Download Physics Review #1

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Physics Review #1
A girl leaves a history classroom and
walks 10 meters north to a drinking
fountain. Then she turns and walks 30
meters south to an art classroom. What is
the girl’s total displacement from the
history classroom to the art classroom?
(A) 20 m south
(B) 20 m north
(C) 40 m south
(D) 40 m north
One car travels 40 meters due east in 5.0
seconds, and a second car travels 64
meters due west in 8.0 seconds. During
their periods of travel, the cars definitely
had the same
(A) average velocity
(B) total displacement
(C) change in momentum
(D) average speed
A skater increases her speed uniformly
from 2.0 m/s to 7.0 m/s over a distance of
12 meters. The magnitude of her
acceleration as she travels this 12 meters is
(A) 1.9 m/s2
(B) 2.2 m/s2
(C) 2.4 m/s2
(D) 3.8 m/s2
A ball thrown vertically upward reaches
a maximum height of 30 meters above
the surface of Earth. At its maximum
height, the speed of the ball is
(A) 0.0 m/s
(B) 3.1 m/s
(C) 9.8 m/s
(D) 24 m/s
Which object has the most inertia?
(A) a 0.001-kilogram bumblebee
traveling at 2 meters per second
(B) a 0.1-kilogram baseball traveling at
20 meters per second
(C) a 5-kilogram bowling ball traveling
at 3 meters per second
(D) a 10-kilogram sled at rest
A child kicks a ball with an initial velocity of 8.5 meters per
second at an angle of 35º with the horizontal, as shown. The
ball has an initial vertical velocity of 4.9 meters per second
and a total time of flight of 1.0 second.
The horizontal component of the ball’s initial velocity is
(A) 3.6 m/s (B) 4.9 m/s (C) 7.0 m/s (D) 13 m/s
A child kicks a ball with an initial velocity of 8.5 meters per
second at an angle of 35º with the horizontal, as shown. The
ball has an initial vertical velocity of 4.9 meters per second
and a total time of flight of 1.0 second.
The maximum height reached by the ball is approximately
(A) 1.2 m
(B) 2.5 m
(C) 4.9 m
(D) 8.5 m
A ball of mass M at the end of a string is
swung in a horizontal circular path of radius
R at constant speed V. Which combination
of changes would require the greatest
increase in the centripetal force acting on
the ball?
(A) doubling V and doubling R
(B) doubling V and halving R
(C) halving V and doubling R
(D) halving V and halving R
A box is pushed toward the right across a
classroom floor. The force of friction on
the box is directed toward the
(A) left
(B) right
(C) ceiling
(D) floor
A 40-kilogram mass is moving across a
horizontal surface at 5.0 meters per
second. What is the magnitude of the net
force required to bring the mass to a stop
in 8.0 seconds?
(A) 1.0 N
(B) 5.0 N
(C) 25 N
(D) 40 N
What is the speed of a 1.0×103-kg car that
has a momentum of 2.0×104 kg•m/ s
(A) 5.0 × 10–2 m/s
(B) 2.0 × 101 m/s
(C) 1.0 × 104 m/s
(D) 2.0 × 107 m/s
If the speed of a car is doubled, the
kinetic energy of the car is
(A) quadrupled
(B) quartered
(C) doubled
(D) halved
A 1-kilogram rock is dropped from a cliff
90 meters high. After falling 20 meters,
the kinetic energy of the rock is
(A) 20 J
(B) 200 J
(C) 700 J
(D) 900 J
A student does 60 joules of work pushing a
3.0-kilogram box up the full length of a
ramp that is 5.0 meters long. What is the
magnitude of the force applied to the box to
do this work?
(A) 20 N
(B) 15 N
(C) 12 N
(D) 4.0 N
A boat weighing 9.0 × 102 Newtons
requires a horizontal force of 6.0 × 102
Newtons to move it across the water at
1.5 × 101 meters per second. The boat’s
engine must provide energy at the rate of
(A) 2.5 × 10–2 J
(B) 4.0 × 101 W
(C) 7.5 × 103 J
(D) 9.0 × 103 W
A high school physics student is sitting in
a seat reading this question. The
magnitude of the force with which the
seat is pushing up on the student to
support him is closest to
(A) 0N
(B) 60 N
(C) 600N
(D) 6,000 N
The diagram above represents a 5.0-N
force and a 12-N force acting on point P.
The resultant of the two forces has a
magnitude of
(A) 5.0-N (B) 7.0-N (C) 12-N (D) 13-N
What does the slope of this graph represent?
(A) impulse
(B) momentum
(C) speed
(D) power
What does the area under the slope of this
graph represent?
(A) impulse
(B) momentum
(C) speed
(D) power
A ball dropped from rest falls freely
until it hits the ground with a speed of
20 m/s. The time during which the
ball is in free fall is approximately
(A) 1 s
(B) 0.5 s
(C) 2 s
(D) 10 s
In a 4.0-kilometer race, a runner
completes the first kilometer in 5.9
minutes, the second kilo- meter in 6.2
minutes, the third kilometer in 6.3
minutes, and the final kilometer in 6.0
minutes. The average speed of the runner
for the race is approximately
(A) 0.16 km/min
(B) 0.33 km/min
(C) 12 km/min
(D) 24 km/min
A golf ball is hit with an initial velocity
of 15 m/s at an angle of 35 degrees above
the horizontal. What is the vertical
component of the golf ball’s initial
(A) 8.6 m/s
(B) 9.8 m/s
(C) 12 m/s
(D) 15 m/s
A 60-kg rollerskater exerts a 10-N force
on a 30-kg rollerskater for 0.20 second.
What is the magnitude of the impulse
applied to the 30-kg rollerskater?
(A) 50 N•s
(B) 2.0 N•s
(C) 6.0 N•s
(D) 12 N•s
A 10-kilogram block is at
rest on a plane inclined at
15° to the horizontal.
As the angle of the incline is increased to
30°, the mass of the block will
(A) decrease
(B) increase
(C) remain the same
If the direction of a moving car changes
and its speed remains constant, which
quantity must remain the same?
(A) velocity
(B) displacement
(C) momentum
(D) kinetic energy
Two carts are pushed apart by an
expanding spring. If the average force on
the 1-kilogram cart is 1 newton, what is
the average force on the 2-kilogram cart?
(A) 1 N
(B) 0.5 N
(C) 0.0 N
(D) 4 N
A lab cart is loaded with different masses
and moved at various velocities. Which
diagram shows the cart-mass system with
the greatest inertia?
A sled and rider slide down a
snow-covered hill that makes
an angle of 30° with the
horizontal. Which vector best
represents the direction of the
normal force, FN, exerted by the hill on the sled?
What is the gravitational potential energy
with respect to the surface of the water
of a 75.0-kg diver located 3.00 m above
the water?
(B) 2.2110 J
(C) 2.2510 J
(D) 2.2910 J
A 60.0-kilogram runner has 1920 joules
of kinetic energy. At what speed is she
(A) 5.66 m/s
(B) 8.00 m/s
(C) 32.0 m/s
(D) 64.0 m/s
The diagram shows points A, B, and C at or
near Earth’s surface. As a mass is moved from
A to B, 100 joules of work are done against
gravity. What is the amount of work done
against gravity as an identical mass is moved
from A to C?
(A) 100 J (B) 173 J (C) 200 J (D) 273 J
Which pair of graphs represents the same
motion of an object?
The vector diagram
represents two forces,
F1 and F2, simultaneously acting on an
object. Which vector best represents the
resultant of the two forces?
An egg is dropped from a third-story
window. The distance the egg falls from
the window to the ground is closest to
(B) 10 m
(C) 10 m
(D) 10 m
The diagram above shows a
5.00-kilogram block at rest
on a horizontal, frictionless table Which
diagram best represents the force exerted
on the block by the table?
On a highway, a car is driven 80
kilometers during the first 1.00 hour of
travel, 50 kilometers during the next 0.50
hour, and 40 kilometers in the final 0.50
hour. What is the car’s average speed for
the entire trip?
(A) 45 km/h
(B) 60. km/h
(C) 85 km/h
(D) 170 km/h
Which quantity is a vector?
(A) impulse
(B) speed
(C) power
(D) time
A high-speed train in Japan travels a distance
of 300 kilometers in 3.60 × 103 seconds. What
is the average speed of this train?
(A) 1.20 × 10–2 m/s
(B) 12.0 m/s
(C) 8.33 × 10–2 m/s
(D) 83.3 m/s
A 25-Newton weight falls freely from
rest from the roof of a building. What is
the total distance the weight falls in the
first 1.0 second?
(A) 19.6 m
(B) 9.8 m
(C) 4.9 m
(D) 2.5 m
A golf ball is given an initial speed of 20
m/s and returns to level ground. Which
launch angle above level ground results in
the ball traveling the greatest horizontal
distance? [Neglect friction.]
(A) 60°
(B) 45°
(C) 30°
(D) 15°
A 0.50-kilogram cart is rolling at a speed
of 0.40 meter per second. If the speed of
the cart is doubled, the inertia of the cart
(A) halved
(B) doubled
(C) quadrupled
(D) unchanged
Two forces, F1 and F2, are applied to a
block on a frictionless, horizontal surface.
If the magnitude of the block’s
acceleration is 2.0 m/s2, what is the mass
of the block?
(A) 1kg
(B) 5kg
(C) 6kg (D) 7kg
Which body is in equilibrium?
(A) a satellite orbiting Earth in a circular
(B) a ball falling freely toward the surface
of Earth
(C) a car moving with a constant speed
along a straight, level road
(D) a projectile at the highest point in its
What is the weight of a 2.00-kilogram
object on the surface of Earth?
(A) 4.91 N
(B) 2.00 N
(C) 9.81 N
(D) 19.6 N
A 70-kg cyclist develops 210 Watts of
power while pedaling at a constant
velocity of 7.0 m/s east. What average
force is exerted eastward on the bicycle to
maintain this constant speed?
(A) 490 N
(B) 30 N
(C) 3.0 N
(D) 0 N
The gravitational potential energy, with
respect to Earth, that is possessed by an
object is dependent on the object’s
(A) acceleration
(B) momentum
(C) position
(D) speed
As a ball falls freely toward the ground,
its total mechanical energy
(A) decreases
(B) increases
(C) remains the same
When Earth and the Moon are separated by a
distance of 3.84 × 108 meters, the magnitude
of the gravitational force of attraction between
them is 2.0 × 1020 Newtons. What would be
the magnitude of this gravitational force of
attraction if Earth and the Moon were
separated by a distance of 1.92 × 108 meters?
(A) 5.0 × 1019 N
(B) 2.0 × 1020 N
(C) 4.0 × 1020 N
(D) 8.0 × 1020 N
What is the acceleration of the car at t = 5.0
(A) 0 m/s2 (B) 2.0 m/s2 (C) 2.5 m/s2 (D) 10 m/s2
What is the total distance traveled by the car
during this 6.0-second interval?
(A) 10 m (B) 20 m
(C) 40 m (D) 60 m
A person weighing 785 Newtons on the
surface of Earth would weigh 298 Newtons on
the surface of Mars. What is the magnitude of
the gravitational field strength on the surface
of Mars?
(A) 2.63 N/kg
(B) 3.72 N/kg
(C) 6.09 N/kg
(D) 9.81 N/kg
A motorcycle being driven on a dirt path hits a
rock. Its 60-kilogram cyclist is projected over
the handlebars at 20 meters per second into a
haystack. If the cyclist is brought to rest in 0.50
second, the magnitude of the average force
exerted on the cyclist by the haystack is
(A) 6.0 × 101 N
(B) 5.9 × 102 N
(C) 1.2 × 103 N
(D) 2.4 × 103 N
A boy pushes his wagon
at constant speed along
a level sidewalk. The
graph represents the
relationship between
the horizontal force exerted by the boy and the
distance the wagon moves. What is the total
work done by the boy in pushing the wagon
4.0 meters?
(A) 5.0 J
(B) 7.5 J
(C) 120 J (D) 180 J
A boy pushes his wagon
at constant speed along a
level sidewalk. The graph
represents the relationship
between the horizontal force
exerted by the boy and the
distance the wagon moves.
As the boy pushes the wagon, what happens to the
wagon’s energy?
(A) Gravitational potential energy increases.
(B) Gravitational potential energy decreases.
(C) Internal energy increases.
(D) Internal energy decreases.
Which is an SI unit for work done on an
A. kg · m2
B. kg · m
C. kg · m2
D. kg · m
A motorboat, which has a speed of
5.0 m/s in still water, is headed east as it
crosses a river flowing south at 3.3 m/s.
What is the magnitude of the boat’s
resultant velocity with respect to the
starting point?
(A) 3.3 m/s
(B) 5.0 m/s
(C) 6.0 m/s
(D) 8.3 m/s
A car traveling on a straight road at
15.0 m/s accelerates uniformly to a speed
of 21.0 m/s in 12.0 seconds. The total
distance traveled by the car in this
12.0-second time interval is
(A) 36.0 m
(B) 180 m
(C) 216 m
(D) 252 m
A 0.149-kilogram baseball, initially
moving at 15 meters per second, is
brought to rest in 0.040 second by a
baseball glove on a catcher’s hand. The
magnitude of the average force exerted on
the ball by the glove is
(A) 2.2 N
(B) 2.9 N
(C) 17 N
(D) 56 N
Which body is in equilibrium?
(A) a satellite moving around Earth in a
circular orbit
(B) a cart rolling down a frictionless
(C) an apple falling freely toward the
surface of Earth
(D) a block sliding at constant velocity
across a tabletop
A student standing on the roof of a 50.0meter-high building kicks a stone at a
horizontal speed of 4.00 meters per
second. How much time is required for
the stone to reach the level ground
below? [Neglect friction.]
(A) 3.19 s
(B) 5.10 s
(C) 10.2 s
(D) 12.5 s
On the surface of Earth, a spacecraft has
a mass of 2.00 × 104 kilograms. What is
the mass of the spacecraft at a distance of
one Earth radius above Earth’s surface?
(A) 5.00 × 103 kg
(B) 2.00 × 104 kg
(C) 4.90 × 104 kg
(D) 1.96 × 105 kg
A student pulls a 60-Newton sled with a
force having a magnitude of 20 Newtons.
What is the magnitude of the force that
the sled exerts on the student?
(A) 20 N
(B) 40 N
(C) 60 N
(D) 80 N
Mass (kg)
Speed (m/s)
Which object has the greatest inertia?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
The magnitude of the acceleration of
block B is
(A) 6.0 m/s2
(B) 2.0 m/s2
(C) 3.0 m/s2
(D) 4.0 m/s2
A ball is thrown vertically upward with
an initial velocity of 29.4 m/s. What is
the maximum height reached by the ball?
(A) 14.7 m
(B) 29.4 m
(C) 44.1 m
(D) 88.1 m
The diagram represents a mass, m, being
swung clockwise at constant speed in a
Horizontal circle. At the instant shown,
the centripetal force acting on mass m is
directed toward point
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
The diagram represents a mass, m, being
swung clockwise at constant speed in a
Horizontal circle. If the string were cut at
the instant shown, m would hit
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
A 3.1-kilogram gun initially at rest is free
to move. When a 0.015-kilogram bullet
leaves the gun with a speed of 500 m/s,
what is the speed of the gun?
(A) 0.0 m/s
(B) 2.4 m/s
(C) 7.5 m/s
(D) 500 m/s
A 75-kilogram bicyclist coasts down a
hill at a constant speed of 12 meters per
second. What is the kinetic energy of the
(A) 4.5 × 102 J
(B) 9.0 × 102 J
(C) 5.4 × 103 J
(D) 1.1 × 104 J
The diagram represents a 155-N box on a
ramp. Applied force F causes the box to
slide from point A to point B. What is the
total amount of gravitational potential
energy gained by the box?
(A) 28.4 J
(B) 279 J
(C) 868 J
(D) 2740 J
As viewed from Earth, the light from a
star has lower frequencies than the light
emitted by the star because the star is
(A) moving toward Earth
(B) moving away from Earth
(C) stationary
The total work done in lifting a typical
high school physics textbook a vertical
distance of 0.10 meter is approximately
(A) 0.15 J
(B) 1.5 J
(C) 15 J
(D) 150 J
A small electric motor is used to lift a
0.50-kilogram mass at constant speed. If
the mass is lifted a vertical distance of
1.5 meters in 5.0 seconds, the average
power developed by the motor is
(A) 0.15 W
(B) 1.5 W
(C) 3.8 W
(D) 7.5 W
A ball is dropped from the top of a cliff.
Which graph best represents the
relationship between the ball’s total
energy and elapsed time as the ball falls
to the ground?
[Neglect friction.]
A child, starting from rest at the top of a
playground slide, reaches a speed of 7.0
meters per second at the bottom of the
slide. What is the vertical height of the
slide? [Neglect friction.]
(A) 0.71 m
(B) 1.4 m
(C) 2.5 m
(D) 3.5 m
A student throws a baseball vertically upward
and then catches it. If vertically upward is
considered to be the positive direction, which
graph best represents the relationship
between velocity and time for the baseball?
A 5.0-kilogram sphere, starting from rest,
falls freely 22 meters in 3.0 seconds near
the surface of a planet. Compared to the
acceleration due to gravity near Earth’s
surface, the acceleration due to gravity near
the surface of the planet is approximately
(A) the same
(B) twice as great
(C) one-half as great
(D) four times as great
A 15.0-kilogram mass is moving at 7.50
meters per second on a horizontal,
frictionless surface. What is the total
work that must be done on the mass to
increase its speed to 11.5 meters per
(A) 120 J
(B) 422 J
(C) 570 J
(D) 992 J
The speedometer in a car does not
measure the car’s velocity because
velocity is a
(A) vector quantity and has a direction
associated with it
(B) vector quantity and does not have a
direction associated with it
(C) scalar quantity and has a direction
associated with it
(D) scalar quantity and does not have
A projectile launched at an angle of 45°
above the horizontal travels through the
air. Compared to the projectile’s
theoretical path with no air friction, the
actual trajectory of the projectile with air
friction is
(A) lower and shorter
(B) lower and longer
(C) higher and shorter
(D) higher and longer
Cart A has a mass of 2 kg and speed of 3 m/s.
Cart B has a mass of 3 kg and speed of 2 m/s.
Compared to the inertia and magnitude of
momentum of cart A, cart B has
(A) the same inertia and a smaller magnitude
of momentum
(B) the same inertia and the same magnitude
of momentum
(C) greater inertia and a smaller magnitude of
(D) greater inertia and the same magnitude of
Approximately how much time does it
take light to travel from the Sun to Earth
(Sun to Earth distance = 1.5 x 1011 m)?
(A) 2.00 × 10–3 s
(B) 1.28 × 100 s
(C) 5.00 × 102 s
(D) 4.50 × 1019 s
A rock falls from rest a vertical distance
of 0.72 meter to the surface of a planet in
0.63 second. The acceleration due to
gravity on the planet is
(A) 1.1 m/s2
(B) 2.3 m/s2
(C) 3.6 m/s2
(D) 9.8 m/s2
Two stones, A and B, are thrown horizontally
from the top of a cliff. Stone A has an initial
speed of 15 meters per second and stone B has
an initial speed of 30 meters per second.
Compared to the time it takes stone A to reach
the ground, the time it takes stone B to reach
the ground is
(A) the same
(B) twice as great
(C) half as great
(D) four times as great
The speed of an object undergoing
constant acceleration increases from
8.0 m/s to 16.0 m/s in 10 seconds. How
far does the object travel during the 10
(A) 3.6 × 102 m
(B) 1.6 × 102 m
(C) 1.2 × 102 m
(D) 8.0 × 101 m
A 1200-kg space vehicle travels at 4.8
m/s along the level surface of Mars. If
the magnitude of the gravitational field
strength on the surface of Mars is
3.7 Newtons per kg, the magnitude of
the normal force acting on the vehicle is
(A) 320 N
(B) 930 N
(C) 4400 N
(D) 5800 N
Which diagram represents a box in
The diagram to the right shows
an object moves counterclockwise
around a horizontal, circular
Which diagram below represents
the direction of both the object’s
velocity and the centripetal force acting on the
object when it is in the position shown?
An airplane flies with a velocity of 750
km/hour, 30.0° south of east. What is
the magnitude of the eastward
component of the plane’s velocity?
(A) 866 km/h
(B) 433 km/h
(C) 650 km/h
(D) 375 km/h
A 1750-kilogram car travels at a constant
speed of 15.0 meters per second around a
horizontal, circular track with a radius of
45.0 meters. The magnitude of the
centripetal force acting on the car is
(A) 5.00 N
(B) 583 N
(C) 8750 N
(D) 3.94 × 105 N
A 0.45-kg football traveling at a speed of
22 m/s is caught by an 84-kg stationary
receiver. If the football comes to rest in
the receiver’s arms, the magnitude of the
impulse imparted to the receiver by the
ball is
(1) 1800 N•s
(2) 9.9 N•s
(3) 4.4 N•s
4) 3.8 N•s
A carpenter hits a nail with a hammer.
Compared to the magnitude of the force
the hammer exerts on the nail, the
magnitude of the force the nail exerts on
the hammer during contact is
(A) less
(B) greater
(C) the same
As a meteor moves from a distance of
16 Earth radii to a distance of 2 Earth
radii from the center of Earth, the
magnitude of the gravitational force
between the meteor and Earth becomes
(A) 1/8 as great
(B) 4 times as great
(C) 8 times as great
(D) 64 times as great
A 60-kg student climbs a ladder a vertical
distance of 4.0 meters in 8.0 seconds.
Approximately how much total work is
done against gravity by the student
during the climb?
(A) 2.4 × 103 J
(B) 2.9 × 102 J
(C) 2.4 × 102 J
(D) 3.0 × 101 J
A car travels at
constant speed v
up a hill from point A to point B. As the car
travels from A to B, its gravitational potential
(A) increases and its kinetic energy decreases
(B) increases and its kinetic energy remains the
(C) remains the same and its kinetic energy
(D) remains and its kinetic energy remains the
What is the maximum amount of work that
a 6000-watt motor can do in 10 seconds?
(A) 6.0 × 101 J
(B) 6.0 × 102 J
(C) 6.0 × 103 J
(D) 6.0 × 104 J
The mass of a paper clip is approximately
(A) 1 × 106 kg
(B) 1 × 103 kg
(C) 1 × 10–3 kg
(D) 1 × 10–6 kg
Which diagram best represents the
gravitational forces, Fg, between a
satellite, S, and Earth?
A block weighing
10.0 N is on a ramp
inclined at 30.0° to
the horizontal. A
3.0-Newton force of friction, Ff , acts on
the block as it is pulled up the ramp at
constant velocity with force F, which is
parallel to the ramp. What is the
magnitude of force F?
(A) 7.0 N (B) 8.0 N (C) 10. N (D) 13 N
A 25-N horizontal force northward and a
35-N horizontal force southward act
concurrently on a 15-kg object on a
frictionless surface. What is the
magnitude of the object’s acceleration?
(A) 0.67 m/s2
(B) 1.7 m/s2
(C) 2.3 m/s2
(D) 4.0 m/s2
The diagram represents
two concurrent forces.
Which vector represents
the force that will produce
equilibrium with these two forces?
Which graph best represents the
relationship between the magnitude of the
centripetal acceleration and the speed of
an object moving in a circle of constant
Which combination of fundamental
units can be used to express energy?
(A) kg•m/s
(B) kg•m2/s
(C) kg•m/s2
(D) kg•m2/s2
An object is thrown upward. Which pair of
graphs best represents the object’s kinetic
energy and gravitational potential energy as
functions of its displacement while it rises?
An electric drill operating at 120 volts
draws a current of 3.00 amperes. What is
the total amount of electrical energy
used by the drill during 1.00 minute of
(A) 2.16 × 104 J
(B) 2.40 × 103 J
(C) 3.60 × 102 J
(D) 4.00 × 101 J
Which is a vector quantity?
(A) speed
(B) work
(C) mass
(D) displacement
A ball is thrown straight downward with
a speed of 0.50 m/s from a height of
4.0 meters. What is the speed of the ball
0.70 second after it is released?
(A) 0.50 m/s
(B) 7.4 m/s
(C) 9.8 m/s
(D) 15 m/s
A soccer player kicks a ball with an
initial velocity of 10 m/s at an angle of
30° above the horizontal. The horizontal
component of the ball’s initial velocity is
(A) 5.0 m/s
(B) 8.7 m/s
(C) 9.8 m/s
(D) 10 m/s
Which object has the greatest inertia?
(A) a 5.00-kg mass moving at 10.0 m/s
(B) a 10.0-kg mass moving at 1.00 m/s
(C) a 15.0-kg mass moving at 10.0 m/s
(D) a 20.0-kg mass moving at 1.00 m/s
A 60-kg physics student would weigh
1560 N on the surface of planet X. What
is the magnitude of the acceleration due
to gravity on the surface of planet X?
(A) 0.038 m/s2
(B) 6.1 m/s2
(C) 9.8 m/s2
(D) 26 m/s2
A 20-N force due north
and a 20-N force due
east act concurrently on
an object. The additional
force necessary to bring the object into a
state of equilibrium is
(A) 20 N, northeast
(B) 20 N, southwest
(C) 28 N, northeast
(D) 28 N, southwest
A car rounds a horizontal curve of constant
radius at a constant speed. Which diagram
best represents
the directions
of both the car’s
velocity, v, and
acceleration, a?
A 6.0-kilogram block, sliding to the east
across a horizontal, frictionless surface
with a momentum of 30 kg•m /s, strikes
an obstacle. The obstacle exerts an
impulse of 10 N•s to the west on the
block. The speed of the block after the
collision is
(A) 1.7 m/s
(C) 5.0 m/s
(B) 3.3 m/s
(D) 20. m/s
If a 65-kg astronaut exerts a force with a
magnitude of 50 N on a satellite that she
is repairing, the magnitude of the force
that the satellite exerts on her is
(A) 0 N
(B) 50 N less than her weight
(C) 50 N more than her weight
(D) 50 N
A 1.0-kg laboratory cart moving with a
velocity of 0.50 m/s due east collides with and
sticks to a similar cart initially at rest. After the
collision, the two carts move off together with
a velocity of 0.25 m/s due east. The total
momentum of this frictionless system is
(A) zero before the collision
(B) zero after the collision
(C) the same before and after the collision
(D) greater before the collision than after the
Student A lifts a 50-N box from the floor to a
height of 0.40 meter in 2.0 seconds. Student
B lifts a 40-N box from the floor to a height
of 0.50 meter in 1.0 second. Compared to
student A, student B does
(A) the same work but develops more power
(B) the same work but develops less power
(C) more work but develops less power
(D) less work but develops more power
While riding a chairlift, a 55-kg skier is
raised a vertical distance of 370 meters.
What is the total change in the skier’s
gravitational potential energy?
(A) 5.4 × 101 J
(B) 5.4 × 102 J
(C) 2.0 × 104 J
(D) 2.0 × 105 J
The work done on a slingshot is 40.0
joules to pull back a 0.10-kg stone. If the
slingshot projects the stone straight up in
the air, what is the maximum height to
which the stone will rise?
(A) 0.41 m
(B) 41 m
(C) 410 m
(D) 4.1 m
A block weighing 40 N is released from rest on an
incline 8.0 meters above the horizontal. If 50 joules
of heat is generated as the block slides down the
incline, the maximum kinetic energy of the block at
the bottom of the incline is
(A) 50 J
(B) 270 J
(C) 320 J
(D) 3100 J