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Chapter 4
Ecosystems & Communities
Chapter 4-1
The Role of Climate
III. Ecosystem
 Definition: the combination of biotic and abiotic
components through which energy flows and materials
cycle (usually a self-contained unit, such as a pond,
swamp, meadow, or woods)
A. Energy Flow
1. Ultimate source - SUN
- 50% of suns energy that collides with earth
actually reaches the surface of earth
- 0.1 % of that ends up in living organisms
The Role of Climate
 Climate is caused by the interplay of many factors:
 Trapping of heat by the atmosphere
 Latitude
 Transport of heat by winds and ocean currents
 The amount of precipitation that results
 The shape and elevation of landmasses
Maintenance of Earth’s Temperature
 Heat energy is trapped by atmospheric gases
Carbon dioxide
Water vapor
Other gases like CFCs, ozone, NO
Without this greenhouse effect,
Earth would be 30o Celsius cooler.
Greenhouse Effect
The Effect of Latitude
 Different parts of Earth’s surface receive varying
amounts of solar radiation
 As a result of differences in latitude and thus the angle of
heating, Earth has three main climate zones:
 Tropical- receives direct- or nearly-direct sunlight year-round
 Polar- near North and South poles, receive rays at a low angle
The Effects of Latitude cont’d
 Temperate zones: between the other two zones, receive sunlight
at changing angles throughout the year
 Unequal heating of Earth’s surface causes warm air at equator
to rise, and cooler near poles to sink
 This creates winds
 Earth’s rotation develops patterns called currents (example:
Gulfstream current, Arctic current)
Ch 4-2 Biotic & Abiotic Factors
Together determine the survival
& growth of an organism as well
as productivity of ecosystem in
which the organism lives
Biotic Factors
Biological influences on
Birds, trees, mushrooms,
bacteria- the ecological
Abiotic Factors
 Temperature
 Precipitation
 Humidity
 Wind
 Nutrient availability
 Soil type
 Sunlight
The Niche
Habitat = address. Doesn’t tell much
about the individual.
Niche = full range of physical and
biological conditions in which an
organism lives and the way in which the
organism uses those conditions.
The Niche
 Place in the food web
 Range of temperatures it needs to
 Tells when and how it reproduces
 Determined by biotic and abiotic
Figure 4-5 Three Species of Warblers and
Their Niches
Cape May Warbler
Feeds at the tips of branches
near the top of the tree
Bay-Breasted Warbler
Feeds in the middle
part of the tree
Spruce tree
Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Feeds in the lower part of the tree and
at the bases of the middle branches
Community Interactions
Community interactions such as
competition, predation, and various
forms of symbiosis can powerfully affect
an ecosystem.
Community Interactions
 Competition- occurs when
organisms of the same or
different species attempt to use
an ecological resource in the
same place at the same time
Community Interactions
 Resource- any necessity of life, such as water, nutrients,
light, food or space
 Competitive exclusion principle- no two species can
occupy the same niche In the same habitat at the same time
Community Interactions
 Predation- an interaction in which one
organism captures and feeds on another
Community Interactions
 Symbiosis- any relationship in which two
species live closely together
 Mutualism
 Both species benefit. Example: bees and
 Mutualism: both organisms benefit from living in close
association. Example: ants and acacia trees.
Community Interactions
 Commensalism
 One benefits, other unaffected. Example:
barnacles on a whale
 Parasitism- when one organism lives in or
on another organism, obtaining from its host all
or part of its nutritional needs
 Example: shark and pilot
fish, moss and trees
Parasitism: one organism benefits at the expense of the
other. Usually they do not kill the host. Example: ticks and
fleas on dogs, mosquitoes on humans.
Disturbance & Succession
 Ecosystems are constantly changing in response to natural
and human disturbances. As an ecosystem changes, older
inhabitants gradually die out and new organisms move in,
causing further changes in the community. Called ecological
Ecological succession- the succession of communities that follows
the disturbing of an area.
 Characteristics
1. Increase in total biomass
2. Gradual decrease in net productivity
3. Mature systems have a greater capacity to entrap and hold
4. Number of species increase
5. r-species early K-species late
Climax community = final stable stage
Causes of Succession
 May result from slow changes in the environment that cause
predictable shifts in living communities. Example:
Freshwater pond fills with sediments and becomes a marsh.
 Can also be caused by sudden natural disturbance, like
hurricane or fire. Example: fire on the prairie
Primary & Secondary Succession
 Happens slowly because living organisms modify their
environment a little at a time.
Primary succession
The colonization of new sites by colonies of organisms is
called primary succession. Usually occurs on newly
exposed surfaces.
Eventually, repopulating slows down and becomes stable.
If little or no succession is occurring this is called a
climax community.
Secondary Succession
If a natural disaster or human action destroys a community without
destroying the soil it is secondary succession.
 Community of organisms gradually changes
 New species replace pioneer species
 Climax community reached more quickly
 Examples: land plowed and cleared for farming, lightning fire on