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Periodic Table of
Periodic Table
What are atoms??
Atoms make up the elements that are on
the periodic table
The three main particles that make up an
atom are the protons, neutrons, and
What’s in an atom??
 The protons and neutrons are in the center of the atom
which is called the nucleus
 The electrons are found outside of the nucleus
 Protons have a positive charge
 Neutrons have a neutral charge
 Electrons have a negative charge
 A pure substance that cannot be broken into a simpler
substance is called an element.
 Examples of elements?
 Those elements are arranged according to their
properties in a chart called the periodic table.
Atomic Number
 The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
determines an element’s atomic number.
 The atomic number also determines the chemical
properties of an element and its place in the periodic
 Example: Hydrogen (H) has an atomic number of 1
and it is at the top of the periodic table.
Atomic Mass
• On the periodic table, the average mass of the
atoms in an element is expressed as the atomic
• Adding the protons and neutrons will give you the
atomic mass.
• For example Iron (Fe) has an atomic mass of 56 because there are 26 protons
and 30 neutrons and added together that makes 56.
Groups and Periods
• What is a group? A group in the periodic table is a
• All the elements in a group have similar properties
• Also known as a family
Metals, nonmetals, metalloids, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, noble
• What is a period? A period in the periodic table is a
• The elements in a period have different properties.
• The mass gets larger as you go from left to right.
History of Periodic Table
 The founder of the modern Periodic Table is Dmitri Mendeleev
 Russian chemist and inventor
 Made his discovery but first writing a book and realized that
all the elements sometimes have similar properties so he
decided to group them.