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Bulk Entanglement Spectrum Reveals Quantum Criticality within a Topological State Liang Fu with Timothy Hsieh Workshop on “Topological Phases of Matter” Simons Center, Stony Brook, June 13, 2013 Outline Introduction: • • topological phase and topological phase transition quantum entanglement Bulk entanglement spectrum (BES): • • extensive spatial partition extract a type of topological phase transition from a wavefunction Tensor network: • Hsieh and LF, arXiv:1305.1949 thanks to Xiao-liang Qi analytical implementation of BES with Timothy Hsieh and Xiao-liang Qi, in progress thanks to Senthil Conventional Phases and Phase Transitions Spontaneous symmetry breaking: free energy paramagnet: <S>=0 ferromagnet: <S>≠0 • symmetry distinguishes ordered and disordered phases • order parameter is continuous and small near critical point order parameter Conventional Phases and Phase Transitions Spontaneous symmetry breaking: free energy paramagnet: <S>=0 ferromagnet: <S>≠0 • symmetry distinguishes ordered and disordered phases • order parameter is continuous and small near critical point Landau-Ginzburg paradigm: • • order-disorder transition: how order parameter develops critical phenomena from spatial/temporal fluctuations of order parameter order parameter Topological Phases broadly defined Examples: quantum Hall state (integer & fractional) spin liquid string-net state topological insulator Haldane chain SPT ... Common features: • • gapped state without symmetry breaking topological quantum numbers Topological Phases broadly defined Examples: Theoretical descriptions: quantum Hall state (integer & fractional) Chern-Simons field theory spin liquid discrete gauge theory string-net state string-net theory topological insulator topological band theory Haldane chain matrix product state SPT cohomology ... ... Common features: • • gapped state without symmetry breaking topological quantum numbers Implications for Topological Phase Transitions Examples: Theoretical descriptions: quantum Hall state (integer & fractional) Chern-Simons field theory spin liquid discrete gauge theory string-net state string-net theory topological insulator topological band theory Haldane chain matrix product state SPT cohomology ... ... Challenge #1: theories of topological phases usually do not presume a trivial state. (additional information about trivial state must be included) Implications for Topological Phase Transitions Examples: Theoretical descriptions: quantum Hall state (integer & fractional) Chern-Simons field theory spin liquid discrete gauge theory string-net state string-net theory topological insulator topological band theory Haldane chain matrix product state SPT cohomology ... ... Challenge #1: theories of topological phases usually do not presume a trivial state. (additional information about trivial state must be included) Challenge #2: phase transition to different trivial states => different critical theories. (e.g. a Z2 spin liquid can undergo topological phase transitions to either a magnetic state or a valence bond solid.) Read & Sachdev, 91; Moessner & Sondhi, 01 Implications for Topological Phase Transitions Examples: Theoretical descriptions: quantum Hall state (integer & fractional) Chern-Simons field theory spin liquid discrete gauge theory string-net state string-net theory topological insulator topological band theory Haldane chain matrix product state SPT cohomology ... ... Challenge #1: theories of topological phases usually do not presume a trivial state. (additional information about trivial state must be included) Challenge #2: phase transition to different trivial states => different critical theories. (e.g. a Z2 spin liquid can undergo topological phase transitions to either a magnetic state or a valence bond solid.) Is there anything generic about topological phase transitions? A Type of Topological Phase Transition Since a topological state is distinct from a direct product state, there is a canonical way to realize a topological phase transition: Cutting the system into disconnected blocks H= �� i λ=1 Hi,i+n n i: sites n: range of interactions H= � HR + λ R R: blocks � HR,R+1 λc : topological phase transition subject of this talk λ=0 R Example: phase transition from v=1/3 fractional quantum Hall to band insulator induced by external periodic potential Wen & Wu, 93; Chen, Fisher & Wu, 93 Entanglement Spectrum Topological Order and Quantum Entanglement Ground state |Ψ� All about ground state A B ρA = TrB |Ψ��Ψ| ρA = Tr B |Ψ��Ψ| ≡ e −HA S(ρA ) = −TrρA log ρA entanglement entropy: Entanglement Hamiltonian HA with entanglement spectrum {ξi } S(ρA ) = αL − γ topological entanglement entropy reduced density matrix: (area law) related to quantum dimension Levin & Wen, Kitaev & Preskill, 06 In addition, entanglement entropy encodes information on quasi-particle statistics and spin. Zhang, Grover, Turner, Oshikawa &Vishwanath, 12 Tu, Zhang & Qi, arXiv, 12 Tim Hsieh Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) Entanglement Spectrum Topological Order and Quantum Entanglement Ground state |Ψ� All about ground state A B reduced density matrix: ρA = TrB |Ψ��Ψ| ≡ e−HA entanglement spectrum: the full set of eigenvalues {ξi} of “entanglement Hamiltonian” HA ρA = Tr B |Ψ��Ψ| ≡ e −HA Entanglement Hamiltonian HA with entanglement spectrum {ξi } • contains at least as much information as entanglement entropy S(ρA ) = � ξi e−ξi resembles thermal average of “energy” at T=1 i • generally contains more information (universal and non-universal) Li & Haldane, 08 Tim Hsieh Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) Entanglement Spectrum and Edge States Spectrum Ψ� left-right spatial partition A B ρA = Tr B |Ψ��Ψ| ≡ e −HA For topological phases with gapless edge states, entanglement spectrum resembles Li & Haldane; Bernevig, Regnault et al; Dubail & Read; Yao & Qi edge-state Hamiltonian Hspectrum. with entanglement spectrum {ξi } A • low-lying entanglement spectra correspond to edge excitations • boundary-local nature of quantum entanglement Qi, Katsura & Ludwig Swingle & Senthil Entanglement Spectrum and Edge States Spectrum Ψ� left-right spatial partition A B ρA = Tr B |Ψ��Ψ| ≡ e −HA good for studying the edge, not for the bulk For topological phases with gapless edge states, entanglement spectrum resembles Li & Haldane; Bernevig, Regnault et al; Dubail & Read; Yao & Qi edge-state Hamiltonian Hspectrum. with entanglement spectrum {ξi } A • low-lying entanglement spectra correspond to edge excitations • boundary-local nature of quantum entanglement Qi, Katsura & Ludwig Swingle & Senthil Extensive Partition and Bulk Entanglement ρA = TrB |Ψ��Ψ| ≡ e−HA A: grey region B: white region Partition is extensive in ALL directions Working hypothesis: HA is a bulk, local Hamiltonian, with bulk entanglement spectrum (BES) and bulk entanglement states defined on A Extensive Partition and Bulk Entanglement ρA = TrB |Ψ��Ψ| ≡ e−HA A: grey region B: white region Partition is extensive in ALL directions what do we learn about the bulk? Working hypothesis: HA is a bulk, local Hamiltonian, with bulk entanglement spectrum (BES) and bulk entanglement states defined on A Extensive Partition and Bulk Entanglement ρA = TrB |Ψ��Ψ| ≡ e−HA A: grey region B: white region Partition is extensive in ALL directions what do we learn about the bulk? Working hypothesis: H is a bulk, local Hamiltonian, with bulk entanglement spectrum topological phase (BES) and bulk entanglement states defined on Atransition A Begin with groundTuning statethe |Ψ�Partition with C = 1, denoting top nontrivial order. Below, CA = 1 indicates that the gro Entanglement Hamiltonian H undergoes a topological phase transition as we tune HAgeometry has ofnontrivial order. partition (with fixed periodicity L) between two extremely asymmetric limit. A L A !"#$% !"#$% !"#$& Begin with groundTuning statethe |Ψ�Partition with C = 1, denoting top nontrivial order. Below, CA = 1 indicates that the gro Entanglement Hamiltonian H undergoes a topological phase transition as we tune HAgeometry has ofnontrivial order. partition (with fixed periodicity L) between two extremely asymmetric limit. A L A A !"#$% !"#$% Argument: • !"#$% !"#$% !"#$& !"#$& require L>correlation length spectrum of HA is gapped in the two extreme limit: (islands are far apart & finite # of degrees of freedom per island) • • ground state of HA is topologically ordered in one limit; trivial in the other discreteness of topological order implies a gap-closing phase transition in between. Begin with groundTuning statethe |Ψ�Partition with C = 1, denoting top nontrivial order. Below, CA = 1 indicates that the gro Entanglement Hamiltonian H undergoes a topological phase transition as we tune HAgeometry has ofnontrivial order. partition (with fixed periodicity L) between two extremely asymmetric limit. A L A A !"#$% !"#$% Argument: • • • !"#$% !"#$% !"#$& !"#$& require L>correlation length Accessing topological phase transition from (islands are far apart & finite # of degrees of freedom per island) a single ground state wavefunction ground state of H is topologically ordered in one limit; trivial in the other spectrum of HA is gapped in the two extreme limit: A discreteness of topological order implies a gap-closing phase transition in between. in with ground state |Ψ� with C = 1, denoting topologically trivial order. Below, CA = 1 indicates that the ground state o Phase Transition Point has nontrivial order. A B We argue that for “typical” !"#$& !"#$% !"#$% topological states, at a symmetric partition (A and B related by translation or reflection etc), HA must be gapless. !"#$& ning geometry realizes topological phase transition! mmetric partition must yield gapless BES for irreducible C . (n to satisfy CA = CB and irreducibility) Spectrum in withEntanglement ground state |Ψ� with C = 1, denoting topologically GroundBelow, state |Ψ� CA = 1 indicates that the ground state o trivial order. Phase Transition Point has nontrivial order. A B Step 1: A Conjecture A B ρA = Tr B |Ψ��Ψ| ≡ e −HA Step 1: A Conjecture Entanglement Hamiltonian HBES A with entanglement spectrum {ξi } !"#$& We argue that for “typical” !"#$& !"#$% !"#$% topological states, at a symmetric partition decomposition (A and B Schmidt related by translation or reflection etc), HA must be gapless. H � A ξ − 2i HB |Ψ� = e |ψi �A ⊗ |ψ̃ Schmidt decomposition: i �B ning geometry realizes topological phase transition! i If BES is gapped, the largest-weight state |ψ � ⊗ |ψ̃ � in the Schmidt decomposition possesses same topological When bulk entanglement spectrum is gapped, we expect that thethe largest-weight state order as BES possesses the same topological order as |Ψ�. the Tim original state Hsieh ground Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) ht state |ψ0 �A ⊗ |ψ̃0 �B in the he same topological order as 0 A 0 B mmetric partition must yield gapless BES for irreducible C . (n Typical topological orders cannot be equally divided into two. to satisfy CA = CB and irreducibility) As such, HA is gapless at symmetric partition. Tim Hsieh HA HB Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) Spectrum in withEntanglement ground state |Ψ� with C = 1, denoting topologically GroundBelow, state |Ψ� CA = 1 indicates that the ground state o trivial order. Phase Transition Point has nontrivial order. A B Step 1: A Conjecture A B ρA = Tr B |Ψ��Ψ| ≡ e −HA Step 1: A Conjecture Entanglement Hamiltonian HBES A with entanglement spectrum {ξi } !"#$& We argue that for “typical” !"#$& !"#$% !"#$% topological states, at a symmetric partition decomposition (A and B Schmidt related by translation or reflection etc), HA must be gapless. H � A ξ − 2i HB |Ψ� = e |ψi �A ⊗ |ψ̃ Schmidt decomposition: i �B ning geometry realizes topological phase transition! i If BES is gapped, the largest-weight state |ψ � ⊗ |ψ̃ � in the Schmidt decomposition possesses same topological When bulk entanglement spectrum is gapped, we expect that thethe largest-weight state order as BES possesses the same topological order as |Ψ�. the Tim original state Hsieh ground Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) ht state |ψ0 �A ⊗ |ψ̃0 �B in the he same topological order as 0 A 0 B mmetric Phase partition must from yield agapless BES for irreducible C . (n transition single ground state at a Typical topological orders cannot be equally divided into two. to satisfy CA =partition, CB and no irreducibility) symmetric need to tune to criticality As such, HA is gapless at symmetric partition. Tim Hsieh HA HB Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) Application to Chern Insulator Application to Chern Insulator � of Free Chern Insulator H = Hamiltonian H c c fermion H is also free fermion. Peschel BES of system: Chernentanglement Insulator † ij i j A �ij� SquareBES latticeof model: = (cos kx + cos ky − µ)σz + sin kx σx + sin ky σy , Chern H(k) Insulator Chern number =1 for 0<µ<2 When 0 < µ < 2, ground state has Chern number C = 1. BES Free fermion system → entanglement Hamiltonian also free BES BES fermion A (Peschel) A A A A A A A A 0 0 0 Tim Hsieh Г Г Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) X X Г M M Г X Г M Г BES is linearly dispersing near Γ : 2D Dirac fermion • BES is linearly at symmetric partition,partition, bulk entanglement spectrum = network of dispersing edge At symmetric entanglement edge modes percolate a la states: edge-state percolation => “entanglement percolation”. Chalker-Coddington network model. • • asymmetric partition:partition, gapped At symmetric near Γ entanglement edge modes percolate a la Chern number =2: can be gapped at symmetric Chalker-Coddington network model. partition. Plateau transition indeed Tim Hsieh Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) described by Dirac Hamiltonian. Application to Tensor Network States • Tensor network: economical representation of ground state States Matrix (MPS) Product (MPS) describes aStates large class of non-chiral topological phases duct States (MPS) recently developed for quantum Hall states β σ sor Tαβ S σ σ Tensor Tαβ α MPS σ�σ 1 1 ...σ σ σNN |ψ� σ α β ≡ Tr (T σ1 ...T σN ) � ≡N |ψ� Tr (T ) N) ..σ ≡ Tr...T (T 1 ...T wavefunction: ψ= ψ =ψ = Tim Hsieh σ σ: physical degrees of freedom σ β Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) Tim Hsieh Xie, Gu & Wen Verstraete Levin & Wen Zalatel & Mong Regnault & Bernevig ɑ,β: αauxiliary β degrees of freedom ψ(σ1 , σ2 , ...σN ) = Tr(T σ1 ...T σN ) Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) Application to Tensor Network States • Tensor network state: economical representation of ground state States Matrix (MPS) Product (MPS) describes aStates large class of non-chiral topological phases duct States (MPS) recently developed for quantum Hall states Xie, Gu & Wen Verstraete Levin & Wen Zalatel & Mong Regnault & Bernevig uct States (MPS) σ Tensor Tαβ β σ sor Tαβ or S σ α MPS σ Tαβ σ�σ 1 1 ...σ σ σNN |ψ� σ σ1 σ α α ɑ,β: αauxiliary β degrees of freedom βσ β ≡ Tr (T ...T � ≡N |ψ� Tr (T ) N) ..σ ≡ Tr...T (T 1 ...T wavefunction: σ σ: physical degrees of freedom Matrix Product States (MPS) σN ψ =ψ = β ) σ Tensor Tαβ ψ= ψ(σ1 , σ2 , ...σN ) = Tr(T σ1 ...T σN ) α σN |ψ� ≡ Tr (T σ1 ...T σN ) MPS ψ= � σB • σ �σ1 ...σN |ψ� ≡ Tr (T σ1 ...T σN ) Tensor network approach to bulk entanglement ψ= �σB |ψ��ψ|σB � B B ρA = � σB Tim Hsieh Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) Tim Hsieh Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) �σB |ψ��ψ|σB � β From Entanglement Hamiltonian to Partition Function Partition Function of Entanglement Hamiltonian Partition Function of Entanglement Hamiltonian Partition function of HA = tensor network in one higher dimension: Z = tr (e −βHA )= β tr (ρA ) −βHA tr ∞ (e β = 1/N,ZN=→ )= B A β tr (ρA ) A B A periodic boundary condition in β direction • mapping from d-dimensional quantum criticality at topological phase transition to (d+1)-dimensional classical statistical mechanics • tensor indices involve both physical and auxiliary degrees of freedom Tim Hsieh B Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) B A B B From Entanglement Hamiltonian to Partition Function Partition Function of Entanglement Hamiltonian Partition Function of Entanglement Hamiltonian β ) = tr (ρA ) Partition function of HA = tensor network in one higher dimension: −βHA Z = tr (e −βHA )= β tr (ρA ) −βHA tr ∞ (e β = 1/N,ZN=→ )= B A β tr (ρA ) A B A ange perspective from physical to virtual degrees of B periodic boundary condition in β direction • Change perspective from physical to auxiliary degrees of freedom: aluatewillbuilding block want to evaluate building block, to eliminate physical degrees of freedom γ δ α β = Tim Hsieh Tim Hsieh Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) B B A B Topological Phase Transition: Auxiliary Becomes Real Quantum to Classical Mapping • auxiliary degrees of freedom in tensor network representation of ground state become actors at topological phase transition • tensor in ground state determines criticality at the transition Tim Hsieh Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) Example: Spin-1 Chain Spin-1 Chain with Spin-1 AKLTChain MPS as representative Spin-1 Haldane phase, with AKLT MPS asChain representative Haldane chain: a symmetry-protected topological phase � � � � (Gu & Wen; Pollmann, Berg, Turner & Oshikawa) Haldane phase, with AKLT MPS as +representative 2 + 0 Haldane 1 z phase, with2 AKLT MPS as represen − − 2 Spin-1 1 2 √ T = σ , T = − σ , T = − σ Chain + 0 z − −� � � 3 3 3 √ σ •, T = − σ , T = − σ 2 1 2 + 0 zof AKLT − − matrix product stateσ + representation wavefunction 2 + 0 1 z − + √ T = , T = − σ , T = − σ 3 Haldane 3 3 3AKLT MPS √ phase, with as representative σ ,T = − σ ,T = Physical:3 spin-1. Virtual:3 spin-1/2. T = 3 � � 2 Virtual: 1 z − 2 − Physical: spin-1. spin-1/2. T+ = σ + , T 0 = Trace − √ σout , Tevery =− σ N spins. 3 3 3 Trace out everyVirtual: N spins. Physical: spin-1. spin-1/2. Virtual: spin-1/2. Physical: spin-1. Virtual: spin-1/2. { N columns γ β γ δ α β N columns � � 1 δ N Bγδ,αβ = 1 − − � � 3 � �N � �N α N β 1 1 BNγδ,αβ = 1− − I+ − P, columns P is 3projection onto3singlet. { { • symmetric partition: trace outγ every Nδ spins N spins. α 3 �N � � 1 I+ − 3 �N P, Odd N: FM interaction; Even N: AFM interaction P is projection onto singlet. Tim Hsieh Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) Odd N: FM interaction; Even N: AFM interaction Tim Hsieh Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) Tim Hsieh Tim Hsieh Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) Bulk Entanglem Large-N Limit in 1D Topological States Large-N (Limit ) ( N Bγδ,αβ B ) ( �N � � = � ∞ 1 N (− 13 )N P ≈ I + (− ) P ≈ e 3 � 1 1− − 3 1 I+ − 3 ) �N P Using e A e B ≈ e A+B for small A, B, ≈ tr (e −β H̃ ) 1 N� H̃ ≡ −(− ) Pi,i+1 . 3 Z i • • trace out large blocks: weak interactions among auxiliary degrees of freedom Tim Hsieh Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) directly extract entanglement Hamiltonian from tensor network Quantum-Classical Quantum to Classical Mapping Mapping B N for even N maps to ‘six-vertex’ model with vertex Vklij = δki δlj + λδli δkj → 4-state Potts model → continuum theory level-1 SU(2) WZW (Affleck 1985) (thanks to Senthil) alternating bond strength undergoes a • Indeed, Haldane chain with Tim Hsieh Bulk Entanglement Spectrum (BES) phase transition described by SU(2)1 WZW Summary/Outlook • bulk entanglement spectrum from extensive spatial partition probes a type of topological phase transition, using a single wavefunction without tuning. • tensor network approach: lattice implementation of quantum criticality Summary/Outlook ase transition by either tuning geometry of bulk entanglement spectrum from extensive spatial partition probes a type ment • temperature % of topological phase transition, using a single wavefunction without tuning. • tensor network approach: lattice implementation of quantum criticality '()$% Why this works? B topological phase transition as “entanglement percolation” generic topological state encodes fluctuations towards a trivial state '()$* '()$* Summary/Outlook • bulk entanglement spectrum from extensive spatial partition probes a type of topological phase transition, using a single wavefunction without tuning. • tensor network approach: lattice implementation of quantum criticality Ongoing and future work: • tensor renormalization group • application to 2D topological and SPT phases • bulk entanglement spectrum with translation symmetry levin & Nave, Gu & Wen .... Phase Transition via Entanglement Temperature Phase Transition via Entanglement Temperature '()$% !"#$% A '()$% B '()$* '()$% !"&$% '()$* Fix the Hilbert space: As ≡ A at symmetric partition. � −H � −1 −H /T A A At asymmetric partition, ρ = e →ρ =Z e '()$*