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Exam in Artificial Intelligence, introduction to (CD5660)
Date: January 17th, 2008
Examiner: Baran Çürüklü, [email protected], 021 - 103171
Baran will visit the examination hall 15:15
Duration: 14.30-19.30
Admissible aids: Lectur notes, and a book in computational intelligence (artificial
intelligence, machine learning, etc.).
Swedish grades
Underkänt (fail) 0 – 19
20 – 26
27 – 32
33 – 40
Bologna grades
F, Fx
0 - 19
20 - 22
23 - 26
27 – 31
32 – 36
37 - 40
1. History of AI and general concepts (2+1+1p)
a) Back in 1950s when pessimists said that “AI can never do X”, AI researchers started to solve
the “X” problems and got very optimistic about what a computer could do. What made this
enthusiasm go away?
b) Describe the Turing test in words and a picture.
c) The Turing test is not very helpful for designing intelligent systems, why?
2. Search algorithms (5+5+5p)
Consider the TSP-problem for n cities. Define two representations for each problem; one efficient
the other one should be less efficient.
a) What is the search space for each representation?
b) Illustrate and describe how one node in a search tree would look like for these problems. Do
this for both representations.
c) For the efficient representation propose one search algorithm that can find (at least in theory)
the global maximum; and one that is most likely to fail. Motivate your answer.
TSP (Traveling Salesperson Problem)
The traveling salesman problem is about a salesperson that needs to find the shortest path between n cities. The
salesperson should only visit each city once. The input to the solving algorithm is a table with distances between all
the cities. The answer from the solving algorithm should be the shortest path that visits all cities exactly once.
3. Prolog (6+6p)
a) Write predicates that are needed to calculate the difference between the largest element and the
smallest element in a list. When you call the program with the predicate difference(Diff, [-1 0 3 9]),
the program will bind the variable Diff to 10, since the difference is ‘9 - (-1)’.
b) Write predicates that can do the following:
myPredicate([1 3 2 5], List)
myPredicate([-2 5 4], [4 5 -2])
List = [5 2 3 1]
4. Planning (4+5p)
a) Write the STRIPS definitions for the “Blocks world” in Picture 1 below. The possible actions
are: grab, release and move. Only blocks that do not have any block on top are possible to grab.
b) Illustrate the solution a planner would give if Picture 1 describes the starting condition and the
goal would be to have all blocks on place C with box 3 on top and box 1 at the bottom.
Box 3
Box 1
Place 1
Box 2
Place 2
Place 3
Picture 1.