes with a copy of Micro-Cap 7. In your text, Table 9.2 details
the 20 parameters of the Micro-Cap op-amp model and Figure 9.28
illustrates the equivalent circuits for the Level 1, 2 and 3 simulations. These
are relatively straightforward, but if you have any questions (as usual), let
me know.
What I’m going to be concentrating on in this discussion is the simulation of
op-amp circuits using PSpice. Once again, Spice (in all its incarnations) is
the industry standard and seems to be the software of choice for our class.
Generally, if you are comfortable with what’s truly going on with your
device, circuit or system, it’s not too painful to use various simulators. I do
encourage you (in your infinite spare time) to experiment with Micro-Cap (or
PSpice if you are a Micro-Cap user) to get a feel for as many different
packages as possible.
With that said, let’s go on. What’s nice about Spice is that we can either
simulate the op-amp at the transistor level – for example, using the circuit
of section G5 for the 741, or we can treat the IC as a single device.
The ideal op-amp may be modeled as a simple voltage controlled voltage
source (VCVS), where the gain is defined as a large, but finite, value. This
“almost-ideal” op-amp is usually given a gain on the order of Go=106 V/V,
which is normally large enough to prevent any significant deviation from
ideal behaviors. Using the VCVS model, the PSpice statement begins with
the letter ‘E’, the voltage at the output nodes (n+, n-) is controlled by the
voltage at the input nodes (nc+, nc-), and the e_value field defines the gain.
The syntax for a generic VCVS is as follows:
Ename n+ n- nc+ nc- e_value.
For an ideal op-amp, the output is defined between the output terminal and
ground (vout, 0), while the input is defined as between the non-inverting
and inverting terminals (v+, v-)of the device. The generic VCVS statement is
therefore modified to
Ename vout 0 v+ v- Go.
To simulate a practical device, it is necessary to include a subcircuit
description that defines the characteristics of interest. The subcircuit is a
separate entity within the Spice input file that is isolated from the main
circuitry except through specified nodal connections. Analogous to a
subroutine in a computer program, all nodes (except for the ground node 0)
and element names may be local to the subcircuit. The general syntax for a
subcircuit is as follows – note that the definition begins with the .SUBCKT
statement and ends with the .ENDS statement.
.SUBCKT subcircuit_name node_list
Circuit description (same language and syntax)
Power Supplies, Signal Sources
Element Descriptions
Model Statement
.ENDS [subcircuit_name optional, but a good idea for clarity]
Once a subcircuit has been created, it is used in the main circuit as a circuit
element. To use a subcircuit in the main circuit, the letter ‘X’ with a unique
alphanumeric name defines the element. Other components of the
statement are a list of the main circuit nodes (the same number and in the
same order as the subcircuit listing but possibly different node designations
– except for ground, of course), and the subcircuit being used. Specifically,
For example, the subcircuit describing the uA741 operational amplifier is
(remember that statements beginning with an asterisk are comments):
*----------------------------------------------------------------------------* connections: non-inverting input
| inverting input
| | positive power supply
| | | negative power supply
| | | | output
| | | | |
.subckt uA741 1 2 3 4 5
c1 11 12 8.661E-12
c2 6 7 30.00E-12
dc 5 53 dx
de 54 5 dx
dlp 90 91 dx
dln 92 90 dx
dp 4 3 dx
egnd 99 0 poly(2) (3,0) (4,0) 0 .5 .5
fb 7 99 poly(5) vb vc ve vlp vln 0 10.61E6 -10E6 10E6 10E6 -10E6
ga 6 0 11 12 188.5E-6
gcm 0 6 10 99 5.961E-9
iee 10 4 dc 15.16E-6
hlim 90 0 vlim 1K
q1 11 2 13 qx
q2 12 1 14 qx
r2 6 9 100.0E3
rc1 3 11 5.305E3
rc2 3 12 5.305E3
re1 13 10 1.836E3
re2 14 10 1.836E3
ree 10 99 13.19E6
ro1 8 5 50
ro2 7 99 100
rp 3 4 18.16E3
vb 9 0 dc 0
vc 3 53 dc 1
ve 54 4 dc 1
vlim 7 8 dc 0
vlp 91 0 dc 40
vln 0 92 dc 40
.model dx D(Is=800.0E-18 Rs=1)
.model qx NPN(Is=800.0E-18 Bf=93.75)
Just as a final note. The subcircuit description for an operational amplifier
does not need to be as detailed as that illustrated above. Many times, it is
possible to use aspects of the ideal behavior and play with a few parameters.
Also, and very nice, many commercially available operational amplifiers are
predefined in PSpice for us – so it’s just a matter of including the right part!
For our purposes, unless specifically indicated otherwise, the 741 is a good
choice for simulations (hint, hint).