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The Scientific Revolution
What is a revolution?
• It is a major change.
A Geocentric Universe
• The ancient astronomer, Ptolemy, proposed a
geocentric (earth centered) universe.
• This Ptolemaic System was accepted for over 1500
Why did the Roman Catholic Church
believe in a geocentric universe?
• The Bible taught
that God created the
earth and people. It
made sense that the
sun, moon, planets,
and stars revolved
around the earth.
Who are astronomers?
• Astronomers are scientists who study
the motions of stars and planets.
How did Copernicus change the
way people looked at the universe?
• He believed
in a
or suncentered,
Why did Copernicus have to
keep his work a secret for
most of his life?
• He realized his ideas would cause conflict
with the Church. He faced possible arrest
or excommunication.
How did Kepler change
Copernicus's theory?
• Kepler showed that the planets moved in
How did Galileo discover more
about the universe?
• Galileo built an improved telescope.
Galileo's Telescope
Galileo and the Church
Why do you think the Church
would want to punish Galileo?
The Church and the
Heliocentric Universe
• Scientists began to question
the teachings of the Roman
Catholic Church.
• A conflict between scientific
thought and religious beliefs
• The Church did not want its
authority questioned.
Galileo was Punished
• Galileo was renounced
and put under house
• Scientists who agreed
with Galileo and
Copernicus could face
What is the purpose of the
scientific method?
The Scientific Method
Why is Isaac Newton significant?
• He discovered that
white light can be
broken into the
• He invented the form
of math known as
• He developed the law
of gravity.
In what ways do the think the
Age of Exploration affected, or
led to, the Scientific Revolution?