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A Sigma Science Presentation 3D Rocks and Soils What is a soil? Soils What do you think soil is? Why do you think soil is important? What do you think soil is made from? Which of the things below do you think you can find naturally in soil? Insects Tin Cans Droppings Plastic Sand Water Stones Rotting Plants Leaves Paper Most soils contain a mixture of the following: Insects Droppings Water Rotting Plants Sand Stones Leaves Why is Soil Important? Soils are important for growing plants. Without soils many plants would not grow. If the soils vanished, then most of the food we eat would also vanish and we would starve! The animals we eat also rely on soils to grow their food. Different Soils Soils can be different depending on the ingredients they contain and the amount of each ingredient found in that soil. Sandy Soils are found in places that have a lot of sand. Sandy Soil Sample Peat soils contain a lot of plant bits and are found in areas that have a lot of plants. Peat Soil Sample