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Ancient Greece
Study Cards
What is the word for the territories
of Ancient Greece?
What is the word for the territories
of Ancient Greece?
Polis or city-states
Describe Greek city states.
Describe Greek city states.
Mostly surrounded by farmland
No more than 20,000 people
Covered approximately 100sq miles
Mostly near Aegean Sea
Spoke mostly Greek
What is aristocracy?
What is aristocracy?
Few noble or upper-class families hold
Means “rule of the best”
What is tyranny?
What is tyranny?
One man is the dictator
Seizes power illegally
What is oligarchy?
What is oligarchy?
Ruled by few rich men
Means “rule by few”
What is democracy?
What is democracy?
Power is shared by large number of
Citizens debate, decide policy and elect
Which form of government became
the pattern for most city-states?
Which form of government became
the pattern for most city-states?
What was the Athenian Assembly?
What was the Athenian Assembly?
The group that passed laws, levied taxes
and voted on issues of war and peace
What were the citizenship
requirements in Athens?
What were the citizenship
requirements in Athens?
Must be male
Must be 18 years old
May not be a slave
Must have two Athenian parents
What was most important to
What was most important to
Military ability
Which god was honored by the
Olympic games?
Which god was honored by the
Olympic games?
What was the Olympic Truce?
What was the Olympic Truce?
A time of no fighting
What caused the Persian Wars?
What caused the Persian Wars?
The people of Miletus rebelled against
Persian rule and asked the Greeks to
overthrow Persia
What happened at the battle of
What happened at the battle of
The Greeks defeated the Persians even
though they were badly outnumbered
What happened at the battle of
What happened at the battle of
A Greek traitor told the Persians how to
surround the Greek army along the narrow
How did the Greeks win the battle
of Salamis?
How did the Greeks win the battle
of Salamis?
The Greeks led the Persians through
shallow waters – their boats got stuck and
were easy targets for the Greeks
Name Pericles’ major
Name Pericles’ major
Strengthened democracy by convincing
Athenians to pay citizens for government work,
allowing poor citizens to participate in
Encouraged the rebuilding of the acropolis after
it had been destroyed in the Persian wars
Patron of the arts and supported dramatists,
painters, sculptors, and architects
What is the Acropolis?
What is the Acropolis?
A complex of buildings that overlooked
What is the most famous building in
the Acropolis?
What is the most famous building in
the Acropolis?
The Parthenon
Which god did the Parthenon
Which god did the Parthenon
What was the Peloponnesian
What was the Peloponnesian
An alliance of city-states which included
Named for Peloponnesus, a mountainous
peninsula where Sparta, Thebes, and
Corinth were located
Designed to counteract Athenian
What started the Peloponnesian
What started the Peloponnesian
Relations between Athens and the
Peloponnesian League began to
What was Athens war strategy?
What was Athens war strategy?
Use their strong navy and avoid land
Who won the Peloponnesian War?
Who won the Peloponnesian War
and who lost?
Sparta, the Peloponnesian League, won
Athens lost
What happened to Athens because
they lost the war?
What happened to Athens because
they lost the war?
They had to tear down their city walls
They lost their navy
Democracy was banned
A Spartan king was put in charge
How was Socrates different from
earlier philosophers?
How was Socrates different from
earlier philosophers?
He was less concerned about where the
world came from
He was more concerned with how humans
ought to behave
What is the Socratic method?
What is the Socratic method?
A teaching method where the teacher asks
a series of questions leading the student
to discover the answer for him or herself
How did Socrates die?
How did Socrates die?
He was put on trial for misleading young
Athenian men
He was sentenced to death
He was poisoned
How did Plato differ from Socrates?
How did Plato differ from Socrates?
Plato used traditional teaching methods
He taught in an academy rather than the
He was more concerned about what the
ideal of goodness was than about helping
people realize how they were living
List Aristotle’s major contributions
to society.
List Aristotle’s major contributions
to society.
He developed the basics of scientific
research by collecting facts, analyzing
them, and developing theories
He wrote books on how to lead good and
just lives
He wrote books on government and said
“the purpose of the state was to make the
good life possible for its slaves”
What areas did Alexander
What areas did Alexander
The Middle East
Part of India
What is the Hellenistic period?
What is the Hellenistic period?
The period after Alexander’s death, when
Greek culture spread to the Mediterranean
What is the library of Alexandria?
What is the library of Alexandria?
A library with more than 700,000 scrolls
Attracted many thinkers of the ancient