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What is Speciation? How does
speciation occur?
The formation of a species; when two or
more species are created from an
ancestral group
Occurs when a population can no longer
interbreed with any other population
Reproductive Barriers
 Reproductive barriers prevent organisms from
two different species from producing viable,
fertile offspring
 Prezygotic Barriers
Prevent mating between species
Do not allow the egg to be fertilized if members of
different species attempt to mate
 Postzygotic Barriers
Prevent the zygote from developing into a viable, fertile
adult if the egg does become fertilized
Prezygotic Barriers
 Habitat Isolation
Species that live in
different habitats within
the same area will
rarely (if ever)
encounter one another
 Behavioral Isolation
Special signals that
attract mates are
Ie. courtship rituals
Prezygotic Barriers
 Temporal Isolation
Species that breed during different times of the day,
different seasons, or different years cannot mix their
 Mechanical Isolation
Anatomically incompatible species
 Gametic Isolation
Sperm of one species can’t survive in the female
reproductive tract of another species
Ova may only recognize sperm of their own species
Postzygotic Barriers
Reduced Hybrid Viability
Offspring dies during embryonic development
Reduced Hybrid Fertility
Even if hybrids survive, they are usually sterile
Mule – horse & donkey
Hybrid Breakdown
Even if the first generation is fertile and viable,
offspring of the first generation is infertile
What are the two ways in which
speciation can occur?
1. Allopatric Speciation
2. Sympatric Speciation
Modes of Speciation
Figure 24.5
(a) Allopatric speciation.
A population forms a
new species while
geographically isolated
from its parent population.
(b) Sympatric speciation.
A subset of a population
forms a new species
without geographic
Allopatric Speciation
 Happens due to physical
separation – dispersal to new
habitat, physical barrier
 Example: squirrel species on
 opposite rims of the Grand
Figure 24.8
A. formosus
A. nuttingi
Atlantic Ocean
Example: 15
sibling species of
shrimp at the
isthmus of
Isthmus of Panama
Pacific Ocean
A. panamensis
A. millsae
Sympatric Speciation
 Sympatric speciation
occurs when new
species arise within
the same area of the
ancestral population
 Reproductive isolation
evolves without
geographical isolation
What are some factors that can result
in sympatric speciation taking place?
Occupation of a new ecological niche
(food source, breeding grounds, habitat
Sexual Selection
Polyploidy in plant species
Ex: strawberries, wheat,
Sexual Selection in Cichlid species
Females or males choose mates based on
certain characteristics which can cause
reproductive isolation
Ex: Cichlid species in lake
Cichlids in Lake Victoria!
What can be learned?
What can be learned from this
Species grown separately with separate
food sources led to a reproductive barrier
in fruit flies -> allopatric speciation!
How quickly do new species evolve?
 Two theories:
Punctuated Equilibrium
Figure 24.17
(a) Punctuated
(b) Gradual
Represent these two models in
graphic form
 Species are the
product of slowly
accumulating, small
evolutionary changes
Punctuated Equilibrium
 Species undergo long
periods of very little
change, followed by
rapid, large
evolutionary changes
Adaptive Radiation
What is Adaptive Radiation?
 When one species
evolves into many
species that occupy a
variety of available
 Common after Mass
extinctions or when
organisms are isolated
on islands
 Ex: mammals,
galapagos finches
1. Bishop pines and Monterrey pines
release their pollen at different times
of year
Pre or post
Specific type?
Allopatric or
2. To attract male fireflies, female
fireflies give a species-specific
sequence of flashes
Pre or Post?
Specific Type?
Allopatric or
6. Eastern meadowlarks and western
meadowlarks are almost identical
morphologically, but hybrid offspring
are largely infertile
Pre or Post?
Specific Type?
Allopatric or