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Warm Up
Get you vocab out from yesterday
On a piece of loose leaf write a sentence
using 3 vocabulary words correctly.
To be turned in for a grade
Day One:
The Renaissance
(School of
What was the Renaissance?
French term that literally translated means
The rebirth of classical learning and the arts
in Europe beginning in the 1400s; also the
transitional period from Medieval times to
modern times
Classical – Based on ideas and values of Classical
Greece and Rome. Less emphasis on religion.
Humanism – man at the center of world. Church is
challenged.( Reformation)
Beginning of the Renaissance
Politics – starts in cities of Northern Italy
Controlled by families and run as dictatorships
Rule based on wealth and power
Modern non-religious state
Monarchies develop in England, France and
Spain ending conflict between nobles
Economics – commerce increases
Marco Polo
Trade for silk, cotton, gems, woods and spices
Beginning of Renaissance
Thought – Humanism
Emphasis on man as a subject of art
Importance of man as an individual
Three dimensional figures
“Renaissance Man” skilled at many things
Where in Europe did the
Renaissance have its origins?
Italy: Florence, Venice, & Rome
Why did the Renaissance
develop in Italian city-states?
Florence: Medici family helped foster a spirit
of humanism among artists and scholars;
personal wealth supported writers, artists, &
philosophers - Patrons
Rome: In the Vatican, large palaces &
churches were constructed to increase
prestige; magnificent paintings and
sculptures created for decoration
Venice: economic power from trade led to
prosperity; through trade the city became a
link between Europe and Asia; new ideas and
styles filtered in from Asia
Classical style (Greek &
Roman); comfort and
beauty, glass windows,
domes, columns, &
Cathedral of Florence is
best example
Brunelleschi is best
known architect
Classical Influences
Greek & Roman like
nudes in bronze or
Michelangelo & Ghiberti
Realistic as opposed to
flat, depth or
human emotions,
Leonardo da Vinci
(Mona Lisa, & Last
Supper), & Masaccio
Leonardo da Vinci
Mona Lisa
Self Portrait 
↓ Last Supper ↓
The Last Judgment
Statue of David
↓ Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel ↓
Why Italy?
Contacts with the Byzantine Empire and Muslims in
the Holy Land from the Crusades
Overseas trade led to growth of cities in Italy
Europeans began to question the Catholic Church
Wealthy merchants and officials wanted to display
their wealth
Italy had more access to Roman ruins
Italy had more access to ancient manuscripts from
Constantinople than the rest of Europe (through
foreign scholars)
Italy led the West by the 14th century in banking and
Italy was more urbanized than the rest of Europe
Performance Task for : Renaissance
Art: Due Friday January 8
You find an example of art work or architecture from the renaissance era that depicts the
characteristics discussed in class (you cannot use one that I used as an example)
Then You will then find an example of Modern Art or architecture that today shows the lasting
impression of the renaissance minds
You will have to answer the following questions about each example
Who is the artist?
What is the name of the art work or building?
What year was it created?
Where is it from or located?
How does it show influence from the renaissance era?
Each example should have about a paragraph explaining it:
The Last Supper: by Leonardo
da Vinci
The Last Supper is a late 15th-century mural painting by Leonardo da Vinci in the refectory of the
Convent of Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan. The work is presumed to have been commenced around 1495 and was
commissioned as part of a scheme of renovations to the church and its convent buildings by Leonardo's patron
Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan. The painting represents the scene of The Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples, as it
is told in the Gospel of John, 13:21. Leonardo has depicted the consternation that occurred among the Twelve Disciples
when Jesus announced that one of them would betray him. You can see in the painting da Vinci use perspective to
give it scene depth and also has a very humanist touch to give the charters a life like look
Day 2: Northern Renaissance
Influenced by Italy
Spread through trade, travel
Jan Van Eyck
Peter Bruegel
Peter Paul Reubens
Johan Gutenberg
 Invented the
moveable type
printing press 1455
 Able to mass produce
 Increases literacy
rates in Europe
Jan Van Eyck
Peter Bruegel
Peter Paul Reubens
“Leonardo of the North”
Albrecht Durer
Traveled to Italy to learn
about humanities
Applied Techniques to
 This was done by
carving patterns on a
metal plate with acid
and using it to create
Northern Humanist Writers
Desiderius Erasmus
Dutch Priest
Used his knowledge to
produce a Greek Bible
Called for a translation
of the bible to
Bible became
accessible to more
Northern Humanist Writers
Sir Thomas Moore
English Humanist
Wrote Utopia about
ideal society where
men and women are
equal live in peace and
All work and contribute
and are educated
Northern Humanist Writers
Francois Rabelais
French Humanist
Wrote comical
Gargantua and
Used Humor and
sarcasm to criticize the
Northern Humanist Writers
English poet and
Between 1590 and
1613 wrote 37
Performed at the
Globe Theater
Burnt down during
the play Henry the
VII from a cannon
shot on stage
Popular Shakespeare Plays
Quiz for Understanding
What one activity led to the exchange of culture
and ideas in Europe?
What country was the birth of the
What was the technique developed in art that
shows depth
Why was the printing press so important
What was the result of bibles being printed in
“the Vernacular”
Read p 424-427
Checkpoints on p 424,426,427
3,4 p 427
Quiz on the reading at the beginning of class