American Bison
... Gates, C.C., Freese, C.H., Gogan, P.J.P. and Kotzman, M. (eds. and comps.) (2010). American Bison: Status Survey and Conservation Guidelines 2010. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. ...
... Gates, C.C., Freese, C.H., Gogan, P.J.P. and Kotzman, M. (eds. and comps.) (2010). American Bison: Status Survey and Conservation Guidelines 2010. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. ...
... especially when forages become depleted or when adequate forage crops are not established. It is also likely that, as crawfish density increases beyond some optimum density, natural food resources become depleted. Under these conditions, production of highly nutritious invertebrates, important compo ...
... especially when forages become depleted or when adequate forage crops are not established. It is also likely that, as crawfish density increases beyond some optimum density, natural food resources become depleted. Under these conditions, production of highly nutritious invertebrates, important compo ...
CARIBOU PATROLEduKit 2015-2016
... are still allowed to hunt caribou, but most do not. The AWN decided to voluntarily stop hunting caribou decades ago in response to the decline. AWN Elders have shared these observations about caribou: We used to see caribou and their calves all the time. Now it is very rare. Caribou were never just ...
... are still allowed to hunt caribou, but most do not. The AWN decided to voluntarily stop hunting caribou decades ago in response to the decline. AWN Elders have shared these observations about caribou: We used to see caribou and their calves all the time. Now it is very rare. Caribou were never just ...
2008. Scientific Review for the Identification of Critical Habitat
... hierarchical process with considerations across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Further elaboration of Critical Habitat outcomes at spatial scales finer than range, over specified time frames, may be achieved through spatial population viability analysis linked with dynamic landscape modelling ...
... hierarchical process with considerations across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Further elaboration of Critical Habitat outcomes at spatial scales finer than range, over specified time frames, may be achieved through spatial population viability analysis linked with dynamic landscape modelling ...
Using landowner knowledge and field captures to determine habitat use... Plestiodon septentrionalis
... suggest we should incorporate “humanized” landscapes into existing land use and protected area definitions (Locke and Dearden 2005). This is particularly relevant because many of the areas inhabited by large populations of people are also biodiversity hotspots, which creates conflict between biodive ...
... suggest we should incorporate “humanized” landscapes into existing land use and protected area definitions (Locke and Dearden 2005). This is particularly relevant because many of the areas inhabited by large populations of people are also biodiversity hotspots, which creates conflict between biodive ...
Recovery Strategy for the Boreal Caribou in the NWT (2017)
... of alternate prey such as deer and moose, in turn leading to greater numbers of predators. More predators, and linear disturbances that facilitate their travel through boreal caribou habitat, in turn increase the risk of predation for caribou, resulting in higher predation rates. As of 2011, approxi ...
... of alternate prey such as deer and moose, in turn leading to greater numbers of predators. More predators, and linear disturbances that facilitate their travel through boreal caribou habitat, in turn increase the risk of predation for caribou, resulting in higher predation rates. As of 2011, approxi ...
wolf and elk predator-prey dynamics in banff national park
... In 1997 I began my contract with Parks Canada to study wolf and elk population dynamics in response to recommendations in the government task force, the Banff Bow Valley Study, and the new BNP management plan. Other cooperating agencies during this period included Alberta Environment Protection, Kan ...
... In 1997 I began my contract with Parks Canada to study wolf and elk population dynamics in response to recommendations in the government task force, the Banff Bow Valley Study, and the new BNP management plan. Other cooperating agencies during this period included Alberta Environment Protection, Kan ...
An Exploration of Conservation Breeding and
... walking through vast, undisturbed tracts of Arctic tundra or of a single female staring out from dense boreal forest, her newborn calf by her side, both seemingly frozen in time. It is the desire to preserve opportunities for future generations to experience these breath-taking and inspiring moments ...
... walking through vast, undisturbed tracts of Arctic tundra or of a single female staring out from dense boreal forest, her newborn calf by her side, both seemingly frozen in time. It is the desire to preserve opportunities for future generations to experience these breath-taking and inspiring moments ...
The Outdoor Cat: Science and Policy from a Global Perspective
... from this finding to estimate that the approximate 6 million cats in Britain were taking in somewhere near 100 million birds and small mammals as prey each year, something he characterized as “feline delinquency.”. Proulx (1988) enlarged the dialogue by speculating on the role feral cats might play ...
... from this finding to estimate that the approximate 6 million cats in Britain were taking in somewhere near 100 million birds and small mammals as prey each year, something he characterized as “feline delinquency.”. Proulx (1988) enlarged the dialogue by speculating on the role feral cats might play ...
Beaver bibliography
... in the mixed-wood boreal region of east-central Alberta, Canada. This entire glacial landscape with intermittently connected drainage patterns and shallow wetland lakes with few streams lost all beaver in the 19th century, with beaver returning to the study area in 1954. We assessed the area of open ...
... in the mixed-wood boreal region of east-central Alberta, Canada. This entire glacial landscape with intermittently connected drainage patterns and shallow wetland lakes with few streams lost all beaver in the 19th century, with beaver returning to the study area in 1954. We assessed the area of open ...
Significant Wildlife Habitat Mitigation Support Tool
... such as Ring-billed Gull. In some areas, this species may approach nuisance levels and municipalities may choose not to consider their habitat to be significant. In areas where they are not common, nesting areas may be significant wildlife habitat. We have provided the most up-to-date information po ...
... such as Ring-billed Gull. In some areas, this species may approach nuisance levels and municipalities may choose not to consider their habitat to be significant. In areas where they are not common, nesting areas may be significant wildlife habitat. We have provided the most up-to-date information po ...
Western Quail Plan-111009
... mm) for the specimens reported in Grinnell et al. (1918). The sexes are distinct in color. The male is colorful and has a black throat circled with a white line. The top of the male’s head is dark brown, with a plume of black curved feathers. The male’s breast is gray, the sides and flanks are strea ...
... mm) for the specimens reported in Grinnell et al. (1918). The sexes are distinct in color. The male is colorful and has a black throat circled with a white line. The top of the male’s head is dark brown, with a plume of black curved feathers. The male’s breast is gray, the sides and flanks are strea ...
Ermine Haidarum subspecies - Registre public des espèces en péril
... The Queen Charlotte Islands (QCI) ermine (Mustela erminea haidarum) is a subspecies of the short-tailed weasel1, Mustela erminea. Anatomical differences from other subspecies have led some investigators to suggest separate species status. Perhaps consistent with this suggestion, recent mtDNA evidenc ...
... The Queen Charlotte Islands (QCI) ermine (Mustela erminea haidarum) is a subspecies of the short-tailed weasel1, Mustela erminea. Anatomical differences from other subspecies have led some investigators to suggest separate species status. Perhaps consistent with this suggestion, recent mtDNA evidenc ...
oribi antelope - Conservation Breeding Specialist Group
... distributed within this area as a result of specific habitat requirements (Adamczak, 1999). In South Africa, Oribi are distributed within Mpumalanga, Gauteng, the North West, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape (Friedmann and Daly, 2004). Recent population estimates indicate that the tota ...
... distributed within this area as a result of specific habitat requirements (Adamczak, 1999). In South Africa, Oribi are distributed within Mpumalanga, Gauteng, the North West, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape (Friedmann and Daly, 2004). Recent population estimates indicate that the tota ...
New South Wales Commercial Kangaroo Harvest Management Plan
... In deciding whether to declare a plan, the Minister must also have regard to whether: a) legislation relating to the protection, conservation or management of the specimens to which the plan relates is in force in the State or Territory concerned b) the legislation applies throughout the State or Te ...
... In deciding whether to declare a plan, the Minister must also have regard to whether: a) legislation relating to the protection, conservation or management of the specimens to which the plan relates is in force in the State or Territory concerned b) the legislation applies throughout the State or Te ...
Snow Leopard Survival Strategy
... closely associated with the alpine and subalpine ecological zones, preferring broken, rocky terrain with vegetation that is dominated by shrubs or grasses. Home range ...
... closely associated with the alpine and subalpine ecological zones, preferring broken, rocky terrain with vegetation that is dominated by shrubs or grasses. Home range ...
Snow Leopard Survival Strategy
... closely associated with the alpine and subalpine ecological zones, preferring broken, rocky terrain with vegetation that is dominated by shrubs or grasses. Home range ...
... closely associated with the alpine and subalpine ecological zones, preferring broken, rocky terrain with vegetation that is dominated by shrubs or grasses. Home range ...
new south wales - Office of Environment and Heritage
... c) the plan includes management controls directed towards ensuring the impacts of the activities covered by the plan are ecologically sustainable d) the activities in the plan are not detrimental to the species to which the plan relates or any relevant ecosystem e) the plan includes measures to miti ...
... c) the plan includes management controls directed towards ensuring the impacts of the activities covered by the plan are ecologically sustainable d) the activities in the plan are not detrimental to the species to which the plan relates or any relevant ecosystem e) the plan includes measures to miti ...
now - Tapir Specialist Group
... Reserve (see a brief report on this study in the news section). I am also especially happy to communicate that we have been receiving a significant number of e-mail messages from researchers in Brazil, Peru, Guatemala, French Guyana, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Ecuador, countries where we haven’t had ...
... Reserve (see a brief report on this study in the news section). I am also especially happy to communicate that we have been receiving a significant number of e-mail messages from researchers in Brazil, Peru, Guatemala, French Guyana, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Ecuador, countries where we haven’t had ...
Steve Dunn Review of the Game Council C/ Department of Primary
... about ‘feral pests’, well that name describes ill-informed nuisance organisations such as the Invasive Species Council.” The Invasive Species Council's Tim Low came back with what must have been a frustratingly calm answer in a return media release: "In NSW state forests over the past two years, rec ...
... about ‘feral pests’, well that name describes ill-informed nuisance organisations such as the Invasive Species Council.” The Invasive Species Council's Tim Low came back with what must have been a frustratingly calm answer in a return media release: "In NSW state forests over the past two years, rec ...
World Wide Wolves
... were most likely “wolf-dog crosses with hybrid vigor.” By the early 19th century, only a few packs held out in remote areas in the French Alps. With the exception of Italy, Spain and Portugal, wolves were eliminated in all of western Europe by around 1955. British colonists in North America develope ...
... were most likely “wolf-dog crosses with hybrid vigor.” By the early 19th century, only a few packs held out in remote areas in the French Alps. With the exception of Italy, Spain and Portugal, wolves were eliminated in all of western Europe by around 1955. British colonists in North America develope ...
Recovery Plan for the Canada Lynx
... with prolonged deep snow and the amount of coniferous forest. Lynx forage in habitats that are suitable for hare (habitat with hardwood browse and softwood cover); and maternal dens are typically situated in habitat that includes coarse woody debris. During high points in population cycles lynx disp ...
... with prolonged deep snow and the amount of coniferous forest. Lynx forage in habitats that are suitable for hare (habitat with hardwood browse and softwood cover); and maternal dens are typically situated in habitat that includes coarse woody debris. During high points in population cycles lynx disp ...
factsheet caribou en
... also regional recovery teams in place in each of the eight provinces and territories that have responsibility for “boreal caribou.” Caribou are susceptible to and recover slowly from population declines because of their low rate of reproduction. The main factors leading to caribou declines are habit ...
... also regional recovery teams in place in each of the eight provinces and territories that have responsibility for “boreal caribou.” Caribou are susceptible to and recover slowly from population declines because of their low rate of reproduction. The main factors leading to caribou declines are habit ...
Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan
... certain specific conservation measures for the wolf. Both the petitions were rejected by the Commission, OCA’s because it lacked certain scientific information required by law and the other because state law does not require the requested conservation measures for species listed before ...
... certain specific conservation measures for the wolf. Both the petitions were rejected by the Commission, OCA’s because it lacked certain scientific information required by law and the other because state law does not require the requested conservation measures for species listed before ...
Schaus Swallowtail Butterfly
... for a successful butterfly population is not known, though viable wild populations have been noted over a 14-year period in areas as small as 4 ha (T. Emmel, University of Florida, personal communication 1998). Similarly, the optimum density of primary and secondary food plants is not known. ...
... for a successful butterfly population is not known, though viable wild populations have been noted over a 14-year period in areas as small as 4 ha (T. Emmel, University of Florida, personal communication 1998). Similarly, the optimum density of primary and secondary food plants is not known. ...
Wildlife crossing

Wildlife crossings are structures that allow animals to cross human-made barriers safely. Wildlife crossings may include: underpass tunnels, viaducts, and overpasses (mainly for large or herd-type animals); amphibian tunnels; fish ladders; tunnels and culverts (for small mammals such as otters, hedgehogs, and badgers); green roofs (for butterflies and birds).Wildlife crossings are a practice in habitat conservation, allowing connections or reconnections between habitats, combating habitat fragmentation. They also assist in avoiding collisions between vehicles and animals, which in addition to killing or injuring wildlife may cause injury to humans and property damage.Similar structures can be used for domesticated animals, such as cattle creeps.