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Unit 7 : Heredity
Students will deepen their understanding of the flow of genetic information as it is
passed from generation to generation by DNA in all organisms. They will investigate that
this genetic flow accounts for similarities in related individuals.
Fundamental Skills:
Standards Addressed
During Unit
Highlighted Nature of
Science Standards
Mendel’s Laws SC.912.L.16.1
Define a Problem -
Patterns of Inheritance –
Effects of Mutations SC.912.L.16.4
Mendel’s Laws
Patterns of Inheritance
Prior Learning Experiences:
genotype/phenotype – review of these terms is usually beneficial
Defining characteristics of theories and laws
Basic background on Mendel
Unpacking the Standards: What do we want students to Know, Understand and Do (KUD)
Laws & TheoriesSC.912.N.3.4
Unit 7: Heredity
Unit Essential Question: How can we predict what traits an individual will inherit?
SC.912.L.16.1 Use Mendel's laws of segregation and independent assortment to analyze patterns of inheritance.
SC.912.L.16.2 Discuss observed inheritance patterns caused by various modes of inheritance, including dominant, recessive,
codominant, sex-linked, polygenic, and multiple alleles.
SC.912.L.16.4 Explain how mutations in the DNA sequence may or may not result in phenotypic change. Explain how mutations in
gametes may result in phenotypic changes in offspring.
“Essential understandings,” or generalizations, represent ideas that are transferable to other contexts.
Predictable patterns can be seen in the inheritance of traits. These patterns can be modeled, monitored, and sometimes altered.
Declarative knowledge: Facts, vocabulary, information.
Procedural knowledge: Skills, strategies & processes that are transferrable to other
1. Mendel’s garden pea experiments demonstrate the use
of the scientific method.
2. Mendel’s work clarifies the differences between theories
and laws.
3. Genetic variation increases from mutations and
chromosome recombination.
4. Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent
assortment can be used to analyze patterns of
inheritance and make models.
5. Mutations in the DNA sequence may or may not result in
a phenotypic change in offspring.
1. Summarize the major steps in the scientific method in
relation to Mendel’s garden pea experiments.
2. Differentiate between theories and laws in relation to
Mendel’s Laws of Heredity.
3. Explain how genetic variation increases from mutations
and chromosome recombination.
4. Analyze and model patterns of inheritance using
Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent
Culminating Performance Task:
Suppose you are in training to be a genetic counselor. A married couple in their late twenties has been referred to you
because of their questions regarding the possibility of starting a family. Using the couple’s family history of various
disorders and traits, develop a medical report with visual display that details the probability of producing an offspring
certain traits. You will share the visual display with other counselors in training and receive feedback on your display.
Provide students with a variety of couples with different genetic traits to allow them to peer review each other
conclusions in a gallery walk.
Science Assessment Resources
Additional Resources
Biology EOC key terms
Pedigree Analysis – how to analyze pedigree charts
EOC Key terms are presented in glossary or flash card format
depending on your preference.
Biology Junction – general resource with multiple ideas
General Assessment Resource
EOC Success for Me Student and Teacher Resource page
Unit Deeper Learning Experiences
Scientific Argumentation or CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning):
Argument Driven Inquiry – Biology*
Lab 21: Models of Inheritance: Which Model of Inheritance Best
Explains How a Specific Trait Inherited in Fruit Flies? (Application Level)
Scientific Argumentation in Biology*
Activity 4: Fruit Fly Traits (Generate an Argument)
Activity 29: Misconception About Inheritance of Traits (Refutational
*HS received copies of these books in Fall 2014 & 2015
Blood Typing simulation/game
Unit G: Heredity
Grade Concept: Patterns of Inheritance
Score 4.0
Score 3.5
Score 3.0
Score 2.5
Score 2.0
Score 1.5
Sample Scale
In addition to Score 3.0, in-depth inferences and
applications that go beyond what was taught.
Sample Performance Tasks
Explain how and why certain individuals in a pedigree exhibit
specific characteristics.
Given an offspring outcome (percent, ratio, or fraction),
determine the parents’ genotype and phenotype and identify the
mode of inheritance.
I can do everything at a 3.0, and I can demonstrate partial success at score 4.0.
I can:
 Complete genetic problems determining the appropriate cross
and complete a Punnett square to predict outcome of the
 Can use Mendel's laws of segregation and independent
offspring for dominant/ recessive, sex-linked traits, incomplete
assortment to analyze patterns of inheritance.
and co dominance inheritance patterns.
 Can discuss observed inheritance patterns caused by
 Determine the genotype and phenotype of offspring using
various modes of inheritance, including dominant,
percentages, fractions or ratios.
recessive, codominant, sex-linked, polygenic, and
 Given two parental phenotypes or genotypes, use a Punnett
multiple alleles.
square to predict potential offspring outcomes for Mendelian,
incomplete, codominance, multiple alleles and sex-linked modes
of inheritance.
I can do everything at a 2.0, and I can demonstrate partial success at score 3.0.
I can:
 Read a genetic problem and complete a pre-labeled Punnett
square to predict outcome of the offspring.
 Can use a Punnett squares to predict outcomes of a
 Determine the genotype and phenotype of offspring using
monohybrid cross when given a genetic problem.
 Use a graphic organizer or concept map to differentiate between
 Can recall and use correctly such as homozygous,
the following word pairs—dominant/recessive,
heterozygous, genotype and phenotype
phenotype/genotype, homozygous/heterozygous—as well as the
meanings of the following modes of inheritance: co-dominance,
incomplete dominance, polygenic, sex-linked, and multiple
I can do everything at a 1.0, and I can demonstrate partial success at score 2.0.
Score 1.0
With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler
details and processes and some of the more complex ideas
and processes.
Key Learning: Use Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent assortment to analyze patterns of inheritance.
Concept: Mendel’s Laws
Driving Questions:
How did Mendel’s garden pea experiments
lead to the development of his laws of
Use Mendel's laws of segregation and independent
assortment to analyze patterns of inheritance.
This section also allows for a brief overview of flower
structure and function.
depend on its kinetic energy?
Student Investigations:
Investigating Genotype and Phenotype
Segregation, Genotype, phenotype, dominant,
recessive, allele, homozygous, heterozygous,
monohybrid, true-breeding, P, F1
Flower Dissection focusing on Reproductive
Structures of the plant can help students to
better understand Mendel’s experiment.
Students can look at both pollen and ovules
under the microscope. Lilies make excellent
models for the dissection due to visible
reproductive structures.
Sample Formative Assessment Task:
Suppose you are an avid gardener. One day,
you come across a plant with lavender
flowers. Knowing that the plant is selfpollinating, you harvest the seeds and plant
them. Of the 106 plants that grown from
the seeds, 31 have white flowers. Using a
Punnett square, draw conclusions about the
nature of the allele for lavender flowers.
(From Pearson Textbook 11.2 Assessment)
Student Text:
Textbook and other complex text sources
Student Misconceptions:
Deeper Learning Opportunities:
Gregor Mendel – Part of the 100 Greatest
Pearson Textbook Reference
Chapter 11, sections 1 &2
(Mendel, probability & punnett squares
When an organism has more than 10 fingers or
toes, the condition is known as polydactylism.
Although polydactylism is rare, it is a dominant
trait. If two cats that are heterozygous for
What’s On Your Genes?
polydactylism mate and have a litter with a total of
(ScienceNews for Students article about the 12 kittens, how many of them would you expect to
difference between genetic traits and
have more than 10 fingers or toes?
environmental factors impacting
Early History of Genetics Revised
(New light shed on “rediscovery” of
Mendel’s laws of heredity)
Series from the Science Channel (2 minutes)
Mendel’s Dreams Case Study
Popped Secret: The Mysterious Origin of Corn
Tendency To Hair Loss Inherited From the
Concord Consortium Geniverse Simulation
Tier II Interventions
Scenarios and practice problems are an important tool for students who are struggling to grasp this standard. Walking students through
genetics problems with a protocol helps them to identify the information that have and what they are being asked. Also an explanation of why
the punnett square is designed the way it is helps to make it more than a four box cube.
Key Learning: Discuss various patterns of inheritance and how genetic traits can be modeled in families..
Concept: Modeling Patterns of Inheritance
Use Mendel's laws of segregation and independent
assortment to analyze patterns of inheritance.
Driving Questions:
Sample Formative Assessment Task:
How are Mendel’s laws used to model patterns
of inheritance?
Identify the pattern of inheritance
shown in the pedigrees below.
What are the different types of inheritance?
How are traits traced through a family tree?
Discuss observed inheritance patterns caused by
various modes of inheritance, including dominant,
recessive, codominant, sex-linked, polygenic, and
multiple alleles.
Student Investigations:
Argument Driven Inquiry - Biology
Lab 20: Are All of Mr. Johnson’s Children His
Biological Offspring? (Application Level)
Sex-linked, polygenic, codominant, karyotype,
Punnett square, pedigree
Lab 21: Models of Inheritance: Which Model of
Inheritance Best Explains How a Specific Trait
Inherited in Fruit Flies? (Application Level)
Blood Typing Activity/lab
One Fly, Two Fly, Red Fly, Blue Fly
Student Text:
Textbook and other complex text
Pearson Textbook Reference
Chapter 11, section 3 (incomplete,
codominance, multiple alleles &
Student Misconceptions:
Deeper Learning Opportunities:
Given the information from the previous lesson, explain
how the diagrams below are possible.
Using Blood Tests to Identify Babies and
Family Health History
(Step by step directions of how to
develop a pedigree of your own family)
Chapter 14, section 1 – Human Heredity
(sex-linked & pedigrees)
The Truth About Blue Eyes
Polygenic Inheritance Activity
(flipping coins and collecting data for
skin tones)
Tier II Interventions
Non-Mendelian Genetics (incomplete, codominance, sex-linked)
Pedigree Analysis 1: How to solve a genetic pedigree
BIOLOGY EOC- Content Limits
Items referring to general dominant and recessive traits may address but will not assess the P and generations. F1
Items addressing dihybrid crosses or patterns that include codominance, incomplete dominance, multiple alleles, sexlinkage, or polygenic inheritance may assess the P and generations. F1