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(12) United States Patent
Hoveyda et a1.
(75) Inventors: Amir H. Hoveyda, Lincoln, MA (U S);
Richard R. Schrock, Winchester, MA
(US); Simon J. Meek, Newtonville, MA
(US); Steven J. Malcolmson, Brighton,
MA (US); Elizabeth T. KieseWetter,
Brighton, MA (U S)
(73) Assignees: Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA (US); Trustees of
Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA (US)
Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
(10) Patent N0.:
(45) Date of Patent:
US 8,546,500 B2
Oct. 1, 2013
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Int. Cl.
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Bindl, M., et al., Molybdenum Nitride Complexes with Ph3SiO
Ligands Are Exceedingly Practical and Tolerant Precatalysts for
USPC ............. .. 526/170; 548/402; 546/10; 546/12;
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Field of Classi?cation Search
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[(115 -C9H7)Re(NO)(PPh3)(X)]n+.
Organometallics.12(10);3918-23 (1993).
US. Patent
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Figure 9
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US 8,546,500 B2
Mo(1)-C(1)-C(2):145.61(11), Mo(1)-N(1)-C(11):178.12
(11), Mo(1)-O(1)-C(31):143.14(9). (b) A draWing of the
solid-state structure of (S)iMo(NArjPR)(CHCMe2Ph)(Pyr)
(OHMT) (S-103d, 50% probability ellipsoids). Selected
bond lengths (A) and angles (°): Mo(2)-C(101):1.8759(15),
Mo(2)-N(3):1.7263(12), Mo(2)-N(4):2.0294(13), Mo(2)-O
(2):1.9168(10), Mo(2)-C(101)-C(102):143.31(11), Mo(2)
N(3)-C(111):177.45(11), Mo(2)-O(2)-C(131):150.15(9).
The present invention claims priority to US. Provisional
Application Ser. No. 61/490,784, ?led May 27, 2011, the
entirety of Which is incorporated herein by reference.
FIG. 5. A draWing of the solid-state structure of (NAr)
(CCMe2Ph)(Me2Pyr) (bipy) (104a; 50% probability ellip
soids). Selected bond lengths (A) and angles (°): Mo(1)-C
(29):1.764(3), Mo(1)-N(1):2.326(3), Mo(1)-N(2):2.209
(3), Mo(1)-N(3):1.804(3), Mo(1)-N(4):2.098(3), Mo(1)-C
(29)-C(30):161.5(2), Mo(1)-N(3)-C(11):159.6(2), N(1)
Mo(1)-N(3):144.12(10), N(2)-Mo(1)-N(4):153.05(10).
This invention Was made With government support under
Grant No. R01 GM059426 awarded by the National Institutes
of Health. The government has certain rights in this invention.
FIG. 6. A draWing of the solid-state structure of Mo(NAr')
The present invention generally relates to stabilized metha
tesis catalyst precursors.
Catalytic ole?n metathesis has transformed chemical syn
(CCMe2Ph)(Me2Pyr) (bipy) (104c; 50% probability ellip
soids). Selected bond lengths (A) and angles (°): Mo(1)
N(4):2.2100(13), Mo(1)-C(1)-C(2):159.05(14), Mo(1)-N
(1)-C(11)-162.64(12), N(1)-Mo(1)-N(3):137.44(6), N(2)
FIG. 7. A draWing of the solid-state structure of Mo(NArT)
(CCMe3)(Me2Pyr) (bipy) (104g, 50% probability ellipsoids).
thesis and offers exceptionally ef?cient pathWays for synthe
sis of alkenes. Among various types of ole?n metathesis,
Solvent molecules and the second independent molecule,
cross-metathesis of tWo different terminal alkenes, a reaction
Which shoWs some disorder, as Well as the hydrogen atoms
that generates only the easily removable ethylene as the side
product, constitutes a remarkably attractive and e?icient
strategy for synthesis of disubstituted alkenes. Cross-met
athesis, hoWever, is a mechanistically complicated variant of
this class of transformations. In ring-closing metathesis,
are omitted for clarity. Selected bond lengths (A) and
reacting alkenes are tethered and the intramolecular reaction
is favored; in ring-opening metathesis, release of strain typi
cally serves as the driving force that results in one of several
angles (°): Mo(1)-C(1):1.780(5), Mo(1)-N(1):2.105(4),
Mo(1)-N(2):2.306(3), Mo(1)-N(3):2.225(4), Mo(1)
N(4):1.823(4), Mo(1)-C(1)-C(2):167.1(4), Mo(1)-N(4)-C
(31):152.6(3), N(1)-Mo(1)-N(3):15328(14), N(2)-Mo(1)
FIG. 8. X-ray of compound 13.
FIG. 9. X-ray crystal structure of alkylidene bpy-5.
pathWays to be preferred. In contrast, cross-metathesis
demands that tWo different alkenes react Without the entropic
bene?t of an intramolecular reaction or strain release, and
under conditions that can also cause homo-coupling of the
cross partners.
In some embodiments, the present invention provides neW
stabiliZed metathesis catalyst precursor complexes and meth
ods of using the same. Some embodiments provide moisture
A great number of commercially important molecules con
tain ole?ns. Such specialty chemicals include biologically
and/or air-stable precursor complexes that can be used out
side of an inert environment for an amount of time Without
active molecules, oleochemicals, reneWables, ?ne chemicals,
reactions in organic chemistry require alkenes as starting
substantial degradation to the complex.
In some embodiments, the present invention provides
materials. Accordingly, there remains an unmet need for
novel complexes Which can serve as precursors to stereo
and polymeric materials, to name a feW. Moreover, many
genic-at-metal metathesis catalysts. In some embodiments, a
improved methods and catalysts for metathesis reaction.
provided precursor complex exhibits improved air-stability
and/or moisture stability relative to knoWn metathesis cata
lyst complexes.
FIG. 1. X-ray crystal structure of alkylidene pyr-5.
FIG. 2. X-ray crystal structure of alkylidyne bpy-6.
In some embodiments, the present invention provides
methods of preparing provided precursor complexes Which
FIG. 3. A draWing of the solid-state structure of Mo(NAr)
(CHCMe2Ph)(Pyr)2 (bipy) (101a; 50% probability ellip
soids). The solvent molecule, hydrogen atoms, and the disor
der are omitted for clarity. Selected bond lengths (A) and
angles (°): Mo(1)-C(11):1.932(3), Mo(1)-N(1):2.330(3),
Mo(1)-N(2):2.354(3), Mo(1)-N(3):1.730(2), Mo(1)
N(4):2.135(3), Mo(1)-N(5):2.143(2), Mo(1)-C(11)
C(12):138.3(2), Mo(1)-N(3)-C(21):171.0 (2), N(5)-Mo(1)
some embodiments, the metathesis reaction is an ole?n met
Mo(NAriP’) (CHCMe2Ph)(Pyr)(OHMT) (R-103d, 50%
angles (°): Mo(1)-C(1):1.8769(15), Mo(1)-N(1):1.7300
(12), Mo(1)-N(2):2.0198(13), Mo(1)-O(1):1.9186(10),
methods of using provided precursor complexes in metathesis
reactions. Exemplary metathesis reactions include ring-clos
ing metathesis reactions, Z-selective homo-coupling reac
tions, Z-selective cross-metathesis reactions, and the like. In
FIG. 4. (a) A draWing of the solid-state structure of (R)i
probability ellipsoids). Selected bond lengths (A) and
are useful for synthesizing metathesis catalysts.
In some embodiments, the present invention provides
methods of generating active metathesis catalysts from pro
vided precursor complexes.
In some embodiments, the present invention provides
athesis reaction. One of skill in the art Will appreciate that a
provided precursor complex may be useful in any reaction in
Which the active catalyst generated from the provided precur
sor complex is useful.
US 8,546,500 B2
M is a suitable metal;
R1 is an optionally substituted group selected from Cl_2O
aliphatic, Cl_2O heteroaliphatic having 1-3 heteroatoms
1. General Description of Certain Embodiments of
the Invention
independently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur,
phenyl, a 3-7 membered saturated or partially unsaturated
Certain stereogenic-at-metal complexes display unprec
carbocyclic ring, an 8-10 membered bicyclic saturated,
edented reactivity and stereoselectivity in ole?n metathesis
reactions; examples are highly enantioselective ring-closing
metathesis (RCM) reactions or Z-selective homo-coupling
and cross-metathesis processes. The requisite metal (e.g., Mo
and W) complexes are often prepared and used in situ due to
partially unsaturated or aryl ring, a 5-6 membered mono
cyclic heteroaryl ring having 1-4 heteroatoms indepen
dently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, a 4-7
membered saturated or partially unsaturated heterocyclic
their Well knoWn instability When exposed to air. While sev
eral structurally diverse catalysts can be prepared, many such
ring having 1-3 heteroatoms independently selected from
catalysts are sensitive to air and moisture, thereby limiting the
rated or partially unsaturated heterocyclic ring having 1-5
heteroatoms independently selected from nitrogen, oxy
nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, a 7-10 membered bicyclic satu
ability to utiliZe them in an ambient atmosphere. One of
ordinary skill in the art Would recognize that development of
gen, or sulfur, or an 8-10 membered bicyclic heteroaryl
a metathesis catalyst reagent that is usable in ambient atmo
sphere Would be a signi?cant improvement over the state of
ring having 1-5 heteroatoms independently selected from
nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur;
the art.
It Was previously reported that N,N-chelating ligands bind
and provide stability to Mo alkylidene bis-alkoxide com
plexes Which are useful in ole?n metathesis reactions (e.g.,
see Fox, H. H.; Lee, J-K.; Park, L. Y.; Schrock, R. R. Orga
nomelallics 1993, 12, 759-768.). In 1993, it Was reported that
the addition of an N,N-chelating ligand (e.g., 2,2-bipyridyl)
alloWs for the isolation of a typically unstable Mo-meth
iC(O)N(R)2, iNRC(O)R, or iNRSO2R, provided that
R2 and R3 are not simultaneously hydrogen;
each of R4 and R5 is independently halogen, iN(R)2, iNRC
iNRSO2N(R)2, or iNROR, or an optionally substituted
group selected from a 5-6 membered monocyclic het
ylidene complex. More recently, Fiirstner and coWorkers have
used the above principle and disclosed phenanthroline
eroaryl ring having at least one nitrogen and 0-3 additional
heteroatoms independently selected from nitrogen, oxy
adducts of high oxidation state Mo alkylidynes (e.g., see
Heppekausen, J.; Stade, R.; Goddard, R.; Fiirstner, A. .1. Am.
Chem. Soc. 2010, 131, 11045-11068). Building on previous
studies regarding related pyridine complexes (e.g., see Bindl,
each of R2 and R3 is independently R, ‘OR, iSR, iN(R)2,
gen, or sulfur, a 4-7 membered saturated or partially unsat
urated heterocyclic ring having at least one nitrogen and
0-2 additional heteroatoms independently selected from
M.; Stade, R.; Heilmann, E. K.; Picot, A.; Goddard, R.; Fiirst
ner, A. .1. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 9468-9470), octahedral
nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, a 7-10 membered bicyclic satu
complexes Were prepared that display signi?cant stability to
air and moisture. HoWever, these complexes then require
rated or partially unsaturated heterocyclic ring having at
treatment With MnCl2 at elevated temperature (800 C.) to
generate and release the active alkyne metathesis catalysts.
It Was surprisingly found that provided precursor com
plexes of formulae I and II, described in detail beloW, are
easily prepared and are air- and/or moisture-stable. In addi
tion, provided precursor complexes generally do not require
dently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, or an 8-10
membered bicyclic heteroaryl ring having at least one
nitrogen and 0-4 additional heteroatoms independently
having 1-3 heteroatoms independently selected from nitro
order to generate the corresponding metathesis catalyst. In
certain embodiments, the present invention further provides
gen, oxygen, or sulfur, phenyl, a 3-7 membered saturated
or partially unsaturated carbocyclic ring, an 8-10 mem
methods for preparing a metathesis catalyst from a precursor
complex of formula I or II. Such methods are described in
bered bicyclic saturated, partially unsaturated or aryl ring,
a 5-6 membered monocyclic heteroaryl ring having 1-4
heteroatoms independently selected from nitrogen, oxy
detail, herein.
provided precursor complexes exhibit comparable or
enhanced activity and/or stereoselectivity relative to knoWn
gen, or sulfur, a 4-7 membered saturated or partially unsat
urated heterocyclic ring having 1-3 heteroatoms indepen
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, or an 8-10 mem
of compounds, including, but not limited to, those With bio
bered bicyclic heteroaryl ring having 1-5 heteroatoms
logical and therapeutical signi?cance.
compound of formula I:
dently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, a 7-10
membered bicyclic saturated or partially unsaturated het
erocyclic ring having 1-5 heteroatoms independently
methods, and are useful in the synthesis of a large assortment
In some embodiments, the present 1nvent1on prov1des a
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur;
each R is independently hydrogen or an optionally substituted
group selected from Cl_2O aliphatic, Cl_2O heteroaliphatic
the use of additional metal salts or elevated temperature in
In some embodiments, methods described herein using
provided precursor complexes are useful in metathesis reac
tions. In some embodiments, methods described herein using
least one nitrogen and 0-4 additional heteroatoms indepen
independently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur,
tWo R groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken together
With the nitrogen to form an optionally substituted 3-8
membered saturated, partially unsaturated, or aryl ring
having 0-3 additional heteroatoms not including the
same nitrogen atom independently selected from nitro
gen, oxygen, or sulfur;
each of R6 and R6’ is independently a monodentate ligand, or
R6 and R6’ are taken together With their intervening atoms
form an optionally substituted bidentate group.
Further aspects of compounds of formula I are described in
detail, infra.
US 8,546,500 B2
In certain embodiments, the present invention provides a
compound of formula II:
gen, oxygen, or sulfur, phenyl, a 3-7 membered saturated
or partially unsaturated carbocyclic ring, an 8-10 mem
bered bicyclic saturated, partially unsaturated or aryl ring,
a 5-6 membered monocyclic heteroaryl ring having 1-4
heteroatoms independently selected from nitrogen, oxy
gen, or sulfur, a 4-7 membered saturated or partially unsat
urated heterocyclic ring having 1-3 heteroatoms indepen
dently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, a 7-10
membered bicyclic saturated or partially unsaturated het
erocyclic ring having 1-5 heteroatoms independently
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, or an 8-14 mem
bered bicyclic or tricyclic heteroaryl ring having 1-5 het
M is a suitable metal;
R1 is an optionally substituted group selected from Cl_2O
eroatoms independently selected from nitrogen, oxygen,
or sulfur, or:
tWo R groups on the same nitrogen atom are taken together
aliphatic, Cl_2O heteroaliphatic having 1-3 heteroatoms
With the nitrogen to form a 3-8 membered saturated,
independently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur,
partially unsaturated, or aryl ring having 0-3 additional
phenyl, a 3-7 membered saturated or partially unsaturated
heteroatoms not including the same nitrogen atom inde
carbocyclic ring, an 8-10 membered bicyclic saturated,
partially unsaturated or aryl ring, a 5-6 membered mono
cyclic heteroaryl ring having 1-4 heteroatoms indepen
dently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, a 4-7
membered saturated or partially unsaturated heterocyclic
form an optionally substituted bidentate group.
Further aspects of compounds of formula II are described
ring having 1-3 heteroatoms independently selected from
nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, a 7-10 membered bicyclic satu
pendently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur; and
each of R6 and R6’ is independently a monodentate ligand, or
R6 and R6’ are taken together With their intervening atoms
in detail, infra.
rated or partially unsaturated heterocyclic ring having 1-5
heteroatoms independently selected from nitrogen, oxy
2. De?nitions
gen, or sulfur, or an 8-10 membered bicyclic heteroaryl
iSOZR, iSO2N(R)2, %(O)N(R)2, iNRC(O)R,
Compounds of the present invention include those
described generally herein, and are further illustrated by the
classes, subclasses, and species disclosed herein. As used
herein, the folloWing de?nitions shall apply unless otherWise
indicated. For purposes of this invention, the chemical ele
iNRC(O)OR, or iNRSOzR, or an optionally substituted
ments are identi?ed in accordance With the Periodic Table of
ring having 1-5 heteroatoms independently selected from
nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur;
R2 is ADR, iSR, iN(R)2, iNROR, iOC(O)R, iSOR,
group selected from Cl_2O aliphatic, Cl_2O heteroaliphatic
having 1-3 heteroatoms independently selected from nitro
the Elements, CAS version, Handbook of Chemistry and
bered bicyclic saturated, partially unsaturated or aryl ring,
a 5-6 membered monocyclic heteroaryl ring having 1-4
heteroatoms independently selected from nitrogen, oxy
Physics, 75”’ Ed. Additionally, general principles of organic
chemistry are described in “Organic Chemistry”, Thomas
gen, oxygen, or sulfur, phenyl, a 3-7 membered saturated
or partially unsaturated carbocyclic ring, an 8-10 mem
Sorrell, University Science Books, Sausalito: 1999, and
“March’ s Advanced Organic Chemistry”, 5”’ Ed., Ed.: Smith,
M. B. and March, 1., John Wiley & Sons, NeWYork: 2001 , the
entire contents of Which are hereby incorporated by refer
gen, or sulfur, a 4-7 membered saturated or partially unsat
urated heterocyclic ring having 1-3 heteroatoms indepen
The term “aliphatic” or “aliphatic group”, as used herein,
means a straight-chain (i.e., unbranched) or branched, substi
tuted or unsubstituted hydrocarbon chain that is completely
dently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, a 7-10
membered bicyclic saturated or partially unsaturated het
erocyclic ring having 1-5 heteroatoms independently
saturated or that contains one or more units of unsaturation, or
selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, or an 8-10 mem
a monocyclic hydrocarbon, bicyclic hydrocarbon, or tricyclic
bered bicyclic heteroaryl ring having 1-5 heteroatoms
hydrocarbon that is completely saturated or that contains one
or more units of unsaturation, but Which is not aromatic (also
referred to herein as “carbocycle,” “cycloaliphatic” or
“cycloalkyl”), that has a single point of attachment to the rest
independently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur;
R5 is halogen, iN(R)2, iNRC(O)R, iNRC(O)OR,
iNROR, or an optionally substituted group selected from
of the molecule. Unless otherWise speci?ed, aliphatic groups
a 5-6 membered monocyclic heteroaryl ring having at least
one nitrogen and 0-3 additional heteroatoms indepen
contain 1-30 aliphatic carbon atoms. In some embodiments,
aliphatic groups contain 1-20 aliphatic carbon atoms. In other
dently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, a 4-7
membered saturated or partially unsaturated heterocyclic
ring having at least one nitrogen and 0-2 additional het
eroatoms independently selected from nitrogen, oxygen,
embodiments, aliphatic groups contain 1-10 aliphatic carbon
from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, or an 8-10 membered
atoms. In still other embodiments, aliphatic groups contain
1-5 aliphatic carbon atoms, and in yet other embodiments,
aliphatic groups contain 1, 2, 3, or 4 aliphatic carbon atoms.
Suitable aliphatic groups include, but are not limited to, linear
or branched, substituted or unsubstituted alkyl, alkenyl, alky
nyl groups and hybrids thereof such as (cycloalkyl)alkyl,
(cycloalkenyl)alkyl or (cycloalkyl)alkenyl.
bicyclic heteroaryl ring having at least one nitrogen and 0-4
additional heteroatoms independently selected from nitro
rated or partially unsaturated cyclic aliphatic monocyclic,
or sulfur, a 7-10 membered bicyclic saturated or partially
unsaturated heterocyclic ring having at least one nitrogen
and 0-4 additional heteroatoms independently selected
The term “cycloaliphatic,” as used herein, refers to satu
gen, oxygen, or sulfur;
each R is independently hydrogen or an optionally substituted
bicyclic, or polycyclic ring systems, as described herein, hav
ing from 3 to 14 members, Wherein the aliphatic ring system
group selected from Cl_2O aliphatic, Cl_2O heteroaliphatic
is optionally substituted as de?ned above and described
having 1-3 heteroatoms independently selected from nitro
herein. Cycloaliphatic groups include, Without limitation,
US 8,546,500 B2
cyclopropyl, cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, cyclopentenyl, cyclo
hexyl, cyclohexenyl, cycloheptyl, cycloheptenyl, cyclooctyl,
to carbon atoms, from one to ?ve heteroatoms. The term
cyclooctenyl, norbornyl, adamantyl, and cyclooctadienyl. In
“heteroatom” refers to nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, and
includes any oxidiZed form of nitrogen or sulfur, and any
some embodiments, the cycloalkyl has 3-6 carbons. The
quatemiZed form of a basic nitrogen. Heteroaryl groups
terms “cycloaliphatic,” may also include aliphatic rings that
include, Without limitation, thienyl, furanyl, pyrrolyl, imida
are fused to one or more aromatic or nonaromatic rings, such
Zolyl, pyraZolyl, triaZolyl, tetraZolyl, oxaZolyl, isoxaZolyl,
oxadiaZolyl, thiaZolyl, isothiaZolyl, thiadiaZolyl, pyridyl,
pyridaZinyl, pyrimidinyl, pyraZinyl, indoliZinyl, purinyl,
as decahydronaphthyl or tetrahydronaphthyl, Where the radi
cal or point of attachment is on the aliphatic ring. In some
embodiments, a carbocyclic group is bicyclic. In some
embodiments, a carbocyclic group is tricyclic. In some
embodiments, a carbocyclic group is polycyclic. In some
naphthyridinyl, and pteridinyl. In some embodiments, a het
eroaryl is a heterobiaryl group, such as bipyridyl and the like.
The terms “heteroaryl” and “heteroar-”, as used herein, also
include groups in Which a heteroaromatic ring is fused to one
“cycloalkyl”) refers to a monocyclic C3 -C6 hydrocarbon, or a
or more aryl, cycloaliphatic, or heterocyclyl rings, Where the
radical or point of attachment is on the heteroaromatic ring.
CS-Cl0 bicyclic hydrocarbon that is completely saturated or
that contains one or more units of unsaturation, but Which is
not aromatic, that has a single point of attachment to the rest
of the molecule, or a C9-Cl6 tricyclic hydrocarbon that is
completely saturated or that contains one or more units of
unsaturation, but Which is not aromatic, that has a single point
of attachment to the rest of the molecule.
As used herein, the term “alkyl” is given its ordinary mean
ing in the art and may include saturated aliphatic groups,
pyrido[2,3-b]-1,4-oxaZin-3(4H)-one. A heteroaryl group
including straight-chain alkyl groups, branched-chain alkyl
groups, cycloalkyl (alicyclic) groups, alkyl substituted
cycloalkyl groups, and cycloalkyl substituted alkyl groups. In
Nonlimiting examples include indolyl, isoindolyl, benZothie
nyl, benZofuranyl, dibenZofuranyl, indaZolyl, benZimida
Zolyl, benZthiaZolyl, quinolyl, isoquinolyl, cinnolinyl,
phthalaZinyl, quinaZolinyl, quinoxalinyl, 4H-quinoliZinyl,
carbaZolyl, acridinyl, phenaZinyl, phenothiaZinyl, phenox
aZinyl, tetrahydroquinolinyl, tetrahydroisoquinolinyl, and
may be mono- or bicyclic. The term “heteroaryl” may be used
interchangeably With the terms “heteroaryl ring,” “heteroaryl
certain embodiments, a straight chain or branched chain alkyl
has about 1-20 carbon atoms in its backbone (e. g., C l-C2O for
group,” or “heteroaromatic,” any of Which terms include rings
that are optionally substituted. The term “heteroaralkyl”
refers to an alkyl group substituted by a heteroaryl, Wherein
straight chain, C2-C2O for branched chain), and alternatively,
the alkyl and heteroaryl portions independently are optionally
about 1-10. In some embodiments, a cycloalkyl ring has from
about 3-10 carbon atoms in their ring structure Where such
rings are monocyclic or bicyclic, and alternatively about 5, 6
changeably and refer to a stable 5- to 7-membered monocy
or 7 carbons in the ring structure. In some embodiments, an
alkyl group may be a loWer alkyl group, Wherein a loWer alkyl
group comprises 1-4 carbon atoms (e.g., Cl-C4 for straight
chain loWer alkyls).
clic or 7-10-membered bicyclic heterocyclic moiety that is
either saturated or partially unsaturated, and having, in addi
As used herein, the term “alkenyl” refers to an alkyl group,
As used herein, the term “alkynyl” refers to an alkyl group,
as de?ned herein, having one or more triple bonds.
art and refers to alkyl groups as described herein in Which one
or more carbon atoms is replaced With a heteroatom (e.g.,
unsaturated ring having 0-3 heteroatoms selected from oxy
gen, sulfur or nitrogen, the nitrogen may be N (as in 3,4
dihydro-2H-pyrrolyl), NH (as in pyrrolidinyl), or +NR (as in
N-substituted pyrrolidinyl).
oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and the like). Examples of het
eroalkyl groups include, but are not limited to, alkoxy, poly
(ethylene glycol)-, alkyl-substituted amino, tetrahydrofura
tion to carbon atoms, one or more, preferably one to four,
heteroatoms, as de?ned above. When used in reference to a
ring atom of a heterocycle, the term “nitrogen” includes a
substituted nitrogen. As an example, in a saturated or partially
as de?ned herein, having one or more double bonds.
The term “heteroalkyl” is given its ordinary meaning in the
As used herein, the terms “heterocycle,” “heterocyclyl,”
“heterocyclic radical,” and “heterocyclic ring” are used inter
A heterocyclic ring can be attached to its pendant group at
any heteroatom or carbon atom that results in a stable struc
nyl, piperidinyl, morpholinyl, etc.
ture and any of the ring atoms can be optionally substituted.
Examples of such saturated or partially unsaturated hetero
The term “aryl” used alone or as part of a larger moiety as
cyclic radicals include, Without limitation, tetrahydrofuranyl,
in “aralkyl,” “aralkoxy,” or “aryloxyalkyl,” refers to monocy
clic or bicyclic ring systems having a total of ?ve to fourteen
ring members, Wherein at least one ring in the system is
aromatic and Wherein each ring in the system contains 3 to 7
ring members. The term “aryl” may be used interchangeably
With the term “aryl ring.” In certain embodiments of the
present invention, “aryl” refers to an aromatic ring system
tetrahydrothiophenyl pyrrolidinyl, piperidinyl, pyrrolinyl,
tetrahydroquinolinyl, tetrahydroisoquinolinyl, decahydro
quinolinyl, oxaZolidinyl, piperaZinyl, dioxanyl, dioxolanyl,
diaZepinyl, oxaZepinyl, thiaZepinyl, morpholinyl, and quinu
Which includes, but not limited to, phenyl, biphenyl, naph
thyl, binaphthyl, anthracyl and the like, Which may bear one
clidinyl. The terms “heterocycle,” “heterocyclyl,” “heterocy
clyl ring,” “heterocyclic group,” “heterocyclic moiety,” and
“heterocyclic radical,” are used interchangeably herein, and
indolinyl, 3H-indolyl, chromanyl, phenanthridinyl, or tet
or more substituents. Also included Within the scope of the
term “aryl,” as it is used herein, is a group in Which an
aromatic ring is fused to one or more non-aromatic rings, such
as indanyl, phthalimidyl, naphthimidyl, phenanthridinyl, or
tetrahydronaphthyl, and the like.
rahydroquinolinyl. A heterocyclyl group may be mono- or
bicyclic. The term “heterocyclylalkyl” refers to an alkyl
group substituted by a heterocyclyl, Wherein the alkyl and
As used herein, the term “partially unsaturated” refers to a
ring moiety that includes at least one double or triple bond.
The term “partially unsaturated” is intended to encompass
heterocyclyl portions independently are optionally substi
The terms “heteroaryl” and “heteroar-,” used alone or as
part of a larger moiety, e.g., “heteroaralkyl,” or “het
eroaralkoxy,” refer to groups having 5 to 10 ring atoms (i.e.,
monocyclic or bicyclic), in some embodiments 5, 6, 9, or 10
ring atoms. In some embodiments, such rings have 6, 10, or
1475 electrons shared in a cyclic array; and having, in addition
also include groups in Which a heterocyclyl ring is fused to
one or more aryl, heteroaryl, or cycloaliphatic rings, such as
rings having multiple sites of unsaturation, but is not intended
to include aryl or heteroaryl moieties, as herein de?ned.
US 8,546,500 B2
The term “heteroatom” means one or more of oxygen,
sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, or silicon (including, any oxi
diZed form of nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, or silicon; the
quaterniZed form of any basic nitrogen or; a substitutable
nitrogen of a heterocyclic ring, for example N (as in 3,4
dihydro-ZH-pyrrolyl), NH (as in pyrrolidinyl) or NR+ (as in
N- sub stituted pyrrolidinyl)).
ne)C(O)OR', or iSSR' Wherein each R' is unsubstituted or
Where preceded by “halo” is substituted only With one or
more halogens, and is independently selected from C1 ali
phatic, 4CH2Ph, 4O(CH2)O_1Ph, or a 5-6-membered satu
The term “unsaturated,” as used herein, means that a moi
ety has one or more units of unsaturation.
The term “halogen” means F, Cl, Br, or I.
As described herein, compounds of the invention may con
tain “optionally substituted” moieties. In general, the term
rated, partially unsaturated, or aryl ring having 0-4 heteroat
oms independently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur.
Suitable divalent substituents on a saturated carbon atom of
“substituted,” Whether preceded by the term “optionally” or
R0 include :0 and :S.
not, means that one or more hydrogens of the designated
Suitable divalent substituents on a saturated carbon atom of
moiety are replaced With a suitable substituent. Unless oth
erWise indicated, an “optionally substituted” group may have
a suitable substituent at each substitutable position of the
group, and When more than one position in any given struc
an “optionally substituted” group include the following: :0,
iS(C(R*2))2_3 Si, Wherein each independent occurrence of
R* is selected from hydrogen, Cl_6 aliphatic Which may be
ture may be substituted With more than one substituent
selected from a speci?ed group, the substituent may be either
the same or different at every position. Combinations of sub
:NNHS(O)2R*, :NR’X‘, :NOR’X‘, 4O(C(R*2))2_3Oi, or
substituted as de?ned beloW, or an unsubstituted 5-6-mem
stituents envisioned by this invention are preferably those that
bered saturated, partially unsaturated, or aryl ring having 0-4
heteroatoms independently selected from nitrogen, oxygen,
result in the formation of stable or chemically feasible com
pounds. The term “stable,” as used herein, refers to com
vicinal substitutable carbons of an “optionally substituted”
pounds that are not substantially altered When subjected to
conditions to alloW for their production, detection, and, in
certain embodiments, their recovery, puri?cation, and use for
or sulfur. Suitable divalent substituents that are bound to
Which may be substituted as de?ned beloW, or an unsubsti
tuted 5-6-membered saturated, partially unsaturated, or aryl
ring having 0-4 heteroatoms independently selected from
one or more of the purposes disclosed herein.
Suitable monovalent substituents on a substitutable carbon
atom of an “optionally substituted” group are independently
halogen; *(CH2)0-4RD; *(CH2)0-4ORD; *O(CH2)0-4RD,
i(CH2)O_4Ph, Which may be substituted with R0;
i(CH2)O_4O(CH2)O_1Ph Which may be substituted with R”;
iCH:CHPh, Which may be substituted with R0;
i(CH2)O_4(CH2)O_1-pyridyl Which may be substituted with
nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur.
Suitable substituents on the aliphatic group of R* include
halogen, iR', -(haloR'), ADH, ADR', iO(haloR'), iCN,
4C(O)OH, iC(O)OR', iNHZ, iNHR', iNHR'z, or
iNOZ, Wherein each R' is unsubstituted or Where preceded
by “halo” is substituted only With one or more halogens, and
is independently C1_4 aliphatic, iCHZPh, 4O(CH2)O_1Ph,
R0; *NOZ; *CN; *N3; *(CH2)0-4N(RD)2; *(CH2)0-4N
(RD)C(O)RD; *N(RD)C(S)RD; *(CH2)0_4N(RD)C(O)NRD2;
*N(RDC(S)NRD)2; *(CH2)O.4N(RD)C(O)ORD; *N<RD)N
(O)ORD; *(CH2)0-4C(O)RD; 4C(S)RD; *(CH2)0-4C(O)
ORB; *(CH2)0-4C(O)SRD; *(CH2)0-4C(O)OSiRD3;
*(CH2)0-4SC(O)RD; *(CH2)0-4C(O)NRD2; *C(S)NRD2;
group include: iO(CR*2)2_3Oi, Wherein each independent
occurrence of R* is selected from hydrogen, C1_6 aliphatic
or a 5-6-membered saturated, partially unsaturated, or aryl
ring having 0-4 heteroatoms independently selected from
nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur.
Suitable substituents on a substitutable nitrogen of an
“optionally substituted” group include iRl, iNRlz,
4C(O)Rl, 4C(O)ORT, 4C(O)C(O)Rl, iC(O)CH2C(O)
RT, iS(O)2Rl, iS(O)2NRl2, iC(S)NRl2, iC(NH)NRl2,
or iN(Rl)S(O)2Rl; Wherein each RT is independently
hydrogen, Cl aliphatic Which may be substituted as de?ned
beloW, unsubstituted 4OPh, or an unsubstituted 5-6-mem
*(CH2)0-4S(O)2ORD; *(CH2)0-4OS(O)2RD; *S(O)2NRD2;
iNwRoRo; %(NH)NRD2; *P(O)2R@; *P(O)R@)2;
bered saturated, partially unsaturated, or aryl ring having 0-4
heteroatoms independently selected from nitrogen, oxygen,
or sulfur, or, notwithstanding the de?nition above, tWo inde
iOP(O)RD2; iOP(O)(ORD)2; SiRD3; i(Cl_4 straight or
branched)alkylene)OiN(RD)2; or i(Cl_4 straight or
branched)alkylene)C(O)OiN(RD)2, Wherein each R0 may
be substituted as de?ned beloW and is independently hydro
gen, C1_6 aliphatic, 4CH2Ph, iO(CH2)O_lPh, iCH2-(5-6
gen, or sulfur.
Suitable substituents on the aliphatic group of RT are inde
pendently halogen, iR', -(haloR'), 40H, 4OR', iO(ha
loR'), iCN, iC(O)OH, 4C(O)OR', iNHZ, iNHR',
membered heteroaryl ring), or a 5-6-membered saturated,
partially unsaturated, or aryl ring having 0-4 heteroatoms
independently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, or,
notWithstanding the de?nition above, tWo independent occur
rences of RB, taken together With their intervening atom(s),
form a 3-l2-membered saturated, partially unsaturated, or
aryl mono- or bicyclic ring having 0-4 heteroatoms indepen
dently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur, Which may
pendent occurrences of RT, taken together With their interven
ing atom(s) form an unsubstituted 3-l2-membered saturated,
partially unsaturated, or aryl mono- or bicyclic ring having
0-4 heteroatoms independently selected from nitrogen, oxy
iNR'Z, or iNOZ, Wherein each R' is unsubstituted or Where
preceded by “halo” is substituted only With one or more
halogens, and is independently C1_4 aliphatic, iCHZPh,
4O(CH2)O_1Ph, or a 5-6-membered saturated, partially
unsaturated, or aryl ring having 0-4 heteroatoms indepen
by taking tWo independent occurrences of R0 together With
dently selected from nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur.
As used herein, the term “stereogenic metal atom” is given
its ordinary meaning, and refers to a metal atom coordinated
by at least tWo ligands (e. g., at least four ligands), Wherein the
their intervening atoms), are independently halogen,
ligands are arranged about the metal atom such that the over
be substituted as de?ned beloW.
Suitable monovalent sub stituents on R0 (or the ring formed