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Animal Development II
Making an embryo…
Where were we
 Remember
 Oogenesis
Back to fertilization
 What
are model organisms?
 What
are the models for studying
 The
rules of engagement…(fig 60.3)
What does the sperm encounter first?
 How can it get through the jelly coat?
More about fertilization
 What
is penetration (aka. the
acrosome reaction)? (fig 60.3)
Remember the acrosome?
Remember the jelly coat/zona pellucida?
What happens when the acrosome
encounters jelly coat?
What are the signals?
 What are hydrolytic enzymes?
 What do they do?
More about fertilization
 More
How does the sperm penetrate jelly
What is the acrosomal process
What happens at the vitelline
acrosomal reaction…
Why are receptors important?
What happens next?
Sperm and egg membranes fuse
Fig 60.3
More about fertilization
 What
is the situation?
How many eggs are available?
 How many sperm are available?
 Only ONE winner!
 What
is polyspermy?
 How is polyspermy prevented?
Fast block to polyspermy
 Slow block to polyspermy
The fast block to
 What
is membrane potential?
 What happens to the membrane
potential upon sperm fusion?
 How does depolarization prevent
 How long does the fast block to
poplyspermy last?
The slow block to
 How
does the slow block work?
What is signal transduction?
What are second messengers?
 Why do we need them?
More about the slow block
 Where
are intracellular Calcium
How is calcium release triggered?
 How does it radiate over surface of
Doing the Calcium wave…
Campbell fig 47.3
More about the slow block
 What
does calcium release do?
Cortical granules fuse with PM
 Release contents into perivitelline
 What
are cortical granules?
Where are they located?
 What do they contain?
 mucopolysacchariddes
More about the slow block
 What
do mucopolysaccharides do in
perivitelline space?
Remember osmosis?
 How do mucopolysaccharides affect
 What does this do to perivitelline
More about the slow block
 What
do the enzymes from cortical
granules do?
What happens when polysaccharides
become crosslinked?
 How would this affect sperm
 How
long does all of this take?
Let’s talk about cleavage!
 What
is cleavage?
How often does it occur?
 Does the zygote increase in size?
 What are blastomeres?
More about cleavage
 What
effect does yolk have on
 Mesolecithal
 Telolecithal
More about cleavage
 What
types of cleavage are there?
What is holoblastic cleavage?
 What is meroblastic cleavage?
 What is superficial cleavage?
More about cleavage
 What
about the cleavage plane?
 What is the polarity of an organism?
How is oocyte polarity established?
 How are embryonic axes determined?
Remember cytoplasmic determinants?
 What does sperm entry do?
 What is cortical rotation?
How does the cleavage plane compare
with embryonic axes in frogs? (fig 60.4)
More about polarity?
 How
is embryonic polarity
determined in other organisms?
How do Drosophila establish polarity
Remember cytoplasmic determinants
 Sperm entry is controlled
What is the micropile
Opposing gradients
 Cascading signaling
More about polarity
 How
is polarity established in
What does sperm entry do?
Remember egg activation
Does sperm entry affect cleavage
 What is the polarity of a mammalian
Embryonic  abembryonic
Remember the trophoblast/inner cell mass
From: Plotrowska and Zernicka-Goetz (2001) Nature 409:517-21
More about cleavage
 Radial
vs. spiral cleavage
Radial cleavage aligns animal cells with
vegetal cells
 Spiral cleavage offsets animal cells
from vegetal cells
 How
does cleavage relate to
phylogeny of coelomates?
Deuterostomes  radial cleavage
 Protostomes  animal cleavage
Fig 44.5
More about cleavage
 More
cleavage  morula (mulberry)
 Morula
 blastula
Hollow ball of cells
 Cavity called blastoceol
Blastula stage
Tissue formation
 What
are triploblastic organisms?
What are the three basic tissue layers?
Remember ectoderm?
 Remember mesoderm?
 Remember endoderm?
 How
are the three layers generated?
What is gastrulation?
Sea urchin
• Mesenchyme
• Vegetal plate
• Blastopore
Campbell Fig 47.9
More about gastrulation
 What
effect does yolk have on
Mesolecithal organisms (e.g. frogs)
What is the dorsal lip?
 What happens to the blastocoel?
Gastrulation in frogs
Fig 60.11
More about gastrulation
 What
about gastrulation in
telolecithal organisms (e.g. chicks)
Where are the blastocysts located?
Remember meroblastic cleavage?
 What is the blastodisc?
How can three cell layers come from
Where is the epiblast?
 Where is the hypoblast?
What is the primitive streak?
Fig 60.12
What about mammals?
 How
much yolk do mammalian eggs
 How are blastocysts organized?
What is the trophoblast layer?
 What is the inner cell mass
 Which cells give rise to the embryo
 How
do mammals compare with
Mammalian gastrulation
 How
does gastrulation proceed in
mammalian embryos?
What is the amniotic cavity?
 What are the extraembryonic
Remember the trophoblast layer?
Where does the mesoderm come from?
Remember the primitive streak in birds?
Gastrulation summary
 What
is the overall goal of
Remember three tissue layers
 What
are the challenges?
Yolk content
 Blastocyst arrangement
 What
are the mechanisms
Cell shape changes
 Cell location changes
What have we learned
 Next
Organogenesis and limb formation