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Ancient Greece
c.495-429 BC
WHY HE MADE HISTORY Pericles was one
of the most influential statesmen of Ancient
Greece. Pericles is best remembered for
expanding democracy in Athens. So great was
his influence on Athens that his rule is often
called the'Age of Pericles."
you read the biography below, think about
how Pericles's sense of responsibility led him to
advance democracy and improve Athens.
Called "the greatest man in Athens," Pericles was
a popular and powerful statesman who led Athens
life in
, into the Golden Age. Pericles spent his
'service of Athens. He worked hard to make his city
the most beautiful and powerful state in Greece.
Pericles was born into a powerful family. He
began his life in politics around the age of 20 and
qirickly rose to importance in the Athenian
government. As the head of state, Pericles made
many reforms to help the people of Athens. He
created a salary system and a public payroll. This
was the first time elected officials were paid for their
work. Pericles also allowed common people to serve
in state offices. These improvements helped expand
democracy in Athens.
Under Pericles, Athenian art, science, and philosophy flourished. Pericles urged Athenians to use
money in the state treasury for two things-to
build a stronger naly and to beautifr Athens.
Pericles hired architects and sculptors to build and
decorate many public buildings in Athens. The
Parthenon, the Temple of Athena Nike, and the
Propylaea are a few of the structures built at this
time. These buildings made Athens a magnificent city.
by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
payroll a list of employees
and how much they are
a place where
Pericles, continued
In 431 BC, the Peloponnesian War began between
Sparta and Athens. As military commander, pericles
watched as Athens struggled in the war. By the end
of the first year of war, many Athenians had been
killed. Pericles gave a famous funeral oration for
those who had died. The speech appealed to the
Athenians' sense of patriotism and pride.
During the war, Pericles had the people from
surrounding areas abandon their homes and move
to Athens, where they would be safe behind the
city's walls. Although the people were safe, this
strategy allowed the Spartans to destroy much of
the land around Athens. This made many Athenians
angry with Pericles
In 430 BC, a plague broke out and manyAthenians
died. Because of these problems, Pericles began to
lose trust of the people, and he was removed from
office for a short while. Pericles returned to power,
put soon became ill from the plague and died. Athens
had lost its greatest statesman.
l; Analyzing How did
Pericles improve life in Athens?
2. sequencing Place the major events from pericles's life in the proper order.
5. Evaluating What do you think was Pericles's greatest accomplishment? Explain
your answer.
Imagine that you are a public official in Athens, receiving a salary for
the first time. Aside from money, what other things are important for
your job? choose one, and write a request letter to pericres. In your
letter, give an explanation as to how this would help other Athenians
who are working for the state.
Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Ancient Creece