Download Entanglement via the Quantum Zeno Effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100

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K. Härkönen1 , F. Plastina2 , K.-A. Suominen1 , and S. Maniscalco1
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland
Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, & INFN - Gruppo collegato di Cosenza,
87036 Arcavacata di Rende (CS) Italy
email: [email protected]
Theoretical calculations have shown that it is possible to produce entanglement between
two atoms residing in a cavity resonator [1]. The most prominent experimental setup to
utilize the idea is considered to be a combination of precisely controllable trapped ions
and an optical cavity (e.g. [2]). We study the effect of the inevitable atomic spontaneous
emissions and cavity photon losses to the dynamics and look for realistic alternatives to
enhance the entanglement production.
Figure 1: Simplified view of the problem in hand. Two ions are trapped inside a cavity
resonator (grey blocks indicate the mirrors). The isolated ions interact coherently via the
cavity photon mode. This induces entanglement between the atomic quantum states.
[1] S. Maniscalco, F. Francica, R. L. Zaffino, N. Lo Gullo, and F. Plastina, Protecting
Entanglement via the Quantum Zeno Effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 090503 (2008).
[2] G. R. Guthöhrlein, M. Keller, K. Hayasaka, W. Lange, and H. Walther, A single ion
as a nanoscopic probe of an optical field, Nature 414, 49 (2001).