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Atomic Structure
Spectra of Science
Miss Amole
What is an atom?
Simplest unit in an element
Determines the properties of
that element
“atom” is derived from a
Greek word meaning “unable
to be divided”
Contains 3 subatomic
particles: protons, neutrons,
and electrons
Subatomic Particles
• Positively
• Located in nucleus
• Have mass
Subatomic Particles
• Neutral = no charge
• Located in the nucleus
• Have mass
Subatomic Particles
• Negatively charged
• No mass (negligible)
• Very fast; impossible to
pin point exact location,
speed, and direction
• Located outside nucleus
in electron cloud
• Electron cloud contains
energy levels
• Energy levels contain
More About Electrons
The valence electrons an atom has determines reactivity
• Valence electrons are those located in the outermost
shell or energy level
Each energy level can only hold a certain number of
More About Atoms
The number of protons and electrons an atom has is unique
to each element
• That is to say, every element has a different number of
protons in its atom
• Coincides with the atomic number
Even though atoms contain charged particles, they are
electrically neutral
That is to say an atom has an equal amount of protons and
Atoms contain mostly empty space
If the nucleus of an atom was the size of a marble, the entire
element would be the size of a football field
Development of Atomic Theory
• Fourth century BC Greek
• First to suggest the existence of
• Believed universe contained
these invisible units that caused
changes in matter
• Believed atoms were indivisible
Development of Atomic Theory
John Dalton
• 1808 English schoolteacher
• Suggested all atoms of a
given element were alike
• Believed different atoms
could join together to form
• His theories are considered
the foundation for modern
atomic theory
Development of Atomic Theory
Niels Bohr
• 1913 Danish scientist
• Suggested electrons move in
set paths around nucleus that
determine their energy level
• Believed electrons would have
to gain energy to move to a
higher energy level or lose
enregy to move down
Development of Atomic Theory
By 1925, Bohr’s model no
longer explained electron
• Current thought suggested
electrons are act more like
waves on a vibrating
string than particles
• Impossible to detect an
electrons exact location,
speed, or direction
Other Forms of Atoms
• Ions
• Created when an atom loses one or more
electrons and becomes positively charged
• Anions
• Created when an atom gains one or more
electrons and becomes negatively charged
• Isotopes
Atoms of the same element with a different
number of neutrons
-Atomic Structure Video
-Atom Builder