Lyman-alpha imaging of starburst galaxies in the local universe and beyond Matthew Hayes
... into stars and, integrated over a single object, is typically measured in solarmasses per year (M yr−1 ). From the perspective of astrophysical cosmology, the key star formation related quantity to pin down is the rate of cosmic star-formation per unit volume, or star formation rate density (ρSFR , ...
... into stars and, integrated over a single object, is typically measured in solarmasses per year (M yr−1 ). From the perspective of astrophysical cosmology, the key star formation related quantity to pin down is the rate of cosmic star-formation per unit volume, or star formation rate density (ρSFR , ...
Galaxy Formation and Evolution.
... H O U J U N M O is Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Massachusetts. He is known for his work on the formation and clustering of galaxies and their dark matter halos. F R A N K VA N D E N B O S C H is Assistant Professor at Yale University, and is known for his studies of the formation, ...
... H O U J U N M O is Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Massachusetts. He is known for his work on the formation and clustering of galaxies and their dark matter halos. F R A N K VA N D E N B O S C H is Assistant Professor at Yale University, and is known for his studies of the formation, ...
The correlation between galaxy morphology and star
... than local ones with similar mass (Cassata et al. 2011, 2013). Recent works have suggested, however, that a large fraction of, and possibly even all, massive, quiscent galaxies at z ∼ 2 are disk dominated (van der Wel et al. 2011). While the observation of such disks at z > 2 is based on morphologic ...
... than local ones with similar mass (Cassata et al. 2011, 2013). Recent works have suggested, however, that a large fraction of, and possibly even all, massive, quiscent galaxies at z ∼ 2 are disk dominated (van der Wel et al. 2011). While the observation of such disks at z > 2 is based on morphologic ...
Catalogues of isolated galaxies, isolated pairs, and isolated triplets
... Separating the effects of interaction-driven evolution in the observed galaxy properties is not trivial. Galaxies suffer intrinsic and secular evolution processes, but they are also exposed to the influences of their local and large-scale environments. There is a strong correlation of galaxy propert ...
... Separating the effects of interaction-driven evolution in the observed galaxy properties is not trivial. Galaxies suffer intrinsic and secular evolution processes, but they are also exposed to the influences of their local and large-scale environments. There is a strong correlation of galaxy propert ...
Introduction: A Road Well-Traveled
... iii. In origins debates, both views are, in fact, looking at and utilizing the same evidence 1. It is not the case that evolutionists are looking at one set of empirical data while creationists are looking at an entirely different set of empirical data 2. The empirical data doesn’t change 3. It’s on ...
... iii. In origins debates, both views are, in fact, looking at and utilizing the same evidence 1. It is not the case that evolutionists are looking at one set of empirical data while creationists are looking at an entirely different set of empirical data 2. The empirical data doesn’t change 3. It’s on ...
Galaxies - hwchemistry
... of galaxies, however, they find that the measured masses are much larger than expected from the luminosities of the galaxies. • This seems to be true of most galaxies. – Measured masses of galaxies amount to 10 to 100 times more mass than you would expect from the appearance of galaxies. ...
... of galaxies, however, they find that the measured masses are much larger than expected from the luminosities of the galaxies. • This seems to be true of most galaxies. – Measured masses of galaxies amount to 10 to 100 times more mass than you would expect from the appearance of galaxies. ...
Mapping the Pathways of Galaxy Transformation Across Time and
... high stellar mass within the central 1 kpc radius as being the best ticket to cross the bridge from being an active star forming galaxy to a quiescent one. Our studies range from using SDSS for local galaxies to using the rich, deep, multi-wavelength imaging and our Keck spectroscopic data in the CA ...
... high stellar mass within the central 1 kpc radius as being the best ticket to cross the bridge from being an active star forming galaxy to a quiescent one. Our studies range from using SDSS for local galaxies to using the rich, deep, multi-wavelength imaging and our Keck spectroscopic data in the CA ...
The dark matter crisis: falsification of the current standard model of
... constraints. The nature of spiral nebulae and the dimensions of the universe were debated in 1920 by Harlow Shaply and Heber Curtis in The Great Debate, but galactic and extragalactic distance scales were proven later (Opik 1922; Hubble 1929). The other “Hypothesis 0ii”, so fundamental that it is us ...
... constraints. The nature of spiral nebulae and the dimensions of the universe were debated in 1920 by Harlow Shaply and Heber Curtis in The Great Debate, but galactic and extragalactic distance scales were proven later (Opik 1922; Hubble 1929). The other “Hypothesis 0ii”, so fundamental that it is us ...
... interstellar gas could produce cosmic rays outside the supernova itself. Second, Baade and Zwicky tried to explain how such titanic explosions could occur at all. Then as now, any reasonable theory had to involve gravitational collapse. However, a simple calculation showed that the collapsing progen ...
... interstellar gas could produce cosmic rays outside the supernova itself. Second, Baade and Zwicky tried to explain how such titanic explosions could occur at all. Then as now, any reasonable theory had to involve gravitational collapse. However, a simple calculation showed that the collapsing progen ...
Giant Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
... Several studies have tried to understand the lack of star formation in LSB galaxies. In general the presence of copious amounts of neutral hydrogen gas in galaxies indicates that they have the capacity to form stars through cloud collapse and star formation. But although LSB galaxies are gas-rich, t ...
... Several studies have tried to understand the lack of star formation in LSB galaxies. In general the presence of copious amounts of neutral hydrogen gas in galaxies indicates that they have the capacity to form stars through cloud collapse and star formation. But although LSB galaxies are gas-rich, t ...
Studies of dark matter in and around stars
... for letting me explore the marvels of physics research. Thank you Joakim for the sometimes intense physics discussions and for letting me ruin your Christmas too. Thank you Paolo Gondolo for our collaboration, for your insights and your hospitality during my visit in Salt Lake City. Thanks also to K ...
... for letting me explore the marvels of physics research. Thank you Joakim for the sometimes intense physics discussions and for letting me ruin your Christmas too. Thank you Paolo Gondolo for our collaboration, for your insights and your hospitality during my visit in Salt Lake City. Thanks also to K ...
The DRIFT Dark Matter Project - School of Physics and Astronomy
... Through the use of a Monte Carlo simulation the neutron and gamma-ray background experienced by DRIFT has been determined and the experimental implications assessed. In addition, the activity of the main neutron calibration source used to calibrate DRIFT modules has been measured and was found to be ...
... Through the use of a Monte Carlo simulation the neutron and gamma-ray background experienced by DRIFT has been determined and the experimental implications assessed. In addition, the activity of the main neutron calibration source used to calibrate DRIFT modules has been measured and was found to be ...
Annual Report 2011 - Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
... geometry of the MPA can easily confuse first-time visitors, its open and centrally focused plan is very effective at encouraging interaction between scientists (for example at the now traditional morning “scientific coffee”) and makes for a pleasant and stimulating research environment (see Fig. 1.1 ...
... geometry of the MPA can easily confuse first-time visitors, its open and centrally focused plan is very effective at encouraging interaction between scientists (for example at the now traditional morning “scientific coffee”) and makes for a pleasant and stimulating research environment (see Fig. 1.1 ...
Digital Universe Guide - American Museum of Natural History
... night sky as seen from Earth. With the left mouse button pressed, you can pan around the sky to your heart’s content. How do you move away from the Sun, though, and begin flying around the stars? Turn on the stars and turn off the open clusters and globular clusters (click on their group buttons). B ...
... night sky as seen from Earth. With the left mouse button pressed, you can pan around the sky to your heart’s content. How do you move away from the Sun, though, and begin flying around the stars? Turn on the stars and turn off the open clusters and globular clusters (click on their group buttons). B ...
Spectacular Evidence of the Greatness of Almighty Allah
... contain many multiple star systems, star clusters, and various interstellar clouds. Most galaxies are 1,000 to 100,000 parsecs in diameter. The parsec measurement unit is used in astronomy. The parsec is a unit of length, equal to just under 31 trillion kilometers (about 19 trillion miles), or about ...
... contain many multiple star systems, star clusters, and various interstellar clouds. Most galaxies are 1,000 to 100,000 parsecs in diameter. The parsec measurement unit is used in astronomy. The parsec is a unit of length, equal to just under 31 trillion kilometers (about 19 trillion miles), or about ...
Polarimetry in Astrophysics and Cosmology
... The work described in this thesis would not have been possible without the support of many people. Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Prof. Chuck Bennett for the continuous support of my Ph.D study and research, for his patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense ...
... The work described in this thesis would not have been possible without the support of many people. Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Prof. Chuck Bennett for the continuous support of my Ph.D study and research, for his patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense ...
... BUT (for example) the supersymmetric string theories (fashionable in the last 20 or so years), which describe gravity and other interactions and matter particles, are only valid in 10 dimensions (dimensions other than 3 that we see can be very small or very large) or in 26 dimensions if no supersymm ...
... BUT (for example) the supersymmetric string theories (fashionable in the last 20 or so years), which describe gravity and other interactions and matter particles, are only valid in 10 dimensions (dimensions other than 3 that we see can be very small or very large) or in 26 dimensions if no supersymm ...
The colour–magnitude relation of early
... Because the sample is at a range of different redshifts in the ®eld, it is also important to apply evolution corrections (E-corrections), so that a single coeval CMR can be constructed. For the sake of simplicity we assume, to ®rst order, that all the galaxies are formed in a single burst at z zfo ...
... Because the sample is at a range of different redshifts in the ®eld, it is also important to apply evolution corrections (E-corrections), so that a single coeval CMR can be constructed. For the sake of simplicity we assume, to ®rst order, that all the galaxies are formed in a single burst at z zfo ...
T3-Cosmic Star Formation History
... By modeling the emission history of all stars in the Universe at UV, optical, and IR wavelengths from the present epoch to z ≈ 8 and beyond, one can then shed light on some key questions in galaxy formation and evolution studies: Is there a characteristic cosmic epoch of the formation of stars and h ...
... By modeling the emission history of all stars in the Universe at UV, optical, and IR wavelengths from the present epoch to z ≈ 8 and beyond, one can then shed light on some key questions in galaxy formation and evolution studies: Is there a characteristic cosmic epoch of the formation of stars and h ...
exploring the universe with the low frequency array a scientific case
... There have been several recent technological developments that make it possible to compensate for the jittering effects of the ionosphere. First, the large increase of computer power makes it possible to create and process images of very wide fields on short enough timescales to monitor and correct ...
... There have been several recent technological developments that make it possible to compensate for the jittering effects of the ionosphere. First, the large increase of computer power makes it possible to create and process images of very wide fields on short enough timescales to monitor and correct ...
Review of asymmetric dark matter
... Asymmetric DM is one of a number of well-motivated alternatives to the WIMP solution – other examples are keV-scale sterile neutrinos [12–24], axions [25–33], and Qballs3 [34–39] – which all deserve serious attention. It does not have the (interesting) WIMP feature of a tight connection between the ...
... Asymmetric DM is one of a number of well-motivated alternatives to the WIMP solution – other examples are keV-scale sterile neutrinos [12–24], axions [25–33], and Qballs3 [34–39] – which all deserve serious attention. It does not have the (interesting) WIMP feature of a tight connection between the ...
Gamma Ray Bursts
... • he found an optical flash on 1928.11.17 in the place of GRB 1978.11.19 1984 – another search • GRB 1979.11.05 = optical flash in 1901 • GRB 1979.01.13 = optical flash in 1944 average frequency of flashes of an object = 1.1/year it must live >50 years >50 explosions explosions not fatal e ...
... • he found an optical flash on 1928.11.17 in the place of GRB 1978.11.19 1984 – another search • GRB 1979.11.05 = optical flash in 1901 • GRB 1979.01.13 = optical flash in 1944 average frequency of flashes of an object = 1.1/year it must live >50 years >50 explosions explosions not fatal e ...
Local Group Encyclopedia of Astronomy & Astrophysics eaa.iop.org Mario L Mateo
... members of the Local Group. By the time Hubble first introduced the concept of the Local Group in 1936, he was able to list 11 galaxies that he considered to be members of the group. At present (1999), 43 galaxies can be catalogued as probable members of the Local Group; these systems are listed in ...
... members of the Local Group. By the time Hubble first introduced the concept of the Local Group in 1936, he was able to list 11 galaxies that he considered to be members of the group. At present (1999), 43 galaxies can be catalogued as probable members of the Local Group; these systems are listed in ...
APS Neutrino Study
... important for understanding supernovae, specifically the neutrino opacities, nucleosynthesis, and detection. For example, in the event of a Milky Way supernova, Super-Kamiokande would observe ∼ 103 events from neutrino scattering on oxygen nuclei. Those cross sections, which have never been measured ...
... important for understanding supernovae, specifically the neutrino opacities, nucleosynthesis, and detection. For example, in the event of a Milky Way supernova, Super-Kamiokande would observe ∼ 103 events from neutrino scattering on oxygen nuclei. Those cross sections, which have never been measured ...
Chronology of the universe

The chronology of the universe describes the history and future of the universe according to Big Bang cosmology, the prevailing scientific model of how the universe developed over time from the Planck epoch, using the cosmological time parameter of comoving coordinates. The model of the universe's expansion is known as the Big Bang. As of 2015, this expansion is estimated to have begun 13.799 ± 0.021 billion years ago. It is convenient to divide the evolution of the universe so far into three phases.