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Science Focus Lesson
Plants and Animals
Polk County Public Schools
Benchmark: Compare and contrast the function of
organs and other physical structures of plants and
animals, including humans, for example: some
animals have skeletons for support — some with
internal skeletons others with exoskeletons — while
some plants have stems for support.
Essential Question:
How can we compare and contrast the
function of organs, and other physical
structures of plants and animals?
A living thing is called an
A body part that does a certain “job”
for an organism is called a structure.
The “job” that a structure does is
called its function.
Just as we have organs in our bodies that
carry out different functions, plants and
animals do also.
Humans and
animals have
many of the same
organs, and these
organs carry out
similar functions.
Like humans, animals have a heart, lungs,
stomach, brain, pancreas, intestines,
kidneys, bladder, liver, skin, or body
covering, and sensory organs.
They also have organs
for reproduction like
humans do, such as
testes and ovaries.
While humans and animals share many of
the same structures, there are some
differences also.
 Gills are a structure that some animals have that
allow them to remove oxygen from water. (breathe
under water)
 The bones of many animals differ from those of a
 Animals may be vertebrates (with a backbone) or
invertebrates (without a backbone).
 Many invertebrates have an exoskeleton, which is a
hard covering on the outside of their body that
protects their soft parts inside.
 Animals that have a
backbone are vertebrates
 All vertebrates have an
endoskeleton (internal
 Vertebrates are classified
into mammals, birds,
reptiles, amphibians and
 Animals that do not have
a backbone are
 Include sponges, worms,
snails, jellyfish, clams,
and starfish
 Invertebrates with an
exoskeleton include
lobsters, crabs, crayfish,
shrimp, ticks, scorpions,
insects, and spiders.
Write in your Science Notebook:
3 Ways that humans and
other animals may be alike
2 Ways that humans and
other animals may be
1 Definition of a “function”
Plant Structures
 While humans and
some animals have skin,
plants also have a
covering that functions
as protection for the
plants organs.
 Plant organs include
the roots, stem, and
Roots are organs that carry out 3 functions for a plant.
 They take in water and other materials from the soil.
 They hold the plant in the soil.
 They store extra food that the plant doesn’t need right
•The stem of a plant can be compared to the skeleton
of an animal. It is responsible for supporting the plant
and holding the leaves up to the sunlight, just like the
skeleton provides support for your body.
 Unlike animals and people,
plants are able to make their own
 The main function of the leaves,
is to make food for the plant.
 They make food for the plant by
using the sun’s energy in the
process called photosynthesis.
 Some plants produce flowers as
part of their life cycle.
 Flowers produce fruits that
contain seeds.
 A seed contains a tiny
undeveloped plant and a supply
of food for the plant.
 Flowers come in many different
shapes, sizes, and colors, but
they all help plants reproduce,
just like the ovaries and testes
help animals to reproduce.
 Mosses and ferns do
not reproduce with
seeds, they reproduce
with spores.
 Spores are seed like
structures that produce
new plants.
 They do not develop in
flowers or cones.
Talk to your shoulder
What are some ways that
plants and animals are
alike and different?
Guided Practice
1. Which of the following is something that
plants and animals do NOT have in
a. heart
b. lungs
c. gills
d. brain
Humans do NOT have the ability to breathe
under water like fish because we do not have
2. Which of the following groups of animals
includes vertebrates?
a. amphibians
b. birds
c. mammals
d. all of these groups are vertebrates
Vertebrates are animals with backbones. Vertebrates
are divided up into 5 groups. They are mammals,
birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians.
Roots are one of the organs in a
plant. Which of the following is NOT
a function of the roots?
to make food for the plant
to hold the plant in place
to soak up nutrients from the soil
to store extra food that the plant doesn’t
need right away
The roots are not responsible for making food
for the plant. That is the function of the
leaves. They make food for the plant
through a process called photosynthesis.
Answer this question in your Science
Talk about some of the structures
in plants that you have learned
What are the functions of
these structures?
Check Your Understanding
1. Which of the following is a characteristic
of an invertebrate?
a. they can have an endoskeleton
b. they can have an exoskeleton
c. they can have a backbone
d. None of these are characteristics of an
Check Your Understanding
2. Plants and animals have similarities and
differences. Which of the following is a
way that plants are different from
they can reproduce
they can make their own food
they have organs that help to carry out
different functions
they need air to live
Check Your Understanding
3. Fruits contain seeds produced by a flower. What
is inside of a seed?
a. An undeveloped plant and a supply of food
b. Some chemicals that help with photosynthesis
c. A flower
d. A nutrient that makes the stem stronger so it is
able to support the plant
Check Your Answers
1. B- Invertebrates do not have an endoskeleton (a
skeleton inside their bodies) or a backbone.
2. B- Plants are able to make their own food.
3. A- Flowers use seeds to reproduce. A seed
contains an undeveloped plant (the beginning of
a new plant) and a small supply of food for the
Summary Question
Write in your science notebook to tell
about some similarities and differences
between plants and animals.