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Efficient and Reliable Lock-Free Memory Reclamation
Based on Reference Counting
Anders Gidenstam, Marina Papatriantafilou, Håkan Sundell, Philippas Tsigas
Department of Computing Science
Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University
412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
E-mail: {andersg,ptrianta,phs,tsigas}
We present an efficient and practical lock-free implementation of a memory reclamation scheme based on reference
counting, aimed for use with arbitrary lock-free dynamic
data structures. The scheme guarantees the safety of local as well as global references, supports arbitrary memory
reuse, uses atomic primitives which are available in modern computer systems and provides an upper bound on the
memory prevented for reuse. To the best of our knowledge,
this is the first lock-free algorithm that provides all of these
properties. Experimental results indicate significant performance improvements for lock-free algorithms of dynamic
data structures that require strong garbage collection support.
1. Introduction
Memory management is essential for building dynamic concurrent data structures. Concurrent algorithms
for data structures and related memory management are
commonly based on mutual exclusion. However, mutual exclusion causes blocking and can consequently incur
serious problems as deadlocks, priority inversion or starvation. Researchers have addressed these problems by
introducing non-blocking synchronization algorithms,
which are not based on mutual exclusion. Lock-free algorithms are non-blocking, and guarantee that always at
least one operation can progress, independently of the actions taken by the concurrent operations. Wait-free [3] algorithms are lock-free, and moreover guarantee that all operations can finish in a finite number of their own steps, regardless of the actions taken by the concurrent operations.
The common consistency requirement for non-blocking algorithms is called linearizability [6].
In this paper we are focusing on practical and efficient
memory management in the context of lock-free dynamic
data structures. For an operation of an algorithm to be lockfree, all sub-operations must be at least lock-free. Consequently, lock-free dynamic data structures typically require
lock-free memory management. The memory management
problem is normally divided into the sub-problems of dynamic memory allocation versus garbage collection. Please
note that we in this paper interpret the notion of garbage
collection in a wider sense, to also include memory reclamation schemes that are guided by the applications. Moreover, as lock-free garbage collection implicitly and in a
de-centralized manner would involve all concurrent participants in the garbage detection and reclamation process, this
consequently rules out fully automatic garbage collection
schemes (e.g. as used in Java).
Valois as well as Michael and Scott [16, 12] presented a
lock-free memory allocation scheme for fixed-sized memory segments; this scheme has to be used in combination
with the corresponding garbage collection scheme. Lockfree memory allocation schemes for general use have been
presented by Michael [11] and Gidenstam et al. [2].
In the scope of lock-free garbage collection and memory
reclamation, Michael [9, 10] proposed the hazard pointer
algorithm that focuses on local references, and have been
shown to be highly efficient for compatible data structures.
A similar scheme has been proposed and patented by Herlihy et al. [5]; this scheme uses unbounded tags and is
based on the double-width CAS1 atomic primitive. As these
schemes only guarantee the safety of local pointers from the
threads, they cannot support arbitrary lock-free algorithms
that might require to always being able to trust global references (i.e. pointers from within the data structure) to objects. This constraint can be strong and restrictive, and may
force the algorithms to retry their traversals in the possibly large data structures, with resulting large performance
A compare-and-swap operation that can atomically update two adjacent memory words, which is available in some 32-bit and very few
64-bit architectures.
penalties that increase with the level of concurrency.
Garbage collection schemes that are based on reference
counting can guarantee the safety of global as well as local
references to objects. Valois et al. [16, 12] presented a lockfree reference counting scheme that can be implemented using available atomic primitives, though it is limited to be
used only with the corresponding algorithm for memory allocation. Detlefs et al. [1] presented a scheme that allows
also arbitrary reuse of reclaimed memory, but it is based on
DCAS2 . Herlihy et al. [4] presented and patented a modification of the previous scheme such that it only uses CAS
(compare-and-swap) for the reference counting part. However, this scheme relies on another scheme that itself requires double-width CAS. It has been identified in [12] that
reference counting techniques can potentially cause a reference from a thread to block (due to the ability of creating
recursive references) arbitrarily number of nodes from being reclaimed.
In the context of wait-free memory management, a waitfree extension of Valois’ scheme has been presented by Sundell [14]. Hesselink and Groote [7] have presented a waitfree memory management scheme that is restricted to the
specific problem of sharing tokens.
This paper combines the strength of reference counting with the efficiency of hazard pointers, with the aim
of keeping only the advantages of the involved techniques
while avoiding the respective drawbacks. Our new lock-free
memory reclamation scheme is lock-free and linearizable,
is compatible with arbitrary schemes for memory allocation, can be implemented using commonly available atomic
primitives, and guarantee the safety of local as well as
global references. We also show how to bound the amount
of unreclaimed memory that can be temporarily held by any
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we describe the type of systems that our implementation is aiming for. Section 3 describes the specifics of the
problem of garbage collection we are focusing on. The actual algorithm is described in Section 4. We conclude the
paper with Section 5.
2. System Description
Each node of the shared memory multi-processor system contains a processor together with its local memory.
All nodes are connected to the shared memory via an interconnection network. A set of co-operating tasks is running
on the system performing their respective operations. Each
task is sequentially executed on one of the processors, while
A double-word compare-and-swap operation that can atomically update two arbitrary memory words, which is not available on any modern architecture.
each processor can serve (run) many tasks at a time. The cooperating tasks, possibly running on different processors,
use shared data objects built in the shared memory to coordinate and communicate. Tasks synchronize their operations on the shared data objects through sub-operations on
top of a cache-coherent shared memory. The shared memory may not though be uniformly accessible for all nodes
in the system; processors can have different access times on
different parts of the memory.
The shared memory system should support atomic read
and write operations of single memory words, as well as
stronger atomic primitives for synchronization. In this paper we use the Fetch-And-Add (FAA) and the CompareAnd-Swap (CAS) atomic primitives. These read-modifywrite style of operations are available on most common architectures or can be easily derived from other synchronization primitives [13] [8].
3. Problem Description
In this paper we are aiming to solve the garbage collection problem in the context of dynamic lock-free data structures. Lock-free data structures typically consist of a set of
memory segments, called nodes that each contain arbitrary
data. These nodes are interconnected by referencing each
other in an arbitrary pattern. The references are typically
implemented by using pointers that can identify each individual node by the mean of memory addresses. Each node
may contain an arbitrary number of pointers, called links,
that reference other nodes. The operation to follow the referenced node through a link is called dereferencing. Some
nodes are typically always part of the data structure, all others nodes are part of the data structure when they are referenced by a node that itself is a part of the data structure. In a
dynamic and concurrent data structure, arbitrary nodes can
continuously and concurrently be added or removed from
the data structure. As systems have limited amount of memory, the occupied memory of these nodes needs to be dynamically allocated and reclaimed from/to the system.
In a sequential implementation of a data structure, the
memory of a node is typically explicitly reclaimed to the
system when the last reference to it has been removed, i.e.
when the node has been deleted. In a concurrent environment this should also include possible local references to a
node that any thread might have, as an access to the memory of a reclaimed node might be fatal to the correctness of
the data structure and/or the whole system. The logical unit
that correctly decides about reclaiming is called the garbage
collector and should thus have the following property:
Property 1 The garbage collector should only reclaim nodes that are not part of the data structure and
for which future access by any thread is not possible.
New algorithm
Detlefs et al. [1]
Herlihy et al. [5]
Herlihy et al. [4]
Michael [9, 10]
Valois et al. [16, 12]
Guarantees the
safety of shared
references (Property 5)
Bounded number of
unreclaimed deleted
nodes (Property 2)
No e
No e
No e
Compatible with
standard memory
allocators (Property 4)
Suffices with
No a
No b
No c
Yes d
The LFRC algorithm uses the double-word compare-and-swap (DCAS) atomic primitive.
The pass-the-buck (PTB) algorithm uses the double-width compare-and-swap atomic primitive.
The SLFRC algorithm is based on the pass-the-buck (PTB) algorithm, and thus uses double-width compare-and-swap.
The hazard pointer algorithm uses only atomic reads and writes.
These reference count-based schemes allow arbitrary long chains of deleted nodes that recursively reference each other to be created. In addition, deleted
nodes that cyclically reference each other (i.e. cyclic garbage) will be not be reclaimed ever.
Table 1. Properties of different approaches to non-blocking memory management.
It should also always be possible to predict the maximum amount of memory that is used by the data structure,
thus adding this requirement to the garbage collector:
Property 2 At any time, there should be an upper bound on
the number of nodes that is not part of the data structure,
but not yet reclaimed to the system.
In actual implementations of a garbage collector (GC)
these properties can be very hard to achieve, as local references to nodes might not be accessible globally (e.g. they
might be stored in processor registers). Therefore implementations of GC’s typically need to interact with the involved threads and put restrictions on the access to the
nodes, e.g. by providing special operations for dereferencing links and demanding that the data structure implementation explicitly calls the garbage collector when a node has
been deleted.
Moreover, as the underlying data structures of interest
are lock-free and typically also linearizable, the garbage
collector also has to guarantee these features:
Property 3 All operations of the garbage collector for
communication with the underlying data structure implementation should be lock-free and linearizable.
In order to minimize the whole system’s total amount of
occupied memory for the various data structures, we sometime would like to fulfill the following property:
Property 4 The memory that is reclaimed by the garbage
collector should be available for any arbitrary future reuse;
i.e. the garbage collector should be compatible with the system’s default memory allocator.
In a concurrent environment it might frequently occur
that a thread is holding a local reference to a node that has
been deleted (i.e. removed from the data structure) by some
other thread. In these cases it may be very useful for the
structure Node
mm_ref: integer /* Initially 0 */
mm_trace: boolean /* Initially false */
mm_del: boolean /* Initially false */
... /* Arbitrary user data and links follows */
link[NR_LINKS_NODE]: pointer to Node /* initially NULL */
Figure 1. The Node structure
first thread to be able to use the deleted node’s links, e.g. in
search procedures in large data structures:
Property 5 A thread that has a local reference to a node,
should also be able to dereference all of the links that are
contained in that node.
The new algorithm in this paper fulfills all of these properties in addition to the property of only using atomic primitives that are commonly available in modern systems. Table
1 shows a comparison of the fulfilled properties with previously presented lock-free garbage collection schemes. All
of the schemes fulfill properties 1 and 3, whereas only a
subset of the other properties is met by the previously presented schemes.
4. The New Lock-Free Algorithm
In order to fulfill all of the requested properties in Section
3 as well as providing an efficient and practical method, our
aim is to devise a reference counting method which can also
employ the hazard pointer (HP) scheme of Michael [9, 10].
Roughly speaking, hazard pointers are used to guarantee the
safety of local references and reference counts are used to
guarantee the safety of internal links in the data structure.
Thus, the reference count of each node should indicate the
number of globally accessible links that reference that node.
Figure 1 describes the node structure as it is used in our
algorithm. As in the HP scheme, each thread maintains a
list of nodes that are deleted but not yet reclaimed, and this
list is scanned for possible reclamation when its length has
reached a certain threshold (i.e. THRESHOLD_2). Some
of the deleted nodes might be prevented from reclamation
because of a fixed number of hazard pointers, while some
deleted nodes might be prevented because of a positive reference count adherent to links. Thus, it is important to keep
the number of references to deleted nodes from links to
a minimum. Before we continue with the techniques for
bounding the size of the deletion lists, we introduce an assumption about what could be required by the lock-free data
structure algorithm:
Assumption 1 For each of the links in a deleted node that
reference a deleted node, it should be possible to replace it
with a reference to an active node, with retained semantics
for any of the involved threads.
The intuition behind this assumption lays behind an observation why links of a deleted node should be useful to
dereference by a thread that has a local reference to it. The
thread with a local reference to a deleted node surely wants
to find an appropriate active node and therefore takes advantage of the links. If the corresponding reference also adheres to a deleted node, the previous step is repeated. From
the point of view of the thread of interest, it would not make
any difference if some other thread helped with the procedure and already made sure that the links of the deleted node
all references active node. The procedure of replacing the
links of a deleted node with references to active nodes is
called clean-up.
As described earlier, besides hazard pointers, nodes in
the deletion lists are possibly prevented from reclamation
by links in other deleted nodes. These nodes might be in
the same deletion list or in some other thread’s deletion list.
For this reason, all threads’ deletion lists are accessible for
reading by any thread. When the length of the deletion list
reaches a certain threshold (THRESHOLD_1) the thread
performs a clean-up of all the nodes in its deletion list. If all
of the nodes are still prevented from reclamation, this must
be due to nodes in some other thread’s deletion list, and
thus the thread tries to perform a clean-up of all the other
threads’ deletion lists as well. As this procedure is repeated
until the length of the deletion list is below the threshold,
the amount of deleted nodes that are not yet reclaimed is
bounded. The actual calculation of THRESHOLD_1 is described in Section 4.2. The threshold THRESHOLD_2 is
set according to the HP scheme and is less than or equal to
4.1. Application Programming Interface
Figure 2 describes the functions for safe handling of the
reference counted nodes.
/* Global variables */
HP[NR_THREADS][NR_INDICES]: pointer to Node;
DL_Nodes[NR_THREADS][THRESHOLD_1]: pointer to Node;
DL_Claims[NR_THREADS][THRESHOLD_1]: integer;
DL_Done[NR_THREADS][THRESHOLD_1]: boolean;
/* the above matrixes should be initialized to the values of
NULL, NULL, 0 respective false */
/* Local static variables */
threadId: integer; /* Unique and fixed number for each thread
between 0 and NR_THREADS-1 */
dlist: integer; /* Initially ⊥ */
dcount: integer; /* Initially 0 */
DL_Nexts[THRESHOLD_1]: integer;
/* Local temporary variables */
node, node1, node2, old: pointer to Node;
thread, index, new_dlist, new_dcount: integer;
plist: array of pointer to Node;
function DeRefLink(link:pointer to pointer to Node):
pointer to Node
D1 Choose index such that HP[threadId][index]=NULL
D2 while true do
node := *link;
HP[threadId][index] := node;
if *link = node then
return node;
procedure ReleaseRef(node:pointer to Node)
R1 Choose index such that HP[threadId][index]=node
R2 HP[threadId][index]:= NULL;
function CompareAndSwapRef(link:pointer to pointer to Node,
old: pointer to Node, node: pointer to Node): boolean
C1 if CAS(link,old,node) then
if node 6= NULL then
if old 6= NULL then FAA(&old.mm_ref,-1);
return true;
C7 return false;
procedure StoreRef(link:pointer to pointer to Node,
node: pointer to Node)
S1 old := *link;
S2 *link := node;
S3 if node 6= NULL then
S6 if old 6= NULL then FAA(&old.mm_ref,-1);
function NewNode : pointer to Node
NN1 node := Allocate the memory of node (e.g. using malloc)
NN2 node.mm_ref := 0;
NN3 node.mm_del := false;
NN4 Choose index such that HP[threadId][index]=NULL
NN5 HP[threadId][index] := node;
NN6 return node;
procedure DeleteNode(node:pointer to Node)
DN1 ReleaseRef(node);
DN2 node.mm_del := true; node.mm_trace := false;
DN3 Choose index such that DL_Nodes[threadId][index]=NULL
DN4 DL_Done[threadId][index]:=false;
DN5 DL_Nodes[threadId][index]:=node;
DN6 DL_Nexts[index]:=dlist;
DN7 dlist := index; dcount := dcount + 1;
DN8 while true do
if dcount = THRESHOLD_1 then CleanUpLocal();
if dcount ≥ THRESHOLD_2 then Scan();
if dcount = THRESHOLD_1 then CleanUpAll();
else break;
Figure 2. Reference counting functions
The function DeRefLink safely de-references a given
link, and sets a hazard pointer to the de-referenced node,
thus guaranteeing the future safety to access the returned
node. The procedure ReleaseRef should be called when a
given node will not be accessed by the current thread anymore. It will clear the corresponding hazard pointer.
To update a link for which there might be concurrent
updates to the link, the function CompareAndSwapRef
should be used, which gives result whether the update was
successful or not. The procedure will make sure that any
thread that calls DeRefLink on the link can safely do so,
if the thread has a hazard pointer reference to the node
which contains the link. The requirements are that the calling thread of CompareAndSwapRef should have a hazard pointer to the given node that should be stored.
To update a link for which there cannot be any concurrent updates the procedure StoreRef should be called. The
procedure will make sure that any thread that calls DeRefLink on the link can safely do so, if the thread has a hazard pointer reference to the node which contains the link.
The requirements are that the calling thread of StoreRef
should have a hazard pointer to the given node that should
be stored, and that no other thread will possibly write concurrently to the link (otherwise CompareAndSwapRef
should be invoked instead).
The function NewNode allocates a new node, sets a free
hazard pointer to it for guaranteeing the future safety for access, and then returns it. The procedure DeleteNode should
be called when a node is removed from the data structure
and which memory should be possible to reclaim for reuse.
The user operation that called DeleteNode is responsible
for removing all references to the deleted node from the active nodes in the data-structure. This is similar to what is required when using a memory allocator in a sequential datastructure. The memory manager will not reclaim the deleted
node until it is safe to do so.
Callbacks Figure 3 outlines the callbacks that have to be
defined by the designer of each specific data structure. The
procedure TerminateNode will make sure that none of the
links in the given node will have any claim on any other
node. TerminateNode is called on a deleted node when
there are no claims from any other node or thread to the
node. The procedure CleanUpNode will make sure that
all claimed references from the links of the given node will
only point to active nodes, thus removing redundant passages through an arbitrary number of deleted nodes.
Auxiliary Procedures Figure 4 describes auxiliary functions for internal use by the reference counting scheme.
The procedure Scan will search through all not yet reclaimed nodes deleted by this thread and reclaim only those
that does not have any matching hazard pointer and do not
have any counted references from any links inside of nodes.
procedure TerminateNode(node:pointer to Node,concurrent:boolean)
TN1 if not concurrent then
for all x where link[x] of node is reference-counted do
TN4 else
for all x where link[x] of node is reference-counted do
repeat node1 :=[x];
until CompareAndSwapRef(&[x],node1,NULL);
procedure CleanUpNode(node:pointer to Node)
CN1 for all x where link[x] of node is reference-counted do
if node1 6= NULL and node1.mm_del then
goto retry;
Figure 3. Callback functions
The procedure CleanUpLocal will try to remove redundant claimed references from links in deleted nodes that has
been deleted by this thread. The procedure CleanUpAll will
try to remove redundant claimed references from links in
deleted nodes that have been deleted by any thread.
4.2. Algorithm Correctness and Bounds on Unreclaimed Memory
Theorem 1 The algorithm implements a lock-free and linearizable scheme for garbage collection.
Theorem 2 For each thread pi the maximum number of
deleted but not reclaimed nodes in the dlist for pi is at most
N · (k + lmax + α + 1), where N is the number of threads in
the system, k is the number of hazard pointers per thread,
lmax is the maximum number of links a node can contain
and α is the maximum number of links in live nodes that
may transiently point to a deleted node. (The number depends on the application.)
Corollary 1 The cleanup threshold, THRESHOLD_1, used
by the algorithm should be set to N · (k + lmax + α + 1).
Corollary 2 The number of deleted but not yet reclaimed
nodes in the system is bounded from above by N 2 · (k +
lmax + α + 1)
Due to space restrictions, the corresponding proofs of the
above theorems are left to the full version of the paper.
5. Conclusions
To the best of our knowledge, we have presented the first
lock-free algorithmic implementation of a lock-free garbage
collection scheme based on reference counting that has all
the following features: i) guarantees the safety of local as
procedure CleanUpLocal()
CL1 index := dlist;
CL2 while index 6= ⊥ do
index := DL_Nexts[index];
procedure CleanUpAll()
CA1 for thread := 0 to NR_THREADS-1 do
for index := 0 to THRESHOLD_1-1 do
if node 6= NULL and not DL_Done[thread][index] then
if node = DL_Nodes[thread][index] then
procedure Scan()
SC1 index := dlist;
SC2 while index 6= ⊥ do
if node.mm_ref = 0 then
node.mm_trace := true;
if node.mm_ref 6= 0 then node.mm_trace := false;
index := DL_Nexts[index];
SC8 plist := ∅; new_dlist:=⊥; new_dcount:=0;
SC9 for thread := 0 to NR_THREADS-1 do
for index := 0 to NR_INDICES-1 do
node := HP[thread][index];
if node 6= NULL then
plist := plist + node;
SC14 Sort and remove duplicates in array plist
SC15 while dlist 6= ⊥ do
index := dlist;
dlist := DL_Nexts[index];
if node.mm_ref = 0 and node.mm_trace and node 6∈ plist then
if DL_Claims[threadId][index] = 0 then
Free the memory of node
new_dlist := index;
new_dcount := new_dcount + 1;
SC31 dlist := new_dlist;
SC32 dcount := new_dcount;
Figure 4. Internal functions.
well as global references, ii) provides an upper bound of
deleted but not yet reclaimed nodes, iii) is compatible with
arbitrary memory allocation schemes, and iv) uses atomic
primitives which are available in modern architectures.
We have performed experiments with applying the new
scheme on the lock-free deque algorithm by Sundell and
Tsigas [15]. Results indicate that our new lock-free garbage
collection scheme can significantly improve the performance and reliability of implementations of lock-free dynamic data structures that require the safety of global references. We believe that our implementation is a powerful
complement to Michael’s hazard pointer scheme in the aim
of designing highly efficient dynamic data structures.
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