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Rise and Fall
the grandeur that was…
Rome Brought GrecoRoman culture to North
and West Europe
• Rome can be considered as the ancient
• Rome unified Europe, and was
responsible for the spread of GrecoRoman culture in Europe
• Rome laid the foundation for the Middle
Age European culture which will be the
shared culture/history of Europe
• Rome became the model for future
imperialistic ambitions
Chapter 13: New Wars and New
• What is the main story of this chapter?
• According to the author, what were the
Romans like?
• How did Rome begin its territorial
• Who are the Carthaginians? Who is
Hannibal? What happened between these
people and the Romans?
Rise of the republic
• The Romans subjugated the Etruscans
(the Myth of Lucretia and Tarquin)
• The Romans led a militaristic life
– “expand and exploit”
• The Romans established a republic
– A “king-less” government system
• But the Republic was still a system ruled
by the elite.
Early Republic
• The plebeians demanded reforms
• Rome felt threatened by Carthage
– Punic Wars (246-146 BCE)
– Hannibal
– Eventually led to the conquest of North Africa and
• Greece was annexed
• Carthaginians and Greeks were enslaved
Chapter 15: Rulers of the
Western World
• How did the Romans rule their empire?
• Why did the Romans develop “blind
devotion” to their generals and soldiers?
• Who is Marius and Sulla?
• Who is Julius Caesar? Why was he
Post-Punic Wars
• A period of chaos, political
struggles/violence, and slave
• Spartacus led a slave rebellion
(73-71 BCE)
• Gracchi brothers’ attempts at reforms
• First Triumvirate: Gaius Julius Caesar,
Marcus Crassus, and Gnaeus Pompey
tried to make political reforms
Julius Caesar
• “Veni, Vidi, Vici” – I came, I
saw, I conquered
• Conquered Gaul (France) and
Asia Minor
– Transformed North-West Europe
into a Roman province
• Revised the calendar into 12
months and 365 days, adding 1
day every 4 years
• Assassinated in the Senate
• Formed the Second Triumvirate (with
Mark Anthony and Lepidus) to
avenge Julius’s death
• Became the first Roman “emperor”
• Established the Roman Principate
• called himself “Augustus” meaning
“honored and majestic”
• He also adopted the name “Caesar”
which from then on became a title of
Chapter 17: Life in the Empire
and at its frontiers
• What were the benefits of living in the
Roman empire?
• Who became the biggest threat to the
Roman reign by 100 CE?
• How did Christianity become Rome’s
official religion?
Pax Romana
• A period of peace
(or political stability)
lasting for 200 years
• Caused by a series of good leaders
– Nerva started a practice of picking the “most
promising” young man instead of choosing a son or a
relative as successor
• Ended when Marcus Aurelius chose his son
Commodus as successor
Decline of Rome
Internal political instability
Lack of law of succession
Lack of constitutional means of reform
2. Indifference of larger population
Many were alienated and were not made part of the political life
3. The Slave System did not contribute to a stable economy
4. Constant barbaric threat
- Visigoths (Germanic tribes)
- Huns
- constant warfare led to migration of people and the
failure of economy
5. Lack of unifying “civic ideals”
Towards the Middle Ages
• Diocletian divided Rome into two
• Constantine converted to Christianity
• Eastern Roman
Empire became the
Byzantine Empire
• In 400 AD, West
Rome fell under the