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--430 years from Abraham to the exodus. (Gal. 3:16-17, Ex. 12:40-41)
--The Hyksos kings who were the pharaohs in Egypt were kind to Joseph because they
both were related to Shem. After the Hyksos pharaoh’s were dethroned, a pharaoh
arose who didn’t know Joseph. (Ex. 1:8)
--The Pharoah was alarmed at the growth of the Israelite people and he determined to
crush them by cruel treatment and destruction of all male children. (Ex. 1:16)
--Concealed in a basket in the Nile river, Pharoah’s daughter discovered the baby boy
and called him “Moses” which means “drawn out of water.” She raised Moses as
her own son and trained him to be a ruler in Egypt. (Acts 7:22-23)
--Moses learned to read and write and was the author of the first 5 books of the Bible.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
--Moses lived in the palace for 40 years where God prepared him to be the deliverer
for the Israelites.
--At the age of 40, Moses killed an Egyptian who was harming an Israelite and
he fled from Egypt. (Acts 7:24-29)
--The Israelites didn’t understand that Moses as to be their leader. (Acts 7:24-25)
--Moses fled to Midian (Ex. 2:15) and was a shepherd there for 40 years. (Acts 7:30)
--God called Moses at the “burning bush” and told him he would be the leader of
the children of Israel. (Ex. 3:10)
--Before Israel’s deliverance was accomplished, God had to send ten national calamities
to overcome the obstinate refusal of Pharaoh. These are called the 10 Plagues of
Egypt. (Ex. 7:4)
--God poured out the ten plagues onto Egypt as punishments against the gods which the
Egyptian worshiped. The plagues showed that God is the all powerful, sovereign God
and these gods were powerless against Him. The Egyptians worshiped the Nile River,
the bull, the Pharoah’s family, frogs, insects, etc.
--Immediately after the death of the “firstborn in Egypt” the Passover was instituted as
a memorial of redemption for Israel. (Exodus 12:21-23)
--God instructed them to slay a lamb for each house, and to sprinkle the blood on the
doorposts of their dwellings. By this token the death angel was to recognize the homes
of the Hebrews, and they were to be “passed over” when he came to destroy the
firstborn in the land of Egypt. This was the last plague, and the Israelites left Egypt.
--(Exodus 12;30-31). There were about 3,000,000 Israelites that left Egypt.
-God opens the Red Sea and Israelites go safely through. (Ex. 14:21-22)
--The Israelites travel to Marah where God sweetened the bitter water (Ex. 15:22-25)
--They traveled to Elim, an oasis. (Ex. 15:27)
--At Rephidim, God provided manna and quail for the Israelites. (Ex. 16:12-15)
--It took the Israelites 3 months to travel from Egypt to Mt. Sinai and they pitched camp
(Ex. 19:1).
--The Israelites were at Mt. Sinai for 2 years 2 months and 20 days (Num. 10:11). During
this time at Mt. Sinai, Israel was:
1) given the Law (Ex. 19:8)
2) the feasts established (Ex. 12, 23, Lev. 23)
3) numbered and put into tribes (Numbers 1 and 2)
4) the tabernacle was erected where Israel worshipped the Lord.(Ex. 25-40)
5) animal sacrifices prescribed (Leviticus 1-27).
6) dietary laws given (Leviticus 11)
7) baptisms instituted (Num. 19:2,9-10,17-18,21)
--God’s purpose for Israel was that they were to be a light of salvation to the
Gentiles. (Is. 60:1-3)
The Law
God called Moses to the top of Mt. Sinai where He gave him the Mosaic Law for
Israel. In all, there were 616 laws in the Mosaic Law for Israel to follow.
--There are three parts to the Mosaic Law. 1) the Commandments (Ex. 20), the
Judgments (Ex. 21-23) and the Ordinances (Ex. 24-40). These laws were for the
MORAL, SOCIAL and RELIGIOUS life of Israel.
--The Mosaic Law was a CONDITIONAL COVENANT. This means that if Israel
obeyed, they would prosper, but IF they didn’t obey, they would be judged.
(Ex. 19:5-7). The Law continued until the Cross. Jesus was the only One who could
ever fulfill all of these laws perfectly and He nailed the Law to His Cross taking the
Law out of the way (Col. 2:14, Galatians 3:13).
The Tabernacle
--God told Moses to erect a Tabernacle, a place to worship the Lord. (Ex. 25:9)
--God also showed Moses the heavenly Tabernacle so they could construct it like the
Heavenly pattern Moses saw. (Heb. 8:5)
--When the Tabernacle was built, God filled the Tabernacle. (Ex. 40:34-35)