Download Biodiversity is the variety of life. It can be studied on different scopes

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Biodiversity is the variety of
life. It can be studied on different
scopes, from biodiversity of the entire
planet Earth to biodiversity within a
small pond. Most people perceive
biodiversity as numbers of species, and
species is a group of living organisms that are capable of interbreeding and exchanging genes. In
fact, it is estimated that there are
somewhere between 3 to 30 million
species on Earth, and only 1.7 million
have been identified. However, to
accurately catalogue all life on Earth,
we also have to take into consideration
biodiversity and ecological biodiversity. Genetic biodiversity is the variety of genes within a
certain species. For example, all dogs are categorized as one species, but their genes can dictate
what breed of dog it is, such as a german shepherd or a pit bull. The genes in these dogs is the
reason dogs come in different sizes, colours, and shapes. Ecological biodiversity is the
diversification of natural habitats and ecosystems. In other words, ecological biodiversity looks
at the different ways species interact with the environment and with each other.
Biodiversity is important to us because it provides us and our economy a range of
different foods and materials. Without biodiversity, supermarkets would have significantly less
items to be purchased. Biodiversity is responsible for many of the ecological services, including
providing oxygen for us to breathe, absorbing toxic chemicals, and cleaning polluted water.
Genetic diversity allows species to better adjusts to adversities such as change in environment
and diseases. Not only does genetic diversity benefit the species, it also helps the ecosystem. For
example, after a fire or flood, a forest with 20 reptiles is more likely to adapt than another forest
with only one reptile.
Extinction, throughout the history of the Earth, has been common, in fact, most species
that has ever existed on Earth are now extinct. Those extinctions are usually caused by the
natural environmental shifts that
happen over very long periods of
time, such as Ice Ages. However,
extinctions are happening at an
alarming rate nowadays, most of
activities. In fact, experts “estimate
that around 30% of all species on
Earth will be extinct by 2050” (Rinkesh 2017). Over exploitation, habitat loss, and the
introduction of foreign species and diseases are all caused by humans and have direct impact on
biodiversity, other factors such as climate change and pollution can also disturb biodiversity all
across the globe. These are all caused by human activities such as excessive logging,
over-fishing, crops, failure to properly treat toxic chemical substances.
While crops like these exist all of
North America, they pose a risk to
biodiversity. The presence and cultivation
of field crops, orchards, horticultural
crops, vineyards, ranches, and feedlots
directly inflict habitat loss, population
waste. The waste form pesticides is harmful towards the surrounding environment. Grazing can
impact the native plant life.
is a
large threat to
biodiversity and is an issue especially
important to British Columbia. Salmon
stocks are in serious decline; because
salmon lies at the very centre BC’s
ecology, history and identity.
Locally, the Vancouver Park Board has approved a plan that will increase the quality and
size of the natural areas such as forests, wetlands, shorelines, streams, and meadows in
Vancouver. The Park Board Chair, Sarah Kirby-Yung stated, “Our Biodiversity Strategy lays the
foundation for the sustained ecological health of our city.” The Biodiversity Strategy aims to
develop and expand important habitats for pollinators, birds, urban salmon and herring, and other
wildlifes such as otters and beavers. These are done in an attempt to preserve the biodiversity
that is important in our society and world.
Not only is the government treating the subject
of biodiversity seriously, there are also things we can do
as citizens to help with the problem. One way to protect
the biodiversity locally is to create a Certified Wildlife
Habitat. A Certified Wildlife Habitat provides shelter,
water, food, and place to raise the young, as habitat loss
is the greatest threats to biodiversity. The habitat
provide crucial factors of a natural habitat that is needed
for wildlife to survive and thrive.
Works Cited
Rinkesh. "What Is Biodiversity? Its Importance and Reasons for Loss of Biodiversity?"
Conserve Energy Future. Rinkesh, 24 Dec. 2016. Web. 01 Mar. 2017.
Subcommittee, Technical, and Component Report. ​Major Impacts to Biodiversity in British
Columbia (n.d.): n. pag. ​Major Impact to Biodiversity in British Columbia. BBC. Web. 28
Feb. 2017.
Vancouver, City Of. "Vancouver Park Board Wants Nature in the City, Not an Urban Jungle."
City of Vancouver. RedDot CMS, 02 Feb. 2016. Web. 01 Mar. 2017.
"What Is Biodiversity?" ​National Wildlife Federation. National Wildlife Federation, n.d. Web.
01 Mar. 2017.