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From: Chemical Modification of Proteins. Gary E. Means and Robert E. Feeney. Holden-Day,
Inc. San Francisco, 1971 pp. 225-226
Phenolic groups of tyrosine residues are important structural and functional
components of most proteins. They are subject to a large number of chemical
modification procedures. The phenolic hydroxyl group is susceptible to modification by
many acylating and alkylating agents. The aromatic ring is susceptible to attack and
substitution by a number of electrophilic reagents. Both types of reactions become more
rapid at higher pH’s, where the phenolic group is increasingly more ionized. In most
cases, modification of phenolic groups is readily quantitated, because most modifications
result in a distinctive change in absorbance.
Reaction with N-Acetylimidazole. The most useful procedure for modification of
phenolic hydroxyl groups is that first described by Riordan et al. (1965) using Nacetylimidazole to effect their acetylation (see Section 5-1):
The protein in 0.05 M sodium borate, or 0.02 M veronal, buffer at pH 7.5 is treated with approximately a
60-fold molar excess of N-acetylimidazole. The solution after conclusin of the reaction is dialyzed or
subjected to gel filtration to separate the protein from low-molecular-weight components of the solution.
To avoid deacetylation of the phenolic groups, the pH of the solution should not exceed 8. The extent of
reaction can be determined from the change in absorbance using 278 = 1160 M-1 cm-1, or by the
hydroxamate procedure of Balls and Wood (1956). Acetylation of amino groups, which also frequently
occurs upon such treatment, can be detected by determining the number of such groups remaining as
compared to unmodified protein (see Section 4-1).
Iodination of phenolic groups has been one of the most useful protein
modification techniques. The reaction conditions as well as the reagent itself are subject
to great variation (see Section 9-1). The following procedure of Azari and Feeney (1961)
for the iodination of chicken conalbumin with KI3 is suitable for extensive iodination of
most proteins (for less extensive reaction, less reagent should be used):
The protein is dissolved in 0.1 M borate buffer (pH 9.5) and chilled to 1-2C. A chilled 0.05 M solution of
iodine in 0.24 M KI is added, and the solution is incubated for about 15 minutes. The amount of iodine
added is that required to convert all tyrosine to diiodotyrosine (tyrosine + 2 I 2  diiodotyrosine + 2 I).
The progress of the reaction can be followed from the decrease in intensity of the reddish-brown to yellow
color of the reagent, and a few drops of 1.0 M NaHSO3 can be added to stop it at any time. The
modification of tyrosine can be estimated by the spectrophotometric procedure of Edelhoch (1962). Total
iodine incorporated can be determined by standard iodide analysis following alkali-metal fusion.
Nitration with Tetranitromethane. An important recently developed procedure for
ring substitution of phenolic groups is that of Sokolovsky et al. (1966) for nitration with
The reaction is normally carried out in 0.05 M Tris buffer (pH 8.0) at room temperature. Aliquots of the
reagent, 0.84 M in 95% ethanol, are added and the reaction allowed to proceed for about 30 minutes. The
amount of reagent required will vary with different proteins and with extent of modification desired. A 64fold excess of tetranitromethane over carboxypeptidase A gave modification of 6.7 of the 19 phenolic
groups. Gel filtration or dialysis can be used to separate the protein from the reaction solution. The
nitrotyrosyl residues are stable and can be readily quantitated from their absorbance (see Section 9-2) or by
amino acid analysis after acid hydrolysis. A useful further modification is the reduction of the nitro groups
to amino groups (see Section 9-2).
Riordan, J.F., W.E.C. Wacker, and B.L. Vallee (1965): Biochemistry, 4, 1758.
Balls, A.K., and H.N. Wood (1956): J. Biol. Chem., 219, 245.
Azari, P.R., and R.E. Feeney (1961): Arch Biochem. Biophys., 92, 44.
Sokolovsky, M., J.F. Riordan, and B. L. Vallee (1966): Biochemistry, 5, 3582.