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Chapter 3C
Flash Cards!
Science 3G Ch 3C
What is soil?
•the loose material in
which plants can
grow in the upper
layer of Earth
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
Why is soil important?
•Soil contains the
minerals all living
things need.
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
Name the 4 parts of soil
• weathered rock
• humus
• air
• water
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
Material made up of decayed
parts of once-living things is
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
Soil is a nonrenewable resource.
It can not be replaced in a
lifetime. How many years does it
take to make 1 inch of soil?
•500-1,000 years
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
Name the 3 layers of soil
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
The richest layer of soil is
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
Describe topsoil
• The top layer of soil. It is
made of the smallest grains
and has the most humus.
This makes it the richest
layer of soil, and good for
growing plants.
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
Describe subsoil
• The layer under topsoil. It
has larger grains and less
humus than topsoil.
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
Describe bedrock
• The solid rock under the soil.
Weathering breaks down the
bedrock into soil. Bedrock is
made of different minerals in
different places. So different
soils have different minerals.
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
Name the 3 types of soil
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
A type of soil that has large
grains. It also has large spaces
between the grains which causes
water to drain quickly.
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
A type of soil that has small
grains and holds water easily.
It can stick together.
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
A type of soil which has both
large and small grains. It has lots
of humus, which makes it dark
and rich. It holds enough water
for plants, but also drains well.
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
Material found in nature that
living things use is
natural resource
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
Saving resources by using
them carefully is
• conservation
• Soil is a nonrenewable
resource. It must be saved.
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
Name 3 ways to conserve soil
•do not till the soil
•strip cropping
• contour plowing
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
Planting rows of thick grass
or clover between crops is
strip cropping
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
A type of plowing which helps
keep soil from washing down
hill is…
•contour plowing
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
What is a mixture of decaying
organisms such as leaves,
which turns into soil quickly
• compost
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
The best soil for growing
plants is…
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
How does bedrock turn into
• weathering
• Wind, rain and roots of
plants break down rock
into smaller pieces
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
How can water help topsoil?
•Water that soaks
into topsoil is
needed for plants to
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
How can water hurt topsoil
•water can erode
topsoil. Erosion is
the washing away of
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
How do minerals end up in
our bodies?
• Minerals are absorbed
by plants from the soil.
Animals eat the plants.
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
How do plants stop erosion?
•Roots hold soil in
place so it cannot
wash away.
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
How can farming hurt soil?
•Growing the same crop
year after year causes
the soil to loose all the
minerals needed.
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f
Use the next link to watch a Discovery Education video on soil.
Science Select resources
Social Studies 3G
Ch 3f