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Micronutrients & Water
Presented By:
Network for a Healthy California
Huntington Beach Union High School District
This material was funded by USDA’s Food Stamp Program through the California
Department of Public Health’s Network for a Healthy California. These institutions are
equal opportunity providers and employers. The Food Stamp Program provides nutrition
assistance to people with low income. It can help buy nutritious foods for a better diet.
For information on the Food Stamp Program, call 1-888-328-3483.
What are Micronutrients?
What are Micronutrients?
Essential elements only needed
in small quantities.
Vitamins & Minerals
A Look at Vitamins
Vitamins are:
 Nutrients that are made by living things
 Required in small amounts
 Assist in many chemical reactions
 Do not directly supply you with calories
 Fat soluble or water soluble
 vitamin a  vitamin c  thiamin  folic acid  niacin  thiamin 
What are the fat soluble
Why do these vitamins
require fat to be included in
our diets?
Fat Soluble Vitamins
Fat soluble – absorbed with
the help of fat; stored in fatty
tissues and liver
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Why is Vitamin A important?
What foods provide Vitamin A?
Vitamin A
Function- helps maintain skin and
eyes; helps protect against infection
Food Sources
Animal: liver, eggs, cheese, milk
Plant (beta carotene): yellow, orange
and dark green vegetables & fruit –
carrots, apricots, sweet potatoes, kale &
collard greens
 vitamin a  beta carotene zeaxanthin  carotenoids  alpha carotene  lutein  vitamin a
Why is Vitamin D important?
What foods provide Vitamin D?
Vitamin D
Function – helps maintain bones &
teeth; helps control calcium levels in
our blood, prevents rickets
Sources: milk, eggs, butter, liver,
fortified cereals, oily fish (salmon) &
exposing our skin to the sunlight
 vitamin d  ergocalciferol cholecalciferol  sunshine vitamin  vitamin d1  vitamin d10 
Why is Vitamin E important?
What foods provide Vitamin E?
Vitamin E
Function – helps maintain red blood
cells and is an antioxidant
Sources – margarine, vegetable oil,
salad dressing with vegetable oil, wheat
germ, sunflower seeds, almonds, whole
grains, legumes, leafy green vegetables
 vitamin e  alpha tocotrienol  beta  tocopherol  gamma  delta  vitamin e
Why is Vitamin K important?
What foods provide Vitamin K?
Vitamin K
Function – helps blood to clot, helps in
forming bones
Sources – leafy green vegetables,
broccoli, canola & olive oils, cabbage
 vitamin k  phyllopquinone menaquinones  menadione  vitamin k1  vitamin k2 
Water Soluble Vitamins
Water soluble – dissolves in
Thiamin (B1)
Riboflavin (B2)
Niacin (B3)
Pyridoxine (B6)
Cobalamin (B12)
Pantothenic acid
Folic Acid (Folate)
Vitamin C
Why are the B Vitamins
What foods provide the B
B Vitamins
Function: help metabolize
carbohydrates, fats & proteins
Folic Acid helps form red blood cells
Thiamin & B12 helps in nervous system
Sources: meat, whole grains, leafy
green vegetables, eggs, dairy
 thiamin riboflavin  niacin  pantothenic acid  pyridoxine  biotin  vitamin b12 
Why is Vitamin C important?
What foods provide Vitamin C?
Vitamin C
Function: helps produce connective
tissue, repairs, helps absorb iron, protects
from bruising, keeps gums healthy, helps
heal cuts, protects from infection
Source: citrus fruits, broccoli, kiwi,
cantaloupe, red peppers, tomatoes
 vitamin c  ascorbic acid dehydroascorbic acid 
A Closer Look at Minerals
Naturally occur in rock or soil
Help trigger or regulate body processes
Give our bodies structure
What minerals are needed
by the body?
A Closer Look at
Key Nutrients for Teens?
Let’s highlight three key nutrients:
 Calcium
 Iron
 Folic Acid
Structural component of bones & teeth
Helps muscle contract
Helps blood clot
Transmits nervous system messages
How many of you think you get
enough calcium?
U.S. Teens & Calcium
9 out of 10 girls are NOT
getting enough calcium
7 out of 10 boys are NOT
getting enough calcium
Why be concerned about calcium
intake during teen years?
Other than infancy, this is most rapid
growth period
 15-20% of adult height is acquired
 50-80% of adult weight
 Approximately 45% of total skeletal mass is
Amount of calcium in our
bodies at different stages
Newborn: 27 grams
10 years old: 400 grams
15 years old: 800 grams
Adult: 1200 grams
Adult with Osteoporosis: 750 grams
Weight Bearing Exercise
and Bone Health
Running, walking, and weight-lifting
add to the strength of bones
Consume calcium-rich foods and
keep moving!
How much calcium should
a teen get?
Ages 9-18
1,300 mg of calcium per day
What food groups contain
Sources of Calcium
Milk , cheese, yogurt
Leafy green vegetables
Some fish with bones
(sardines) and shellfish
Sesame seeds, beans
Fortified foods
Calcium/Vitamin D Link
Need vitamin D for absorption of calcium
Most milk products are fortified with
vitamin D
Exposure to sunlight activates vitamin D
production in the body
Vitamin D
Lactose Intolerance
Decreased production
of enzyme lactase
Very common problem
among many ethnic
Lactose Intolerance
Lactose reduced or lactose
free dairy products
Add lactase enzyme to fluid
Take lactase supplement
Consume small quantities of
lactose foods
Component of red blood cells that
carries oxygen
Immune system function
Helps vitamin A function
Helps produce collagen
Iron Foods
Lean Meats
Enriched and Whole Grain Foods
Dried Fruits
Symptoms of Iron
Get tired quickly
Shortness of breath
Severe - anemia
 sleeplessness
 feeling cold
 pale
U.S. Teens and Iron
More teen girls are iron
deficient than teen boys
Diagnosis made via blood
Easily reversible by
consuming iron rich diet
Why are more girls iron
deficient than boys?
Recommended Iron Intake
Teen Girls:
Teen Boys:
15 mg/day
10-12 mg/day
Iron Absorption
Foods that increase absorption:
Vitamin C foods combined with iron
containing foods
Foods that decrease absorption:
Coffee, tea
High fiber foods
Which foods would you
combine to enhance iron
Folic Acid
Cell building B vitamin
Helps to produce DNA and RNA
Plays a role in reducing spina bifida
May have role in protecting against
heart disease
Works with vitamin B12 in forming
hemoglobin in red blood cells
Folic Acid Recommended
for Teens
400 mcg folic acid per day
This recommendation is largely based
upon reduction of spina bifida
Current recommendations are the
same for both genders
Good Food Sources of
Folic Acid
Orange Juice
Leafy Green
Fortified Grain
Macronutrients- Carbohydrates, Protein,
and Fat
Micronutrients- Vitamins and Minerals
What is the one essential nutrient we
have not discussed?
About 65% of our
body is water
Almost all of our
body’s chemical
reactions need water
Blood and tissue have
high water content
Carries away waste material
Maintains body temperature– sweating
Carries electrolytes
sodium/ potassium– regulate many
processes in cells (nerves and muscles)
How much fluid do we need
each day?
Fluid Needs
We need about 6 – 8
eight ounce cups of
fluid or about ½
General Guidelines
Eat a variety of foods to
make sure you are
consuming all the
Refer to
for guidelines on
nutrition and physical