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Factors Contributing to
 Why are there more species in some places
than others???
Factors which lead to higher biodiversity
 Heterogeneity of
Habitats: Variety of
habitats = higher
 Chugach vs. ANWR
Isolation from/access to centers
of dispersal
 Islands and tips of
(Florida/Baja Mexico)
have lower levels of
 Species Area Effect
Distance from Equator
 More than 50% of all
species are found
either in the tropical
rainforest or in tropical
 Species diversity
declines as one moves
closer to the poles
Plant Productivity
 Raise in Temp = raise
in photosynthesis
 Greater sun intensity =
more photosynthesis
 More rainfall = more
 Lack of seasonality
 Plant productivity leads
to overall biodiversity
More food = more animals
(well, duh…)
 Tropics = complex
food web.
 Fruit & flies > greater #
of bats/rodents >
greater overall # of
Farther from equator = simpler
food web
 Grazers and predators
get less return on
energy expended
 Fruit = high in energy
 Grass = low in energy
 Meat = high energy,
but high energy
Diverse habitat = high
 Structurally complex
habitats (more niches)
= high biodiversity
(rainforests, deserts)
 Simple habitats (fewer
niches) = low
(grasslands, marshes,