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GÜLŞAH ERDOĞAN/ 2005103403
Islamic creationism is based on the verses Holy Quran that deal with creation
including: “Your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is
established the throne.” (Quran, 7:54) According to this one God is responsible for the whole
creation. Harun Yahya (penname of Adnan Oktar) who believes that “the theory of evolution
is nothing but the deception imposed on us by the dominators of world system” is the theorist
of Islamic creationism.1 Briefly he argues that the theory of evolution is a total delusion and is
contrary to Quran. On the other hand, this paper aims at showing that even if there is no
explicit and definite support for the idea of evolution in the verses of Quran, the creation in
Islam in the light of Quran, does not oppose to it.
Harun Yahya wrote immense amount of books against Darwinism and they are
available in his web site. He associates Darwinism with non- religionism and it is tried to
establish on the masses by means of cultural hegemony.2 He believes that God created living
things and the whole universe from nothing in a conscious and wise way. Moreover he sees
the evolution is at the root of evil today, which also the basis of all anti-spiritual
philosophies.3 Darwinism caused many people to abandon their belief in God, their faith and
to fall in doubt. He sees showing that this theory is nothing but a deception as a duty of a
religionist. To stop this terrorism he offers to put an end to Darwinist-materialist education, to
educate young people in accord with a curricula based on true scientific findings and to instill
in them the fear of God and the desire to act wisely.4 For him, the evolutionary theory of
Darwin is far from being scientific. It is just a prejudice and a deception. The focus of his
Appleman P. (2001) ed., Darwin: A Norton Critical Edition, 3rd ed. New York: W. W. Norton, pp. 551-2.
Yahya, H. (2002) Fascism: The Bloody Ideology of Darwinism, Istanbul: Kultur, („To the Reader‟ section)
Yahya, H. (2002) Islam Denounces Terrorism (3rd Edition), Bristol: Amal Press, p. 147
opposition is on the social and cultural threat posed by evolution in the form of materialism
and atheism. In his book, “Quran Disprove Darwinism,” he maintains that evolutionary
theory is a thought, which was suggested to strengthen the „atheism.‟5 In this book, I do not
see any disprove of Darwinism based on the verses of Quran, but it is mostly about lack of a
distinct proof of evolution in the Quran. He also argues the contrast between creationism fact
and the evolutionary theory‟s idea that living species exist by an unconscious mechanism and
coincidences.6 I will mention about this subject later. But briefly Harun Yahya thinks that
Darwin‟s theory of evolution never agrees with Islamic creationism.
Likewise, there are some other Islamic scholars who reject evolution. For instance, a
professor of Islamic studies, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, says, “ The theory of evolution is the peg
the tent of modernism. If it were to fall down, the whole tent would fall on top of the head of
modernism. And therefore it is kept as an ideology and not as a scientific theory which has
been proven.”7 As well, Muzaffer Iqbal who is the editor of Canadian journal of Islam and
science advocates that the logical implication of evolution is nothing but the destruction of the
sanctity of species.8 Most of oppositions are about regarding the evolutionary theory as an
opposition of the creation by the divine intellect.
According to Caner Taslaman, writer of “Evolutionary Theory, philosophy and the
God,” one of the most prevalent mistakes about relation between believing in the creation of
God and evolutionary theory is that the people who support evolution are associated with
„atheism‟ and the ones who do not believe evolutionary theory are associated with theism.9
Here, it can be understood that a proposition like „God exist‟ is in contradiction with the
proposition that „evolutionary theory is true.‟ However, I believe that evolutionary theory and
Yahya H. (2008) Kuran Darwinism’i Yalanlıyor, trans. Gülşah Erdoğan, Istanbul: Secil Ofset.
Ibid, p. 34
Nasr, S. H. (2006) Islam Sci. 4 (2),181
Iqbal, M. (2006) Islam Sci. 4 (2), 89
Taslaman, C. (2007) Evrim Teorisi, Felsefe ve Tanrı, Trans. Gülşah Erdoğan, Istanbul: Istanbul Yayınevi,
the ontology, which is based on the creation of God, are not contrary to each other. As well,
falsification of one of them is not the proof of the other. As a result, I defend the possibility of
an evolution, which is created by God.
There are several theists who accept various interpretations of evolution or do not
see any contradiction between evolution and Islam. For example, a Lebanese scholar, Hussein
al-Jisr saw room for an accommodation between evolution and Quran and says, “ there is no
evidence in the Quran to suggest whether all species, each of which exist by the grace of God,
were created all at once or gradually.”10 Similarly, in his book: Creation and/or Evolution: An
Islamic Perspective, Shavanas challenges the inherent conflict between scientific knowledge
and religious texts, showing it as a false dilemma, at least where Islam is concerned.
Additionally, an Islamic philosopher, Mohammad Iqbal, while accepting evolution
reluctantly, credited 9th century philosopher, Al-Jahiz for the idea of evolution and IbnMaskwaih, in the 11th century, as the first Muslim thinker to give a clear and in many respects
a thoroughly modern theory of the origin of man.11
Evolutionary theory of Darwin points out a mechanism that depended on variation
and change: the natural selection and it justifies that all species come from a common
ancestor. Namely, it connects all creatures including human, with a common descent. As far
as Islamic creation and evolution is concerned, it is important to find the emergence of this
first ancestor. Quran portrays God as the creative force behind the universe. However, some
advocate spontaneous generation, which asserts that species rise not from reproduction or
segmentation of living beings but from lifeless matter.12 It can explain the emergence of first
living being. Nevertheless, with the invention of microscope impossibility of beings‟
emergence from nonliving matter is understood.13 Therefore, evolutionary theory must accept
Whitaker, B. (2009) What’s Really Wrong with the Middle East, Saqi Books
Hameed, S. “Bracing for Islamic Creationism.” Science, vol. 322 (2008): 1637
Taslaman, C. (2007) Evrim Teorisi, Felsefe ve Tanrı, Trans. Gülşah Erdoğan, Istanbul: Istanbul Yayınevi, p.61
Ibid, p.254
that at least once, there must be a first cause for a living being. According to Harun Yahya,
the main argument of Darwinists is that living beings, without any intervention of a creator
emerges by themselves from nonliving matter.14 However, Darwin completes “The Origin of
Species,” saying, “There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been
originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has
gone circling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless
forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved.” 15 In other
words, he obviously claims that the first being can be created by the direct intervention of
God. God as a creator may not be the only alternative for the emergence of the first being.
Nevertheless, this paper seeks the compatibility of Quran and evolutionary theory.
Firstly, the age of the earth and universe is argued in relation to the theory of
evolution. In The Origin of Species, discussing the time necessary for evolution, Darwin says,
“all changes having been affected very slowly through natural selection,” and “process of
natural selection will always be very slow.”16 Hence, an old universe is necessary for
evolution, but not a sufficient reason to prove it. In Islamic world in terms of Quran, a
universe of billions of years is widely accepted. Quranic narrative of creation includes a sixday account of creation. But, the length of each day is not clear. In Arabic language „yevm‟
which means the „day,‟ can also be used as time periods.17 Thus, one day can be defined as a
thousand years. Consequently, the age of the earth does not constitute a problem for
evolution. As a matter of fact, Harun Yahya does not so much deal with this issue.
The most important issue, which must be examined for the relation of Islam and the
evolution, is the human evolution. It is usually excluded from this scheme due to the fact that
human has a special place in Islam. He is the most significant being and everything was
Yahya H. (2008) Kuran Darwinism’i Yalanlıyor, trans. Gülşah Erdoğan, Istanbul: Secil Ofset, p. 33
Darwin, C. The Origin of Species, p.174
Ibid, p.146-9
Taslaman, C. (2007) Evrim Teorisi, Felsefe ve Tanrı, Trans. Gülşah Erdoğan, Istanbul: Istanbul Yayınevi,
created to be in the service of him. Mankind is distinguished from apes and other animals by
high intellect, physical form and owning a soul, conscience and free will. Nonetheless, even if
Darwin does not suggest that human originated from ape, most of evolutionist like Linnaeus,
Lamarck, Huxley as well as Darwin consider that man evolved from an apish being. 18 From
Islamic perspective, association of man and monkey may be seen as an insult of human and as
a threat of man‟s honor. However, in Quran, it is asserted, “They resemble animals, on
account of their way, they are even more bewildered than animals.” (Quran, 25:44) In this
regard, if a man can be worse than an animal, in sense of human honor, it would be wrong to
oppose to association of man and ape. Also, in another verse of Quran, God says that mankind
is not his greatest creation: “ Indeed, the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than
the creation of the mankind, but most of mankind do not realize it.” (Quran, 40:57)
Separately, according to Quran, “ He began the creation of man from clay, and made his
progeny from a quintessence of fluid.” The notion that human like all other species is made
from water and earth, support the idea of common descent. Throughout creation process,
understanding that God made species evolving from each other and Adam evolved from these
species, because the raw material is earth, it does not constitute a problem for Quran. Must the
present man be exactly the same as Adam and Eve? Most would accept that human culturally,
intelligently and physically changes and improves together with technological and cultural
development. We cannot expect that ancient human was exactly the same as present man. For
instance, ancient man who was living in caves and was hunting big creatures to survive, has
not the same physical and mental features as modern man. The idea that human changes are
also stated in Quran: “Remember that after Nuh peoples, he made you caliphs and gave you
more advanced creation.” (Quran, 7:69)
Taslaman, C. (2007) Evrim Teorisi, Felsefe ve Tanrı, Trans. Gülşah Erdoğan, Istanbul: Istanbul Yayınevi,
In conclusion, in this paper it is tried to show that in terms of Islamic creationism
there is no reason to oppose Darwin‟s theory of evolution, which Harun Yahya argues against.
At the same time, even if there is no explicit and clear proof in verses of Quran, evolutionary
theory and Islam can even be reconciled. Namely, we cannot say that it is against the honor of
mankind and it is impossible that God used evolution as a mechanism of creation.
1. Appleman P. ed., Darwin: A Norton Critical Edition. 3rd ed. New York: W. W.
Norton. 2001
2. Yahya, H. Fascism: The Bloody Ideology of Darwinism. Istanbul: Kultur. 2002
3. Yahya, H. Islam Denounces Terrorism (3rd Edition). Bristol: Amal Press.2002
4. Yahya H. Kuran Darwinism’i Yalanlıyor. trans. Gülşah Erdoğan. Istanbul: Secil
Ofset. 2008
5. Nasr, S. H. Islam Sci. 4 (2). 2006
6. Iqbal, M. Islam Sci. 4 (2). 2006
7. Taslaman, C. Evrim Teorisi, Felsefe ve Tanrı. Trans. Gülşah Erdoğan. Istanbul:
Istanbul Yayınevi. 2007
8. Whitaker, B. What’s Really Wrong with the Middle East. Saqi Books. 2009
9. Hameed, S. “Bracing for Islamic Creationism.” Science, vol. 322 (2008): 1637
10. Darwin, C. The Origin of Species