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Democracy in Ancient Greece
I. Geography shaped Greek Civilization.
A. The sea shaped Greek Civilization just as in Asia rivers did.
B. The terrain isolated the people, very ___________________
C. The climate (moderate temperatures) helped to shape life.
- Public _______________ were part of civic duty and culture.
II. First Ancient Civilizations’ Contributions (Bronze Age)
A. Crete (2000-1400 BC) Minoans
- Women viewed almost as equals as man, respect.
B. Creation of the Greek Hero
1. Homer’s stories
2. Olympics started 776 BC, crowned w/ olives leaves, and
3. Greek gods were like humans in ___________, but immortal
4. Myths tried to explain the mysteries of nature and power of
5. Religion in Greece was tied to government and civic _______
III. City-states compete for power.
A. City-states (polis) are the cradle of democracy.
1. Citizens were expected to be _________________
2. Only free _________ were viewed as citizens.
3. They were to be involved in all ________________________
4. They were considered free and ___________________ men.
5. Leaders were expected to be willingly to ______________
B. Power passes from kings to citizens.
1. After warrior-kings, an aristocracy (group of nobles) ruled the
city-states and served themselves.
2. Because iron was cheap, citizens were soldiers/courageous.
3. Often an out-of-place noble led farmer-soldiers into a revolt.
a. He would set himself up as a ___________________
4. Many other city-states tried other forms of government.
C. Sparta built an army state.
1. Great army, but no art or architecture.
2. Values were duty, strength, and discipline over freedom,
beauty and individuality.
D. Athens turned to __________________________
1. They were educated to think and act as
2. They were eager to learn new _________________
3. 2 leaders reformed the government into a democracy, rule by
4. Solon (594 BC) reforms the economy and politics.
a. Canceled all debts, freed indebted slaves, made farming
profitable and required sons to get a trade.
b. Allowed all males to discuss and vote on issues, and
allowed anyone to bring charges against anyone committing a wrong,
so all were responsible for justice.
5. Cleisthenese (508 BC) creates a Council of 500 to prose
laws and advise the Athenian assembly.
E. 2 Persian Wars came to Greece, one in 490 and 480 BC.
IV. Athens led Greece in its golden age.
A. Pericles (480 BC) strengthens democracy and the arts.
- Created paid public officials to hire more than the _________
B. Art flourished in Athens. Classical Art was created a standard
by the Athenians - order, balance, and proportion.
C. Sparta defeated Athens in Peloponnesian War of 27 years
starting in 431 BC.
1. Athens’ navy destroyed & depleted by plagues, it surrenders.
2. Athens is shaken by defeat. Democracy begins to fail.
D. Philosophers searched for truth.
1. Philosopher is “one who loves _______________________”.
2. Socrates created the Socratic method of asking questions to
find the truth of something; he was sentenced to death for corrupting
the youth of Athens.
3. Plato theorized that the average citizen was incapable of
a. He created a school of thought called the Academy.
b. Wrote The
about the best form of government.
c. Only the top third should rule, & their greatest philosopher
4. His greatest pupil was Aristotle who was hungry for
knowledge. He developed syllogism - If A and B, then
Roman Civilization and its Republic (1000 BC to AD 476)
I. The Creation of the City of Rome
A. Geography plays a role.
1. The Alps in the north separates it from Europe.
2. Weather is very mild, allowing for __________________
B. Rome creates its “own” culture.
1. All trade routes from north and south cross at one point, ____
2. Greeks, Latins, and Etruscans battled for control of Italy
3. Romans combine the best of all.
a. Religious ideas from Greeks (gods) and Etruscans (signs).
b. Romans overthrew the king and set up a republic.
c. Romans value family ties.
1.) The ways of the fathers - discipline, strength, & loyalty
d. Society was divided into classes.
1.) Upper - patrician - original families had the right to make
laws, held offices.
2.) Plebeians - commoner, artisans, merchants - could vote.
3.) Later huge numbers of slaves.
4. Romans built a mighty army.
a. All males were required to serve for 10 years.
b. Legion 6,000 fought as century (100), flexible to attack in
C. The Roman Republic spread its power.
1. Plebeians demanded more rights.
2. 12 Tables
a. Now written down, nobles could not _________________
b. All ___________ had the right to protection under the law.
3. Rome achieved a balanced government.
a. 2 Consuls - general/president 1.) power of life and death
2.) term only one year, once every 10 years
3.) __________ - “I forbid” - stops other consul’s laws
b. Senate - aristocratic branch
1.) advised consuls
2.) influenced domestic and foreign affairs
3.) membership for life, continuity and power
c. Democratic assembly of all citizen-soldiers, decisions were
d. Dictator - in times of __________ - 6 months of total power
4. Rome won control of Italy.
a. Three levels of citizens.
1.) Romans - from the city and area around
2.) ½ citizens were given all rights except ______________.
3.) Allies of Rome, gave troops, formed alliance with only
Rome, free to self-govern.
d. Citizenship could be ____________ to a select foreign few.
5. Rome fought Carthage, sea trading competitor, Punic Wars.
D. The Republic collapsed in Rome
1. As the empire expanded, the gap grew between
a. rich upper class
1.) Hannibal destroyed small farms creating huge farms.
2.) Many conquered people were brought in as __________
3.) Great spoils of war made the wealthy accustom to spoils
b. Bottom was the slaves brought back from war
c. Proletariat - proletarius "citizen of the lowest class," in
ancient Rome, landless people, exempted from taxes and military
service, which served the state only by having children.
Without farms or jobs they became dangerous discontent _________.
2. Attempts to reform the political system.
a. Gracchis attempt to give poor land, deal w/ unemployment
b. Both brothers were killed by the senate.
c. An army leader, Marius 105 BC, takes political power.
d. Army now fought for leader who brought wealth, not for___
e. 88 BC, Sulla ends the six-month dictator’s limit
3. Julius Caesar takes power.
a. Bribes Sulla’s soldiers not to kill him.
b. After 20 years of playing politics, became Spanish governor
c. With that wealth, and the support of the rich Crassus and
popular general Pompey, they set up the First Triumvirate.
d. The 3 bribed and bullied the senate and assembly
e. Julius would go off to conquer Gaul and Britannia.
f. Upon return (50 BC) he was ordered to disband his army,
which would lead to his end.
g. He crosses the Ribicon - a decision from which there _____
h. He attacks Rome to start a civil war.
i. Defeats Pompey in Greece, who is later beheaded in Egypt.
j. Returns to Rome in 46 BC w/ support of 2 armies & people
k. He made several great changes.
1.) Granted citizenship to many outside of ______________
2.) Increased the Senate to 900 and filled it w/ his followers.
3.) Ordered landowners to substitute at least 1/3 of slaves
4.) To create jobs he set up public works programs - great
5.) He founded many colonies where landless could go.
6.) Programs cut in half the number on government dole l. He was murdered by a group of ________________ on
March 15, 44 BC, “Ides of March”.
4. The Republic dies after Caesar’s death.
a. 3rd civil war creates a great leader, Octavian (Augustus).
b. He is part of a 2nd Triumvirate, Octavian (grandson of
Caesar), Lepidus (powerful politician) and Marc Antony (great
general) 43-33 BC.
e. Naval Battle of Actium 31 BC, Marc Antony is defeated.
f. Octavian returns as triumphant 1st citizen.
g. He later takes the title Augustus - exalted one
h. He was the 1st emperor of Roman Empire - ruled for 41 yrs
i. Romans found it convenient to let the republic die, while
acting like it still existed.
II. The Roman Empire
A. A time of Pax Romana - peace and prosperity in the empire
1. Augustus set up a sound government.
a. He created policies - plans for governing
b. Encouraged values of simplicity, soberness, and patriotism
c. He improved trade and transportation.
- A common coinage, removed transportation taxes, built
great highways and aqueducts.
d. He created public building programs. Concrete
e. Civil service created, removing real power from senators.
1.) Free(d) people ran the grain, roads, post, etc.
2.) It improved their lives, these men were loyal to _______
2. Peace continued after Augustus.
a. The civil service that Augustus created survived good and
bad Caesars over the next ___________ years.
b. Succession was a problem, who choses?
B. Romans extended the Greek Culture
1. The blend of the two cultures is called Greco-Roman.
2. New Schools of philosophy arose.
a. Epicuranism
1.) Free the body of _______________________________
2.) Avoid pain by avoiding _______________________
3.) Accept death as the end, so there was nothing to fear
4.) Wealthy forgot avoiding excesses, to justify pursuit of
b. Stoicism
1.) Encouraged virtue, duty, and endurance.
2.) Universe was controlled by Universal Law, Divine
3.) Taught virtues of reason, duty, and courage.
4.) Pain and pleasure were ________________________
Many wealth students would later be in politics and ___
Marcus Aurelius wrote Meditations.
Human laws and power should be reasonable and just.
Pater familias no longer had power of life and death.
Also masters were prohibited in killing/injuring slaves.
3. Roman law united the empire.
a. Early law (12 Table) dealt with the rights of Romans.
b. Later the laws were applied to all people.
c. Many of the most important principles were Stoic.
1.) No person could be judged without first seeing the facts.
2.) Accused had right to face accusers & defend themselves
3.) If there were questions about someone’s guilt, then he
should be viewed as innocent.
4.)Any law that seemed unreasonable or grossly unfair could
be set aside (unconstitutional).
d. Long after Rome was gone, its laws endured.
e. They became the basis for many European countries, &
C. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
1. Crises weakened the empire.
a. Economics decay
1.) Trade was disrupted by barbarian attacks.
2.) Most trade was import and not export, so money was __
3.) Prices rose because of devaluation of coins - inflation.
4.) Farming output dropped off.
b. Military decay.
1.) Military was being defeated on the borders & the soldiers
2.) Roman soldiers were fighting for pay now and not _____
3.) To keep costs down, the empire hired barbarians to fight,
c. Political decay
1.) Most people were concerned about themselves and not
2.) Few wanted to enter govt., and lose money.
3.) The soldiers were the only ones willing to take over.
d. Diocletian (284 - 311 AD) reformed the empire.
1.) Doubled the size of the army to protect borders.
2.) Beat inflation by creating price and wage controls.
3.) Restored Roman religion by persecuting Christians.
4.) Increased emperors prestige by looking more like a
Persian ruler in purple & gold.
5.) To administer empire he divided it into West & East.
e. Constantine (312 - 337 AD) reformed the empire and
1.) Edict of Milan allows freedom of religion. (In 395 AD
Theodosius makes Christianity the official religion of the empire.)
2.) Moved capital to Byzantium, because it was a trading
crossroad, easier to defend, a Christian city, located in prosperous
east, and renamed the city Constantinople.
2. Barbarians overran the empire. (Germanic people)
D. Legacy of Rome – Republic. Laws, Latin, Architecture, Art
Vocab 1
Western Civilization (103)
Men spent their leisure time where? (agora 105)
arete (107)
acropolis (108)
phalanx (109)
Eratosthenes (126)
Euclid (126)
Archimedes (126)
Essay Question - Describe the contributions of the Greeks
to Western Civilization.
Roman Film questions
1. What made ancient Rome successful?
2. What did Caesar become?
3. What were some of Caesar's reforms?
4. Who were Caesar's friends?
his enemies?
5. What was Pax Romana?
Vocab 2
Pater familias (What were his 4 powers over?) (133)
Roman Forum (133 &158)
Cincinnatus (137)
Hannibal (138)
tribune (142)
civil war (145)
gladiator (peace 151)
Caesar (rb 151)
Essay Question - Describe in detail the 5 Contributions
of the Roman Empire to the West.
6. What were the Roman military tactics?
7. How many miles of roads were built by the Romans?
8. How often were soldiers paid?
9. How do the Britons change their tactics?
10. What do the Romans build in response to this change in tactic?
11. Were the Roman soldiers happy with the wall?
12. List out the 4 reasons for Rome's downfall?
Power struggles
Gap between rich and poor
Split of the empire
Greek film Questions
1. What kind of center of the world was Athens to become?
2. What do Greek tragedies show?
3. What did Pericles want to make Athens?
4. Whom did he want to attack?
5. What did Socrates study?
6. What did the Spartans do as they attacked Athens?
7. What problem did the fleet bring into Athens?
8. What fraction of Athens was killed by it?
9. What did Athenian democracy slide into?
10. Who was blamed for Athens' defeat?
Attacks by barbarians
13. What year did the Western Empire fall?
14. Where did the Christian Church get many of its traditions?
15. Why were so many people interested in the city of Byzantium
16. What future nation was greatly influenced by the Byzantines?
17. What were 2 causes for the collapse of the Byzantine Empire?
18. What year did it fall and who finally conquered it?