Download Location Place Human-Environment Interaction Movement Region

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Document related concepts
5 Themes of Geography Research
My country: ______________________________________
1) the continent your country is on
2) absolute location: the latitude and longitude coordinates for your country
(example: 90 N, 25 W)
3) relative location: where your country is located in relation to other
countries (example: the U.S. is north of Mexico)
1) at
least three physical or human features that make your country unique
include the population of your country
include the capital city of your country
other things you could include: languages, religion, geographical features
(mountains, rivers, etc.)
Human-Environment Interaction
1) at least three ways humans interact with the environment
examples: farming (agriculture), mining for metals, making power from water
(hydropower), building houses or other buildings, cutting down trees for
1) at least three ways people or goods move from place to place in your
examples: cars, buses, airplanes, walking, bicycles, boats
1) at least three regions your country belongs to OR regions within your
examples: the U.S.A. belongs to the region of the Americas (North and
South America); the Rocky Mountains are a region within the U.S.A.
Steps to follow:
1) research to find all of the information on the first page
2) choose any presentation app on your iPad to compile your
information into a presentation
3) in your presentation, include the following:
- all of the required information on the previous page
- at least one map of your country
- at least one picture/map on each slide of your presentation
Due date:
Websites to use: