PhD-thesis - bibsys brage
... sites can be difficult to perceive for animals because high mortality, or breeding failure, can occur due to population extrinsic factors that may be different from those of their evolutionary history (e.g. human hunting or pollution). The selection of low quality sites by animals can result in ecol ...
... sites can be difficult to perceive for animals because high mortality, or breeding failure, can occur due to population extrinsic factors that may be different from those of their evolutionary history (e.g. human hunting or pollution). The selection of low quality sites by animals can result in ecol ...
Snow Leopard Network
... The total area of suitable habitat within the region indicated by the range map is approximately 1,230,000 km2. The area of suitable snow leopard habitat for each country in which it occurs has been calculated on the basis of published estimates and range maps, and where only general range descripti ...
... The total area of suitable habitat within the region indicated by the range map is approximately 1,230,000 km2. The area of suitable snow leopard habitat for each country in which it occurs has been calculated on the basis of published estimates and range maps, and where only general range descripti ...
Distribution and Habitat Associations of Spotted Ratfish (Hydrolagus
... ratfish bycatch estimates may impede the BMP’s ability to effectively analyze the impacts of fishing on spotted ratfish (Pearson et al. 2008). The implementation of California’s Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) in 1999 presents a new perspective on the management of coastal ecosystems through ecosy ...
... ratfish bycatch estimates may impede the BMP’s ability to effectively analyze the impacts of fishing on spotted ratfish (Pearson et al. 2008). The implementation of California’s Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) in 1999 presents a new perspective on the management of coastal ecosystems through ecosy ...
Conservation Strategy Updated 3-16-17
... In 2006 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service responded to conservationists concerned that the population of NEC was declining. The Service reviewed the status of the species and the factors threatening it, and designated NEC as a “candidate” for listing under the federal Endangered Species Act. This C ...
... In 2006 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service responded to conservationists concerned that the population of NEC was declining. The Service reviewed the status of the species and the factors threatening it, and designated NEC as a “candidate” for listing under the federal Endangered Species Act. This C ...
Population ecology of Maasai giraffe - UoN Repository
... 2.1 Ecological and economic significance of wildlife in Africa.............................................................. 14 2.2 Climate change and its evidence in Kenya........................................................................................ 18 2.3 Potential impacts of climate var ...
... 2.1 Ecological and economic significance of wildlife in Africa.............................................................. 14 2.2 Climate change and its evidence in Kenya........................................................................................ 18 2.3 Potential impacts of climate var ...
Gopher Tortoise Facts
... 13. Fire suppression is another threat to the gopher tortoise, as regenerative fires are vital to their grassland habitat. 14. Male gopher tortoises will begin an attempt at courtship by bobbing their heads up and down repeatedly. ...
... 13. Fire suppression is another threat to the gopher tortoise, as regenerative fires are vital to their grassland habitat. 14. Male gopher tortoises will begin an attempt at courtship by bobbing their heads up and down repeatedly. ...
Exploring the causes of and mitigation options for human
... Cheetah Conservation Botswana (CCB) is responsible for the conception of the predator densities (Chapter 5), prey analysis (Chapter 6) and cheetah Acinonyx jubatus translocation studies (Chapter 8). Ann Marie Houser and Dr Vivien Kent on behalf of CCB designed the methodology for the 2007 spoor surv ...
... Cheetah Conservation Botswana (CCB) is responsible for the conception of the predator densities (Chapter 5), prey analysis (Chapter 6) and cheetah Acinonyx jubatus translocation studies (Chapter 8). Ann Marie Houser and Dr Vivien Kent on behalf of CCB designed the methodology for the 2007 spoor surv ...
Cumbria Species and Habitats Statements
... Bats require insect-rich habitats in which to feed. These can include woodlands, pasture, wetlands, gardens and parkland. Bats roost in a variety of situations, including bridges, tunnels, caves, mines, trees, bat boxes and a wide range of buildings (e.g. barns, churches, industrial and commercial b ...
... Bats require insect-rich habitats in which to feed. These can include woodlands, pasture, wetlands, gardens and parkland. Bats roost in a variety of situations, including bridges, tunnels, caves, mines, trees, bat boxes and a wide range of buildings (e.g. barns, churches, industrial and commercial b ...
Managing Rangelands to Benefit California Red
... Authority and LD Ford Rangeland Conservation Science for their financial support. We thank the following individuals and organizations: the Alameda County Resource Conservation District and Natural Resources Conservation Service for administrative and technical support; Virginia Guhin and Dr. Grey H ...
... Authority and LD Ford Rangeland Conservation Science for their financial support. We thank the following individuals and organizations: the Alameda County Resource Conservation District and Natural Resources Conservation Service for administrative and technical support; Virginia Guhin and Dr. Grey H ...
Swift Fox (Vulpes velox) - Registre public des espèces en péril
... Swift Foxes are opportunistic foragers that eat mammals, birds, insects, plants, and carrion, as well as bird eggs. Diet reflects the diversity and abundance of local prey species, and is highly seasonal. Swift Foxes either dig their own dens or modify those of other species. They are one of the mos ...
... Swift Foxes are opportunistic foragers that eat mammals, birds, insects, plants, and carrion, as well as bird eggs. Diet reflects the diversity and abundance of local prey species, and is highly seasonal. Swift Foxes either dig their own dens or modify those of other species. They are one of the mos ...
Mapping of the Human-Leopard Conflict (HLC) Areas and
... diverse fauna. Common leopard, snow leopard, musk deer, black bear, blue sheep are the main wild taxa distributed throughout its varied elevation from 2345m in the Satluj valley to 6416m. in the higher passes. In Kinnaur, the human population of nearly 80 thousands is scattered in 660 villages. Poac ...
... diverse fauna. Common leopard, snow leopard, musk deer, black bear, blue sheep are the main wild taxa distributed throughout its varied elevation from 2345m in the Satluj valley to 6416m. in the higher passes. In Kinnaur, the human population of nearly 80 thousands is scattered in 660 villages. Poac ...
Greater Sage-Grouse Response to Sagebrush Reduction
... changed over the last several decades in response to environmental and anthropogenic causes. Many land and wildlife management agencies have begun manipulating sagebrush with herbicides, machinery, and fire. The intent of these manipulations (treatments) is to reduce sagebrush canopy cover and incre ...
... changed over the last several decades in response to environmental and anthropogenic causes. Many land and wildlife management agencies have begun manipulating sagebrush with herbicides, machinery, and fire. The intent of these manipulations (treatments) is to reduce sagebrush canopy cover and incre ...
petitioned - American Public Power Association
... Since 2006 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that 5.7-6.7 million bats have died from the bat epidemic caused by white-nose syndrome (USFWS 2012). The primary native predators of night-flying insects in the eastern United States have thus not been available to remove the equivalent of nea ...
... Since 2006 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that 5.7-6.7 million bats have died from the bat epidemic caused by white-nose syndrome (USFWS 2012). The primary native predators of night-flying insects in the eastern United States have thus not been available to remove the equivalent of nea ...
here - WordPress.com
... Curator of Ornithology, Joseph Moore Natural History Museum and Teaching Assistant, Earlham College, Richmond, IN, 1988-1990 Dissertation Conflict over mate searching in fiddler crabs. University of California, San Diego, 1999. Committee: Vehrencamp SL (advisor), Bradbury JW, Dayton PK, Roy K, Crawf ...
... Curator of Ornithology, Joseph Moore Natural History Museum and Teaching Assistant, Earlham College, Richmond, IN, 1988-1990 Dissertation Conflict over mate searching in fiddler crabs. University of California, San Diego, 1999. Committee: Vehrencamp SL (advisor), Bradbury JW, Dayton PK, Roy K, Crawf ...
Ecological flexibility in a disturbed landscape
... highly isolated from other forests containing L. catta. L. catta in this reserve have access to abundant food and water resources year-round due to the introduction of non-native fruit trees and the construction of an artificial lake adjacent the reserve, which support a population density of L. cat ...
... highly isolated from other forests containing L. catta. L. catta in this reserve have access to abundant food and water resources year-round due to the introduction of non-native fruit trees and the construction of an artificial lake adjacent the reserve, which support a population density of L. cat ...
Recovery Strategy for the Dakota Skipper (Hesperia dacotae) in
... mid-June to late July. The peak flight season varies with spring weather conditions, but often occurs late-June or early-July. Adults live up to 4 weeks, and each female can produce up to 250 eggs in her lifetime. Once the eggs hatch, they go through six larval instars with a winter diapause at the ...
... mid-June to late July. The peak flight season varies with spring weather conditions, but often occurs late-June or early-July. Adults live up to 4 weeks, and each female can produce up to 250 eggs in her lifetime. Once the eggs hatch, they go through six larval instars with a winter diapause at the ...
Detection and Avoidance of Predators in White
... Coyote packs went on regular and extended outings during which they hunted deer. The entire outing was considered a hunt, during which a coyote pack could encounter several groups of deer or none at all. In a hunt, an average of 4.4 coyotes traveled at a fast walk, walking in-line, following a leade ...
... Coyote packs went on regular and extended outings during which they hunted deer. The entire outing was considered a hunt, during which a coyote pack could encounter several groups of deer or none at all. In a hunt, an average of 4.4 coyotes traveled at a fast walk, walking in-line, following a leade ...
abstracts layout - Carnivore Conservation
... Migratory species present a unique challenge for marine conservation. Their habitat is spatially dynamic therefore highly variable over time. Also, many migratory stocks are transboundary thus associated with complex policy scenarios. Understanding the spatial processes driving the distribution of t ...
... Migratory species present a unique challenge for marine conservation. Their habitat is spatially dynamic therefore highly variable over time. Also, many migratory stocks are transboundary thus associated with complex policy scenarios. Understanding the spatial processes driving the distribution of t ...
Babcock RCW Plan - Florida Department of Environmental Protection
... Conservation Commission, Florida Department of Forestry, and Lee and Charlotte Counties are technical advisors to Babcock Ranch Management. The six above entities, plus the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida, and the Florida Division of State Lands, form ...
... Conservation Commission, Florida Department of Forestry, and Lee and Charlotte Counties are technical advisors to Babcock Ranch Management. The six above entities, plus the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida, and the Florida Division of State Lands, form ...
Conservation of Wildlife Populations
... are applied. Because this is an applied book on population biology, it will not derive or prove theoretical premises, nor will it dwell on theory not directly applicable to management problems. There are already excellent books that cover basic ecology, theoretical and mathematical population biolog ...
... are applied. Because this is an applied book on population biology, it will not derive or prove theoretical premises, nor will it dwell on theory not directly applicable to management problems. There are already excellent books that cover basic ecology, theoretical and mathematical population biolog ...
backgrounder on wolf conservation in ontario
... bounties. Public opinion about wolves has changed in the last decades due to information that reveals their ecological role and an increased appreciation for the intrinsic value of these predators. More recently, there has been increasing public concern about the status of the gray and eastern wolve ...
... bounties. Public opinion about wolves has changed in the last decades due to information that reveals their ecological role and an increased appreciation for the intrinsic value of these predators. More recently, there has been increasing public concern about the status of the gray and eastern wolve ...
TB970 Forest Herbicide Effects on Pacific Northwest
... regeneration after timber harvest. In comparison to alternatives, use of herbicides to control vegetation has important ecological advantages with positive feedbacks to ecosystem sustainability and water quality. These advantages include avoiding effects of ground-based equipment on soil physical pr ...
... regeneration after timber harvest. In comparison to alternatives, use of herbicides to control vegetation has important ecological advantages with positive feedbacks to ecosystem sustainability and water quality. These advantages include avoiding effects of ground-based equipment on soil physical pr ...
Independent Study - incredible world
... Moose populations are not at risk in Canada. Moose population numbers mostly fluctuate in relation to food availability, disease, hunting pressure. Where predation and hunting are limited, moose numbers may increase to the point where food is inadequate. Under these conditions, many animals starve ...
... Moose populations are not at risk in Canada. Moose population numbers mostly fluctuate in relation to food availability, disease, hunting pressure. Where predation and hunting are limited, moose numbers may increase to the point where food is inadequate. Under these conditions, many animals starve ...
Grizzly Bear,Ursus arctos
... Newfoundland and Labrador, other than that generally afforded to wildlife. The Grizzly Bear population in Alberta was recently listed as Threatened under Alberta’s Wildlife Act (June 2010), which resulted in a ban on licensed hunting of the species in that province. The species was assessed as Sensi ...
... Newfoundland and Labrador, other than that generally afforded to wildlife. The Grizzly Bear population in Alberta was recently listed as Threatened under Alberta’s Wildlife Act (June 2010), which resulted in a ban on licensed hunting of the species in that province. The species was assessed as Sensi ...
Urban Wildlife Management Plan
... Yarra River has also been extensively realigned and widened and swamps have been drained and filled (City of Yarra 2008). The urbanisation surrounding the lower reaches of the Yarra River and its tributaries, have also lead to major hydrological changes including increased hard surfaces resulting in ...
... Yarra River has also been extensively realigned and widened and swamps have been drained and filled (City of Yarra 2008). The urbanisation surrounding the lower reaches of the Yarra River and its tributaries, have also lead to major hydrological changes including increased hard surfaces resulting in ...
Wildlife crossing

Wildlife crossings are structures that allow animals to cross human-made barriers safely. Wildlife crossings may include: underpass tunnels, viaducts, and overpasses (mainly for large or herd-type animals); amphibian tunnels; fish ladders; tunnels and culverts (for small mammals such as otters, hedgehogs, and badgers); green roofs (for butterflies and birds).Wildlife crossings are a practice in habitat conservation, allowing connections or reconnections between habitats, combating habitat fragmentation. They also assist in avoiding collisions between vehicles and animals, which in addition to killing or injuring wildlife may cause injury to humans and property damage.Similar structures can be used for domesticated animals, such as cattle creeps.