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Atlas™ Vital Signs
Transform Business Metrics
into Powerful Marketing Intelligence
Atlas Vital Signs is an online campaign and website analytics tool that
provides an integrated view of your customers and your marketing
profitability. Designed to integrate with the Atlas Digital Marketing Suite,
Vital Signs blends ad-serving, site-behavior, and customer data to help you
analyze and optimize your online advertising programs.
By basing decisions on proven metrics instead of guesswork, you can:
Need a single tool
to help you capture
the impact of
online advertising
Invest marketing dollars more intelligently.
Reach more profitable customers.
on your business?
Efficiently manage online campaigns to maximize
customer acquisition and revenue generation.
Atlas Vital Signs
Provide strategic and actionable insights for your
clients’ campaigns.
is the solution.
The Atlas Advantage
Atlas DMT has transformed its deep online marketing experience into one of
the most advanced data collection and analysis technologies in the industry.
Having recognized early that click-throughs offer a poor measure of
performance, Atlas DMT focused on producing technology innovations to
capture more relevant performance metrics. In 1997, Atlas DMT pioneered
action tag technology to measure marketing results through to a desired
action—such as a sale, download, or opt-in e-mail registration. Today we’ve
compiled the industry’s largest repository of behavioral data and have created
tools to measure and analyze the metrics that are key to managing profitability.
Vital Signs Module
Return on Investment (ROI)
• Revenue per transaction
• Cost per new customer
Customer Acquisition
• New and repeat customer sales
• Visitor to new customer conversions
Website Traffic
• Website penetration
• Website category views
Sales Analysis
• Product sales overview
• Product category sales
Purchase Process
• Customer drop-off
• Number of visits and days to purchase
Unique User Analysis
• Cost per unique user
• Number of unique users
Vital Signs evolved from this experience and technology. It combines the
patent-pending Atlas WARP (Web Analysis Results Profiler) analytics
architecture and OLAP (online analytical processing) technology to give you a
flexible, integrated view of a wealth of data, from which you can quickly
derive strategic and actionable marketing insights.
Each Vital Signs module
includes a suite of reports that
tell you how your marketing
initiatives are performing.
Atlas Vital Signs
From Insight to Action
Vital Signs consists of multiple reporting modules
that help organize key data for immediate insight
and action. Together the modules provide a
holistic, meaningful view of your marketing
initiatives and help you to:
Smart Tools, Smarter Marketing
With Vital Signs, you can quickly transform data
from insight into action. Instead of wading through
layers of meaningless reports or printouts of raw
data, you can draw conclusions quickly and with
confidence. Vital Signs enables you to:
Create and save reports customized to your
needs. Drill down, drill through, and aggregate
data to create reports ranging from executivelevel summaries to detailed views of particular
sites, genres, customer segments, placements,
or creative.
Optimize campaigns immediately. Vital Signs
is integrated with the Atlas Suite and shares its
tracking technology. This reduces implementation
times, ensuring consistency and compatibility
across your advertising and analysis solutions.
Get up to speed fast. Vital Signs is a web-based
solution and frees you from the hassle and
extraneous costs of other systems, which
force you to buy, install, and maintain additional
software, equipment, and reporting tools.
Maintain complete privacy. The data that Vital
Signs and the Atlas Suite collect contains no
personally identifiable information. In addition,
Atlas DMT maintains a progressive privacy
policy that is audited regularly.
Measure metrics that matter. Instead of
measuring only click-through rates or cost-persale, Vital Signs delivers key insights that reflect
your marketing objectives and your client's
business goals. Vital Signs provides revenue,
product, traffic, attrition, registration, customer
lifecycle, and unique user-based metrics.
■ Segment
every prospect, visitor, and customer.
Vital Signs leverages the power of Atlas WARP
technology to create and track customer
segments. Marketers are then able to measure
which messaging and contact strategies are
most effective at moving prospects along the
customer lifecycle.
Extend merchandising decisions. By tying the
sale of specific products to both the customer
segment and relevant media element—creative,
placement, site, or e-mail—Vital Signs allows
advertisers to extend merchandising decisions
from their site to the Internet as a whole.
Track site activity by customer and visitor
segment. Vital Signs analyzes and filters site
activity—unique usage, visit frequency, cart
attrition, site penetration, visit latency, traffic
volume—by customer segment, so marketers
can tailor their sites to maximize the
experience for each customer and visitor type.
To learn how Atlas Vital Signs can help you deliver
healthier returns for your online advertising programs,
call toll-free 1-866-285-2736, e-mail [email protected],
or visit
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